2009-04-19 20:54:11 +00:00

33 lines
735 B

# OpenRC Makefile
# Copyright 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
# All rights reserved. Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
NAME= openrc
VERSION= 0.4.3
SUBDIR= conf.d etc init.d man sh src
# Build our old net foo or not
_OLDNET_SH= case "${MKOLDNET}" in \
[Yy][Ee][Ss]) echo "net doc";; \
*) echo "";; \
SUBDIR+= ${_OLDNET}$(shell ${_OLDNET_SH})
# We need to ensure that runlevels is done last
SUBDIR+= runlevels
INSTALLAFTER= _installafter
MK= mk
include ${MK}/sys.mk
include ${MK}/os.mk
include ${MK}/subdir.mk
include ${MK}/dist.mk
${INSTALL} -d ${DESTDIR}/${PREFIX}/${RC_LIB}/init.d