top: refactor graph support of cpu/mem summary display
The logic (illogic?) in the sum_tics() and do_memory() functions has grown to become almost unfathomable over time. Additionally, though perhaps not apparent in the code, many steps are duplicated within those routines. So, this patch refactors all the summary graph support to consolidate duplicated code and (hopefully) make it more understandable with an eye to future maintenance. [ additionally, that show_special guy's workload has ] [ been reduced by eliminating any special directives ] [ previously embedded in some cpu graphs even though ] [ a cpu may have been idle during the last interval. ] Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -6120,6 +6120,58 @@ static void keys_xtra (int ch) {
* with every name exactly 1 letter more than the preceding function |
* ( surely, this must make us run much more efficiently. amirite? ) | */
struct rx_st {
float pcnt_one, pcnt_two, pcnt_tot;
char graph[MEDBUFSIZ];
* A *Helper* function to produce the actual cpu & memory graphs for |
* these functions -- sum_tics (tertiary) and do_memory (secondary). |
* (sorry about the name, but it keeps the above comment commitment) | */
static struct rx_st *sum_rx (long total, long part1, long part2, int style) {
static struct {
const char *part1, *part2, *style;
} gtab[] = {
{ "%-.*s~7", "%-.*s~8", Graph_bars },
{ "%-.*s~4", "%-.*s~6", Graph_blks }
static __thread struct rx_st rx;
char buf1[SMLBUFSIZ], buf2[SMLBUFSIZ], buf3[MEDBUFSIZ];
int num1, num2, width;
float scale;
scale = 100.0 / total;
rx.pcnt_one = scale * part1;
rx.pcnt_two = scale * part2;
if (rx.pcnt_one + rx.pcnt_two > 100.0 || rx.pcnt_two < 0)
rx.pcnt_two = 0;
rx.pcnt_tot = rx.pcnt_one + rx.pcnt_two;
num1 = (int)((rx.pcnt_one * Graph_adj) + .5),
num2 = (int)((rx.pcnt_two * Graph_adj) + .5);
if (num1 + num2 > Graph_len)
num2 = Graph_len - num1;
width = Graph_len;
buf1[0] = buf2[0] = buf3[0] = '\0';
--style; // now relative to zero
if (num1) {
snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), gtab[style].part1, num1, gtab[style].style);
width += 2;
if (num2) {
snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), gtab[style].part2, num2, gtab[style].style);
width += 2;
snprintf(buf3, sizeof(buf3), "%s%s", buf1, buf2);
// 'width' has accounted for any show_special directives embedded above
snprintf(rx.graph, sizeof(rx.graph), "[~1%-*.*s]~1", width, width, buf3);
return ℞
} // end: sum_rx
* A *Helper* function to show summary information for up to 2 lines |
* as a single line. We return the number of lines actually printed. | */
@ -6156,20 +6208,9 @@ static inline int sum_see (const char *str, int nobuf) {
static int sum_tics (struct stat_stack *this, const char *pfx, int nobuf) {
// a tailored 'results stack value' extractor macro
#define rSv(E) TIC_VAL(E, this)
static struct {
const char *user, *syst, *type;
} gtab[] = {
{ "%-.*s~7", "%-.*s~8", Graph_bars },
{ "%-.*s~4", "%-.*s~6", Graph_blks }
SIC_t idl_frme, tot_frme;
float pct_user, pct_syst, scale;
char user[SMLBUFSIZ], syst[SMLBUFSIZ], dual[MEDBUFSIZ];
int ix, num_user, num_syst;
int ix;
struct rx_st *rx;
float scale;
idl_frme = rSv(stat_IL);
tot_frme = rSv(stat_SUM_TOT);
@ -6178,29 +6219,18 @@ static int sum_tics (struct stat_stack *this, const char *pfx, int nobuf) {
/* display some kinda' cpu state percentages
(who or what is explained by the passed prefix) */
if (!Curwin->rc.graph_cpus) {
if (Curwin->rc.graph_cpus) {
rx = sum_rx(tot_frme, rSv(stat_SUM_USR), rSv(stat_SUM_SYS), Curwin->rc.graph_cpus);
return sum_see(fmtmk("%s ~3%#5.1f~2/%-#5.1f~3 %3.0f%s"
, pfx, rx->pcnt_one, rx->pcnt_two, rx->pcnt_tot
, rx->graph)
, nobuf);
} else {
return sum_see(fmtmk(Cpu_States_fmts, pfx
, (float)rSv(stat_US) * scale, (float)rSv(stat_SY) * scale
, (float)rSv(stat_NI) * scale, (float)idl_frme * scale
, (float)rSv(stat_IO) * scale, (float)rSv(stat_IR) * scale
, (float)rSv(stat_SI) * scale, (float)rSv(stat_ST) * scale), nobuf);
} else {
ix = Curwin->rc.graph_cpus - 1;
pct_user = (float)rSv(stat_SUM_USR) * scale,
pct_syst = (float)rSv(stat_SUM_SYS) * scale;
num_user = (int)((pct_user * Graph_adj) + .5),
num_syst = (int)((pct_syst * Graph_adj) + .5);
if (num_user + num_syst > Graph_len) num_syst = Graph_len - num_user;
snprintf(user, sizeof(user), gtab[ix].user, num_user, gtab[ix].type);
snprintf(syst, sizeof(syst), gtab[ix].syst, num_syst, gtab[ix].type);
snprintf(user, sizeof(user), gtab[ix].user, (int)((pct_user * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
snprintf(syst, sizeof(syst), gtab[ix].syst, (int)((pct_syst * Graph_adj) + .4), gtab[ix].type);
snprintf(dual, sizeof(dual), "%s%s", user, syst);
return sum_see(fmtmk("%s ~3%#5.1f~2/%-#5.1f~3 %3.0f[~1%-*s]~1"
, pfx, pct_user, pct_syst, pct_user + pct_syst, Graph_len +4, dual), nobuf);
#undef rSv
} // end: sum_tics
@ -6350,16 +6380,10 @@ static void do_memory (void) {
#define mkM(x) (float) x / scT(div)
#define prT(b,z) { if (9 < snprintf(b, 10, scT(fmts), z)) b[8] = '+'; }
#ifdef TOG4_OFF_MEM
#define memPARM 1
#define mem2UP 1
#define memPARM 0
#define mem2UP 0
static const struct {
const char *used, *misc, *swap, *type;
} gtab[] = {
{ "%-.*s~7", "%-.*s~8", "%-.*s~8", Graph_bars },
{ "%-.*s~4", "%-.*s~6", "%-.*s~6", Graph_blks }
static struct {
float div;
const char *fmts;
@ -6385,10 +6409,9 @@ static void do_memory (void) {
// & prT macro might replace space at buf[8] with: -------> +
char buf[10]; // MEMORY_lines_fmt provides for 8+1 bytes
} buftab[8];
float pct_used, pct_misc, pct_swap;
int ix, num_used, num_misc;
unsigned long my_ulong;
char row[ROWMINSIZ];
long my_qued, my_misc, my_used;
struct rx_st *rx;
if (!scaletab[0].label) {
scaletab[0].label = N_txt(AMT_kilobyte_txt);
@ -6398,60 +6421,46 @@ static void do_memory (void) {
scaletab[4].label = N_txt(AMT_petabyte_txt);
scaletab[5].label = N_txt(AMT_exxabyte_txt);
my_qued = MEM_VAL(mem_BUF) + MEM_VAL(mem_QUE);
if (Curwin->rc.graph_mems) {
my_ulong = MEM_VAL(mem_TOT) - MEM_VAL(mem_BUF) - MEM_VAL(mem_QUE) - MEM_VAL(mem_FRE);
pct_used = (float)my_ulong * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(mem_TOT));
pct_misc = (float)(MEM_VAL(mem_BUF) + MEM_VAL(mem_QUE)) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(mem_TOT));
pct_misc = (float)(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT) - MEM_VAL(mem_AVL) - my_ulong) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(mem_TOT));
if (pct_used + pct_misc > 100.0 || pct_misc < 0) pct_misc = 0;
pct_swap = MEM_VAL(swp_TOT) ? (float)MEM_VAL(swp_USE) * (100.0 / (float)MEM_VAL(swp_TOT)) : 0;
ix = Curwin->rc.graph_mems - 1;
num_used = (int)((pct_used * Graph_adj) + .5),
num_misc = (int)((pct_misc * Graph_adj) + .5);
if (num_used + num_misc > Graph_len) num_misc = Graph_len - num_used;
snprintf(used, sizeof(used), gtab[ix].used, num_used, gtab[ix].type);
snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].misc, num_misc, gtab[ix].type);
(void)num_used; (void)num_misc;
snprintf(used, sizeof(used), gtab[ix].used, (int)((pct_used * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].misc, (int)((pct_misc * Graph_adj) + .4), gtab[ix].type);
snprintf(dual, sizeof(dual), "%s%s", used, util);
snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].swap, (int)((pct_swap * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
prT(bfT(0), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT))); prT(bfT(1), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_TOT)));
my_misc = MEM_VAL(mem_TOT) - MEM_VAL(mem_FRE) - my_qued;
my_used = MEM_VAL(mem_TOT) - MEM_VAL(mem_AVL) - my_misc;
snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3[~1%-*s]~1"
, scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), pct_used + pct_misc, bfT(0), Graph_len +4, dual);
Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3[~1%-*s]~1"
, scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), pct_swap, bfT(1), Graph_len +2, util);
Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
prT(bfT(0), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT)));
rx = sum_rx(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT), my_misc, my_used, Curwin->rc.graph_mems);
snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3%s"
, scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), rx->pcnt_tot, bfT(0)
, rx->graph);
Msg_row += sum_see(row, mem2UP);
prT(bfT(1), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_TOT)));
rx = sum_rx(MEM_VAL(swp_TOT), 0, MEM_VAL(swp_USE), Curwin->rc.graph_mems);
snprintf(row, sizeof(row), "%s %s:~3%#5.1f~2/%-9.9s~3%s"
, scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), rx->pcnt_two, bfT(1)
, rx->graph);
Msg_row += sum_see(row, 1);
} else {
my_ulong = MEM_VAL(mem_BUF) + MEM_VAL(mem_QUE);
prT(bfT(0), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_TOT))); prT(bfT(1), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_FRE)));
prT(bfT(2), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_USE))); prT(bfT(3), mkM(my_ulong));
prT(bfT(2), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_USE))); prT(bfT(3), mkM(my_qued));
prT(bfT(4), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_TOT))); prT(bfT(5), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_FRE)));
prT(bfT(6), mkM(MEM_VAL(swp_USE))); prT(bfT(7), mkM(MEM_VAL(mem_AVL)));
snprintf(row, sizeof(row), N_unq(MEMORY_line1_fmt)
, scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt), bfT(0), bfT(1), bfT(2), bfT(3));
Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
Msg_row += sum_see(row, mem2UP);
snprintf(row, sizeof(row), N_unq(MEMORY_line2_fmt)
, scT(label), N_txt(WORD_abv_swp_txt), bfT(4), bfT(5), bfT(6), bfT(7)
, N_txt(WORD_abv_mem_txt));
Msg_row += sum_see(row, memPARM);
Msg_row += sum_see(row, 1);
#undef bfT
#undef scT
#undef mkM
#undef prT
#undef memPARM
#undef mem2UP
} // end: do_memory
/*###### Main Screen routines ##########################################*/
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
//#define PRETEND0NUMA /* pretend that there ain't any numa nodes */
//#define PRETEND48CPU /* pretend we're smp with 48 ticsers (sic) */
//#define PRETENDNOCAP /* pretend terminal missing essential caps */
//#define QUICK_GRAPHS /* use fast algorithm & accept +2% distort */
//#define RCFILE_NOERR /* rcfile errs silently default, vs. fatal */
//#define RECALL_FIXED /* don't reorder saved strings if recalled */
//#define RMAN_IGNORED /* don't consider auto right margin glitch */
@ -761,6 +760,7 @@ typedef struct WIN_t {
//atic void keys_window (int ch);
//atic void keys_xtra (int ch);
/*------ Tertiary summary display support (summary_show helpers) -------*/
//atic struct rx_st *sum_rx (long total, long part1, long part2, int style);
//atic inline int sum_see (const char *str, int nobuf);
//atic int sum_tics (struct stat_stack *this, const char *pfx, int nobuf);
//atic int sum_unify (struct stat_stack *this, int nobuf);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user