prep , some structs

This commit is contained in:
albert 2002-11-30 01:22:01 +00:00
parent ae87df8158
commit 7860e77d90
2 changed files with 201 additions and 145 deletions


@ -338,15 +338,15 @@ static void bye_bye (int eno, const char *str)
"\n\tWindows and Curwin->"
"\n\t sizeof(WIN_t) = %u, GROUPSMAX = %d"
"\n\t winname = %s, grpname = %s"
"\n\t rc.winname = %s, grpname = %s"
"\n\t winflags = %08X, maxpflgs = %d"
"\n\t rc.winflags = %08X, maxpflgs = %d"
"\n\t winflags = %08x, maxpflgs = %d"
"\n\t rc.winflags = %08x, maxpflgs = %d"
"\n\t fieldscur = %s"
"\n\t winlines = %d, maxtasks = %d, maxcmdln = %d"
"\n\t sortindx = %d"
"\n\t rc.fieldscur = %s"
"\n\t winlines = %d, rc.maxtasks = %d, maxcmdln = %d"
"\n\t rc.sortindx = %d"
, LINUX_VERSION_MAJOR(linux_version_code)
, LINUX_VERSION_MINOR(linux_version_code)
@ -369,11 +369,11 @@ static void bye_bye (int eno, const char *str)
, sizeof(Stdout_buf), (unsigned)BUFSIZ
, sizeof(WIN_t), GROUPSMAX
, Curwin->winname, Curwin->grpname
, Curwin->winflags, Curwin->maxpflgs
, Curwin->fieldscur
, Curwin->winlines, Curwin->maxtasks, Curwin->maxcmdln
, Curwin->sortindx
, Curwin->rc.winname, Curwin->grpname
, Curwin->rc.winflags, Curwin->maxpflgs
, Curwin->rc.fieldscur
, Curwin->winlines, Curwin->rc.maxtasks, Curwin->maxcmdln
, Curwin->rc.sortindx
@ -475,15 +475,15 @@ static void capsmk (WIN_t *q)
the job's done until he/she/it has a change-of-heart */
strcpy(q->cap_bold, CHKw(q, View_NOBOLD) ? Cap_norm : tIF(enter_bold_mode));
if (CHKw(q, Show_COLORS) && max_colors > 0) {
strcpy(q->capclr_sum, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->summclr));
strcpy(q->capclr_sum, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->rc.summclr));
snprintf(q->capclr_msg, sizeof(q->capclr_msg), "%s%s"
, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->msgsclr), Cap_reverse);
, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->rc.msgsclr), Cap_reverse);
snprintf(q->capclr_pmt, sizeof(q->capclr_pmt), "%s%s"
, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->msgsclr), q->cap_bold);
, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->rc.msgsclr), q->cap_bold);
snprintf(q->capclr_hdr, sizeof(q->capclr_hdr), "%s%s"
, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->headclr), Cap_reverse);
, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->rc.headclr), Cap_reverse);
snprintf(q->capclr_rownorm, sizeof(q->capclr_rownorm), "%s%s"
, Caps_off, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->taskclr));
, Caps_off, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->rc.taskclr));
} else {
q->capclr_sum[0] = '\0';
strcpy(q->capclr_msg, Cap_reverse);
@ -1046,9 +1046,9 @@ static void before (char *me)
* If running in secure mode via the /etc/rcfile,
* Delay_time will be ignored except for root.
* For each of the 4 windows:
* line a: contains w->winname, fieldscur
* line b: contains w->winflags, sortindx, maxtasks
* line c: contains w->summclr, msgsclr, headclr, taskclr */
* line a: contains w->rc.winname, rc.fieldscur
* line b: contains w->rc.winflags, rc.sortindx, rc.maxtasks
* line c: contains w->rc.summclr, rc.msgsclr, rc.headclr, rc.taskclr */
static void configs_read (void)
static const char err_rc[] = "rcfile now incompatible, you should delete '%s'";
@ -1087,19 +1087,19 @@ static void configs_read (void)
/* we won't check fscanf returns from here on out -- we'll be
hunky-dory with nothing in an rcfile except the 1st 2 lines */
fscanf(fp, "%s\tfieldscur=%s\n"
, Winstk[i]->winname, Winstk[i]->fieldscur);
if (WINNAMSIZ <= strlen(Winstk[i]->winname)
|| strlen(DEF_FIELDS) != strlen(Winstk[i]->fieldscur))
, Winstk[i]->rc.winname, Winstk[i]->rc.fieldscur);
if (WINNAMSIZ <= strlen(Winstk[i]->rc.winname)
|| strlen(DEF_FIELDS) != strlen(Winstk[i]->rc.fieldscur))
std_err(fmtmk(err_rc, RCfile));
fscanf(fp, "\twinflags=%d, sortindx=%u, maxtasks=%d \n"
, &Winstk[i]->winflags
, &Winstk[i]->sortindx
, &Winstk[i]->maxtasks);
, &Winstk[i]->rc.winflags
, &Winstk[i]->rc.sortindx
, &Winstk[i]->rc.maxtasks);
fscanf(fp, "\tsummclr=%d, msgsclr=%d, headclr=%d, taskclr=%d \n"
, &Winstk[i]->summclr
, &Winstk[i]->msgsclr
, &Winstk[i]->headclr
, &Winstk[i]->taskclr);
, &Winstk[i]->rc.summclr
, &Winstk[i]->rc.msgsclr
, &Winstk[i]->rc.headclr
, &Winstk[i]->rc.taskclr);
@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ static void parse_args (char **args)
, procps_version, Myname, usage));
case 'i':
TOGw(Curwin, Show_IDLEPS);
Curwin->maxtasks = 0;
Curwin->rc.maxtasks = 0;
case 'n':
if (cp[1]) cp++;
@ -1267,6 +1267,7 @@ static void whack_terminal (void)
// for reframewins and summary_show 1st pass
#define SF(f) (QSORT_t)sort_P_ ## f
/* These are our gosh darn 'Fields' !
They MUST be kept in sync with pflags !!
@ -1279,47 +1280,51 @@ static FTAB_t Fieldstab[] = {
P_CPU, L_stat - never filled by libproc, but requires times (pcpu)
P_CMD, L_stat - may yet require L_CMDLINE in reframewins (cmd/cmdline)
L_EITHER - must L_status, else 64-bit math, __udivdi3 on 32-bit !
head fmts width scale sort desc lflg
----------- ------- ------ ----- -------- ---------------------- -------- */
{ " PID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, _SF(P_PID), "Process Id", L_EITHER },
{ " PPID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, _SF(P_PPD), "Parent Process Pid", L_EITHER },
{ " PGID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, _SF(P_PGD), "Process Group Id", L_stat },
{ " UID ", "%4u ", -1, -1, _SF(P_UID), "User Id", L_NONE },
{ "USER ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, _SF(P_USR), "User Name", L_EUSER },
{ "GROUP ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, _SF(P_GRP), "Group Name", L_GROUP },
{ "TTY ", "%-8.8s ", 8, -1, _SF(P_TTY), "Controlling Tty", L_stat },
{ " PR ", "%3d ", -1, -1, _SF(P_PRI), "Priority", L_stat },
{ " NI ", "%3d ", -1, -1, _SF(P_NCE), "Nice value", L_stat },
{ "#C ", "%2u ", -1, -1, _SF(P_CPN), "Last used cpu (SMP)", L_stat },
{ "%CPU ", "%#4.1f ", -1, -1, _SF(P_CPU), "CPU usage", L_stat },
{ " TIME ", "%6.6s ", 6, -1, _SF(P_TME), "CPU Time", L_stat },
{ " TIME+ ", "%9.9s ", 9, -1, _SF(P_TME), "CPU Time, hundredths", L_stat },
{ "%MEM ", "%#4.1f ", -1, -1, _SF(P_RES), "Memory usage (RES)", L_statm },
{ " VIRT ", "%5.5s ", 5, SK_Kb, _SF(P_VRT), "Virtual Image (kb)", L_statm },
{ "SWAP ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, _SF(P_SWP), "Swapped size (kb)", L_statm },
{ " RES ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, _SF(P_RES), "Resident size (kb)", L_statm },
{ "CODE ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, _SF(P_COD), "Code size (kb)", L_statm },
{ "DATA ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, _SF(P_DAT), "Data+Stack size (kb)", L_statm },
{ " SHR ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, _SF(P_SHR), "Shared Mem size (kb)", L_statm },
{ "nFLT ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, _SF(P_FLT), "Page Fault count", L_stat },
{ "nDRT ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, _SF(P_DRT), "Dirty Pages count", L_statm },
keys head fmts width scale sort desc lflg
------ ----------- ------- ------ ----- ----- ---------------------- -------- */
{ "AaAa", " PID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, SF(PID), "Process Id", L_EITHER },
{ "BbBb", " PPID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, SF(PPD), "Parent Process Pid", L_EITHER },
{ "Cc..", " PGID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, SF(PGD), "Process Group Id", L_stat },
{ "DdCc", " UID ", "%4u ", -1, -1, SF(UID), "User Id", L_NONE },
{ "EeDd", "USER ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, SF(USR), "User Name", L_EUSER },
{ "Ff..", "GROUP ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, SF(GRP), "Group Name", L_GROUP },
{ "GgGg", "TTY ", "%-8.8s ", 8, -1, SF(TTY), "Controlling Tty", L_stat },
{ "HhHh", " PR ", "%3d ", -1, -1, SF(PRI), "Priority", L_stat },
{ "IiIi", " NI ", "%3d ", -1, -1, SF(NCE), "Nice value", L_stat },
{ "JjYy", "#C ", "%2u ", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "Last used cpu (SMP)", L_stat },
{ "KkEe", "%CPU ", "%#4.1f ", -1, -1, SF(CPU), "CPU usage", L_stat },
{ "LlWw", " TIME ", "%6.6s ", 6, -1, SF(TME), "CPU Time", L_stat },
{ "MmWw", " TIME+ ", "%9.9s ", 9, -1, SF(TME), "CPU Time, hundredths", L_stat },
{ "NnFf", "%MEM ", "%#4.1f ", -1, -1, SF(RES), "Memory usage (RES)", L_statm },
{ "OoMm", " VIRT ", "%5.5s ", 5, SK_Kb, SF(VRT), "Virtual Image (kb)", L_statm },
{ "PpOo", "SWAP ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(SWP), "Swapped size (kb)", L_statm },
{ "QqTt", " RES ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(RES), "Resident size (kb)", L_statm },
{ "RrKk", "CODE ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(COD), "Code size (kb)", L_statm },
{ "SsLl", "DATA ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(DAT), "Data+Stack size (kb)", L_statm },
{ "TtPp", " SHR ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(SHR), "Shared Mem size (kb)", L_statm },
{ "UuJj", "nFLT ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(FLT), "Page Fault count", L_stat },
{ "VvSs", "nDRT ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(DRT), "Dirty Pages count", L_statm },
#ifdef USE_LIB_STA3
{ "STA ", "%3.3s ", -1, -1, _SF(P_STA), "Process Status", L_status },
{ "WwVv", "STA ", "%3.3s ", -1, -1, SF(STA), "Process Status", L_status },
{ "S ", "%c ", -1, -1, _SF(P_STA), "Process Status", L_status },
{ "WwVv", "S ", "%c ", -1, -1, SF(STA), "Process Status", L_status },
// next entry's special: '.head' will be formatted using table entry's own
// '.fmts' plus runtime supplied conversion args!
{ "Command ", "%-*.*s ", -1, -1, _SF(P_CMD), "Command name/line", L_stat },
{ "WCHAN ", "%-9.9s ", -1, -1, _SF(P_WCH), "Sleeping in Function", L_stat },
{ "XxXx", "Command ", "%-*.*s ", -1, -1, SF(CMD), "Command name/line", L_stat },
{ "YyUu", "WCHAN ", "%-9.9s ", -1, -1, SF(WCH), "Sleeping in Function", L_stat },
// next entry's special: the 0's will be replaced with '.'!
{ "Flags ", "%08lX ", -1, -1, _SF(P_FLG), "Task Flags <sched.h>", L_stat }
{ "ZzZz", "Flags ", "%08lX ", -1, -1, SF(FLG), "Task Flags <sched.h>", L_stat },
{ "Flags ", "%08lx ", -1, -1, _SF(P_FLG), "Task Flags <sched.h>", L_stat }
{ "ZzZz", "Flags ", "%08lx ", -1, -1, SF(FLG), "Task Flags <sched.h>", L_stat },
{ "..Qq", " A ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(PID), "Accessed Page count", L_stat },
{ "..Nn", " TRS ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(PID), "Resident Text Size (kb)", L_stat },
{ "..Rr", " WP ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(PID), "Write Protected Pages", L_stat },
{ "Jj[{", "CPU ", "%2u ", -1, -1, SF(CPN), "Last used cpu (SMP)", L_stat },
#undef SF
* Display each field represented in the Fields Table along with its
@ -1378,17 +1383,17 @@ static void fields_reorder (void)
display_fields(Curwin->fieldscur, FIELDS_xtra);
display_fields(Curwin->rc.fieldscur, FIELDS_xtra);
for (;;) {
show_special(1, fmtmk(FIELDS_current
, Cap_home, Curwin->fieldscur, Curwin->grpname, prompt));
, Cap_home, Curwin->rc.fieldscur, Curwin->grpname, prompt));
chin(0, &c, 1);
i = toupper(c) - 'A';
if (i < 0 || i >= MAXTBL(Fieldstab)) break;
if (((p = strchr(Curwin->fieldscur, i + 'A')))
|| ((p = strchr(Curwin->fieldscur, i + 'a')))) {
if (((p = strchr(Curwin->rc.fieldscur, i + 'A')))
|| ((p = strchr(Curwin->rc.fieldscur, i + 'a')))) {
if (isupper(c)) p--;
if (('\0' != p[1]) && (p >= Curwin->fieldscur)) {
if (('\0' != p[1]) && (p >= Curwin->rc.fieldscur)) {
c = p[0];
p[0] = p[1];
p[1] = c;
@ -1409,7 +1414,7 @@ static void fields_sort (void)
int i, x;
strcpy(phoney, NUL_FIELDS);
x = i = Curwin->sortindx;
x = i = Curwin->rc.sortindx;
for (;;) {
@ -1424,9 +1429,9 @@ static void fields_sort (void)
*p = tolower(*p);
x = i;
if ((p = strchr(Curwin->fieldscur, x + 'a')))
if ((p = strchr(Curwin->rc.fieldscur, x + 'a')))
*p = x + 'A';
Curwin->sortindx = x;
Curwin->rc.sortindx = x;
@ -1443,15 +1448,15 @@ static void fields_toggle (void)
for (;;) {
display_fields(Curwin->fieldscur, FIELDS_xtra);
display_fields(Curwin->rc.fieldscur, FIELDS_xtra);
show_special(1, fmtmk(FIELDS_current
, Cap_home, Curwin->fieldscur, Curwin->grpname, prompt));
, Cap_home, Curwin->rc.fieldscur, Curwin->grpname, prompt));
chin(0, &c, 1);
i = toupper(c) - 'A';
if (i < 0 || i >= MAXTBL(Fieldstab)) break;
if ((p = strchr(Curwin->fieldscur, i + 'A')))
if ((p = strchr(Curwin->rc.fieldscur, i + 'A')))
*p = i + 'a';
else if ((p = strchr(Curwin->fieldscur, i + 'a')))
else if ((p = strchr(Curwin->rc.fieldscur, i + 'a')))
*p = i + 'A';
@ -1478,9 +1483,9 @@ static void reframewins (void)
do {
if (!Mode_altscr || CHKw(w, VISIBLE_tsk)) {
// build window's procflags array and establish a tentative maxpflgs
for (i = 0, w->maxpflgs = 0; w->fieldscur[i]; i++) {
if (isupper(w->fieldscur[i]))
w->procflags[w->maxpflgs++] = w->fieldscur[i] - 'A';
for (i = 0, w->maxpflgs = 0; w->rc.fieldscur[i]; i++) {
if (isupper(w->rc.fieldscur[i]))
w->procflags[w->maxpflgs++] = w->rc.fieldscur[i] - 'A';
/* build a preliminary columns header not to exceed screen width
@ -1543,7 +1548,7 @@ static void reframewins (void)
* Value a window's name and make the associated group name. */
static void win_names (WIN_t *q, const char *name)
sprintf(q->winname, "%.*s", WINNAMSIZ -1, name);
sprintf(q->rc.winname, "%.*s", WINNAMSIZ -1, name);
sprintf(q->grpname, "%d:%.*s", q->winnum, WINNAMSIZ -1, name);
@ -1595,12 +1600,12 @@ static void winsclrhlp (WIN_t *q, int save)
static int flgssav, summsav, msgssav, headsav, tasksav;
if (save) {
flgssav = q->winflags; summsav = q->summclr;
msgssav = q->msgsclr; headsav = q->headclr; tasksav = q->taskclr;
flgssav = q->rc.winflags; summsav = q->rc.summclr;
msgssav = q->rc.msgsclr; headsav = q->rc.headclr; tasksav = q->rc.taskclr;
SETw(q, Show_COLORS);
} else {
q->winflags = flgssav; q->summclr = summsav;
q->msgsclr = msgssav; q->headclr = headsav; q->taskclr = tasksav;
q->rc.winflags = flgssav; q->rc.summclr = summsav;
q->rc.msgsclr = msgssav; q->rc.headclr = headsav; q->rc.taskclr = tasksav;
@ -1612,7 +1617,7 @@ static void wins_colors (void)
#define kbdABORT 'q'
#define kbdAPPLY '\n'
int clr = Curwin->taskclr, *pclr = &Curwin->taskclr;
int clr = Curwin->rc.taskclr, *pclr = &Curwin->rc.taskclr;
char ch, tgt = 'T';
if (0 >= max_colors) {
@ -1635,22 +1640,22 @@ static void wins_colors (void)
chin(0, &ch, 1);
switch (ch) {
case 'S':
pclr = &Curwin->summclr;
pclr = &Curwin->rc.summclr;
clr = *pclr;
tgt = ch;
case 'M':
pclr = &Curwin->msgsclr;
pclr = &Curwin->rc.msgsclr;
clr = *pclr;
tgt = ch;
case 'H':
pclr = &Curwin->headclr;
pclr = &Curwin->rc.headclr;
clr = *pclr;
tgt = ch;
case 'T':
pclr = &Curwin->taskclr;
pclr = &Curwin->rc.taskclr;
clr = *pclr;
tgt = ch;
@ -1671,7 +1676,7 @@ static void wins_colors (void)
case 'w':
winsclrhlp(Curwin, 1);
clr = Curwin->taskclr, pclr = &Curwin->taskclr;
clr = Curwin->rc.taskclr, pclr = &Curwin->rc.taskclr;
tgt = 'T';
@ -1709,7 +1714,7 @@ static void wins_reflag (int what, int flg)
/* a flag with special significance -- user wants to rebalance
display so we gotta' 'off' one number then force on two flags... */
if (EQUWINS_cwo == flg) {
w->maxtasks = 0;
w->rc.maxtasks = 0;
SETw(w, Show_IDLEPS | VISIBLE_tsk);
w = w->next;
@ -1783,14 +1788,14 @@ static void windows_stage1 (void)
for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
Winstk[i] = w;
w->winnum = i + 1;
strcpy(w->winname, wtab[i].name);
strcpy(w->fieldscur, wtab[i].flds);
w->sortindx = wtab[i].sort;
w->winflags = DEF_WINFLGS;
w->summclr = wtab[i].clrs[0];
w->msgsclr = wtab[i].clrs[1];
w->headclr = wtab[i].clrs[2];
w->taskclr = wtab[i].clrs[3];
strcpy(w->rc.winname, wtab[i].name);
strcpy(w->rc.fieldscur, wtab[i].flds);
w->rc.sortindx = wtab[i].sort;
w->rc.winflags = DEF_WINFLGS;
w->rc.summclr = wtab[i].clrs[0];
w->rc.msgsclr = wtab[i].clrs[1];
w->rc.headclr = wtab[i].clrs[2];
w->rc.taskclr = wtab[i].clrs[3];
w->captab[0] = Cap_norm;
w->captab[1] = Cap_norm;
w->captab[2] = w->cap_bold;
@ -1820,7 +1825,7 @@ static void windows_stage2 (void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
win_names(Winstk[i], Winstk[i]->winname);
win_names(Winstk[i], Winstk[i]->rc.winname);
// rely on this next guy to force a call (eventually) to reframewins
@ -1904,7 +1909,7 @@ static void do_key (unsigned c)
if (Mode_altscr) {
char tmp[GETBUFSIZ];
strcpy(tmp, ask4str(fmtmk("Rename window '%s' to (1-3 chars)"
, Curwin->winname)));
, Curwin->rc.winname)));
if (tmp[0]) win_names(Curwin, tmp);
@ -1932,10 +1937,10 @@ static void do_key (unsigned c)
show_special(1, fmtmk(WINDOWS_help
, Curwin->grpname
, Winstk[0]->winname
, Winstk[1]->winname
, Winstk[2]->winname
, Winstk[3]->winname));
, Winstk[0]->rc.winname
, Winstk[1]->rc.winname
, Winstk[2]->rc.winname
, Winstk[3]->rc.winname));
chin(0, &ch, 1);
} while ('\n' != ch);
@ -1991,8 +1996,8 @@ static void do_key (unsigned c)
if (VIZCHKc) {
int num =
get_int(fmtmk("Maximum tasks = %d, change to (0 is unlimited)"
, Curwin->maxtasks));
if (-1 < num) Curwin->maxtasks = num;
, Curwin->rc.maxtasks));
if (-1 < num) Curwin->rc.maxtasks = num;
@ -2053,16 +2058,16 @@ static void do_key (unsigned c)
, Mode_altscr, Mode_irixps, Delay_time, Curwin - Winstk[0]);
for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%s\tfieldscur=%s\n"
, Winstk[i]->winname, Winstk[i]->fieldscur);
, Winstk[i]->rc.winname, Winstk[i]->rc.fieldscur);
fprintf(fp, "\twinflags=%d, sortindx=%d, maxtasks=%d\n"
, Winstk[i]->winflags
, Winstk[i]->sortindx
, Winstk[i]->maxtasks);
, Winstk[i]->rc.winflags
, Winstk[i]->rc.sortindx
, Winstk[i]->rc.maxtasks);
fprintf(fp, "\tsummclr=%d, msgsclr=%d, headclr=%d, taskclr=%d\n"
, Winstk[i]->summclr
, Winstk[i]->msgsclr
, Winstk[i]->headclr
, Winstk[i]->taskclr);
, Winstk[i]->rc.summclr
, Winstk[i]->rc.msgsclr
, Winstk[i]->rc.headclr
, Winstk[i]->rc.taskclr);
show_msg(fmtmk("Wrote configuration to '%s'", RCfile));
@ -2105,7 +2110,7 @@ static void do_key (unsigned c)
case '=':
Curwin->maxtasks = 0;
Curwin->rc.maxtasks = 0;
SETw(Curwin, Show_IDLEPS | VISIBLE_tsk);
Monpidsidx = 0;
@ -2117,18 +2122,18 @@ static void do_key (unsigned c)
case '<':
if (VIZCHKc) {
PFLG_t *p = Curwin->procflags + Curwin->maxpflgs - 1;
while (*p != Curwin->sortindx) --p;
while (*p != Curwin->rc.sortindx) --p;
if (--p >= Curwin->procflags)
Curwin->sortindx = *p;
Curwin->rc.sortindx = *p;
case '>':
if (VIZCHKc) {
PFLG_t *p = Curwin->procflags;
while (*p != Curwin->sortindx) ++p;
while (*p != Curwin->rc.sortindx) ++p;
if (++p < Curwin->procflags + Curwin->maxpflgs)
Curwin->sortindx = *p;
Curwin->rc.sortindx = *p;
@ -2146,7 +2151,7 @@ static void do_key (unsigned c)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXTBL(xtab); ++i)
if (c == xtab[i].xkey) {
Curwin->sortindx = xtab[i].sort;
Curwin->rc.sortindx = xtab[i].sort;
show_msg(fmtmk("%s sort compatibility key honored", xtab[i].xmsg));
@ -2311,7 +2316,7 @@ static void task_show (const WIN_t *q, const proc_t *p)
/* the following macro is our means to 'inline' emitting a column -- next to
procs_refresh, that's the most frequent and costly part of top's job ! */
#define MKCOL(va...) do { \
if (!(CHKw(q, Show_HICOLS) && q->sortindx == i)) \
if (!(CHKw(q, Show_HICOLS) && q->rc.sortindx == i)) \
snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), f, ## va); \
else { \
snprintf(_z, sizeof(_z), f, ## va); \
@ -2498,16 +2503,16 @@ static void window_show (proc_t **ppt, WIN_t *q, int *lscr)
if (CHKw(Curwin, NEWFRAM_cwo)
|| sav_indx != q->sortindx
|| sav_flgs != (q->winflags & srtMASK)) {
sav_indx = q->sortindx;
sav_flgs = (q->winflags & srtMASK);
|| sav_indx != q->rc.sortindx
|| sav_flgs != (q->rc.winflags & srtMASK)) {
sav_indx = q->rc.sortindx;
sav_flgs = (q->rc.winflags & srtMASK);
if (CHKw(q, Qsrt_NORMAL)) Frame_srtflg = 1; // this one's always needed!
else Frame_srtflg = -1;
Frame_ctimes = CHKw(q, Show_CTIMES); // this and next, only maybe
Frame_cmdlin = CHKw(q, Show_CMDLIN);
qsort(ppt, Frame_maxtask, sizeof(proc_t *), Fieldstab[q->sortindx].sort);
qsort(ppt, Frame_maxtask, sizeof(proc_t *), Fieldstab[q->rc.sortindx].sort);
@ -2552,7 +2557,7 @@ static void framehlp (int wix, int max)
// calc remaining number of visible windows + total 'user' lines
for (i = wix, rsvd = 0, wins = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
if (CHKw(Winstk[i], VISIBLE_tsk)) {
rsvd += Winstk[i]->maxtasks;
rsvd += Winstk[i]->rc.maxtasks;
if (max <= rsvd) break;
@ -2569,7 +2574,7 @@ static void framehlp (int wix, int max)
for (i = wix ; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
if (CHKw(Winstk[i], VISIBLE_tsk)) {
Winstk[i]->winlines =
Winstk[i]->maxtasks ? Winstk[i]->maxtasks : size;
Winstk[i]->rc.maxtasks ? Winstk[i]->rc.maxtasks : size;
@ -2618,7 +2623,7 @@ static void frame_make (void)
if (!Mode_altscr) {
// only 1 window to show so, piece o' cake
Curwin->winlines = Curwin->maxtasks;
Curwin->winlines = Curwin->rc.maxtasks;
window_show(ppt, Curwin, &scrlins);
} else {
// maybe NO window is visible but assume, pieces o' cakes


@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
/* Used to reference and create sort callback functions --
note: some of the callbacks are NOT your father's callbacks, they're
highly optimized to save them ol' precious cycles! */
#define _SF(f) (QSORT_t)sort_ ## f
#define _SC_NUM1(f,n) \
static int sort_ ## f (const proc_t **P, const proc_t **Q) { \
if ( (*P)->n < (*Q)->n ) return SORT_lt; \
@ -167,6 +166,7 @@ typedef int (*QSORT_t)(const void *, const void *);
/* This structure consolidates the information that's used
in a variety of display roles. */
typedef struct {
const char keys[4]; // order: Jim-on Jim-off Rik-on Rik-off
const char *head; /* name for column headings + toggle/reorder fields */
const char *fmts; /* sprintf format string for field display */
const int width; /* field width, if applicable */
@ -254,15 +254,36 @@ enum pflag {
// Used to test/manipulate the window flags
#define CHKw(q,f) (int)(q->winflags & (f))
#define TOGw(q,f) q->winflags ^= (f)
#define SETw(q,f) q->winflags |= (f)
#define OFFw(q,f) q->winflags &= ~(f)
#define VIZCHKc (!Mode_altscr || Curwin->winflags & VISIBLE_tsk) \
#define CHKw(q,f) (int)(q->rc.winflags & (f))
#define TOGw(q,f) q->rc.winflags ^= (f)
#define SETw(q,f) q->rc.winflags |= (f)
#define OFFw(q,f) q->rc.winflags &= ~(f)
#define VIZCHKc (!Mode_altscr || Curwin->rc.winflags & VISIBLE_tsk) \
? 1 : win_warn()
#define VIZTOGc(f) (!Mode_altscr || Curwin->winflags & VISIBLE_tsk) \
#define VIZTOGc(f) (!Mode_altscr || Curwin->rc.winflags & VISIBLE_tsk) \
? TOGw(Curwin, f) : win_warn()
typedef struct rcwin {
PFLG_t sortindx; /* sort field, as a procflag */
int winflags, /* 'view', 'show' and 'sort' mode flags */
maxtasks, /* user requested maximum, 0 equals all */
summclr, /* color num used in summ info */
msgsclr, /* " in msgs/pmts */
headclr, /* " in cols head */
taskclr; /* " in task display */
char winname [WINNAMSIZ], /* window name, user changeable */
fieldscur [PFLAGSSIZ]; /* fields displayed and ordered */
} rcwin;
typedef struct rcf { // global/system-wide
char rcfid; // RCF_FILEID
int altscr; // Mode_altscr
int irixps; // Mode_irixps
float delay; // Delay_time
int curwin; // Curwin
rcwin win[4]; // each of 4 windows
} RCF_t;
/* This structure stores configurable information for each window.
By expending a little effort in its creation and user requested
maintainence, the only real additional per frame cost of having
@ -273,18 +294,12 @@ typedef struct win {
char *captab [CAPTABMAX]; /* captab needed by show_special */
int winnum, /* window's num (array pos + 1) */
winlines; /* task window's rows (volatile) */
int winflags; /* 'view', 'show' and 'sort' mode flags */
PFLG_t procflags [PFLAGSSIZ], /* fieldscur subset, as enum */
sortindx; /* sort field, as a procflag */
PFLG_t procflags [PFLAGSSIZ]; /* fieldscur subset, as enum */
int maxpflgs, /* number of procflags (upcase fieldscur) */
maxtasks, /* user requested maximum, 0 equals all */
maxcmdln, /* max length of a process' command line */
summclr, /* color num used in summ info */
msgsclr, /* " in msgs/pmts */
headclr, /* " in cols head */
taskclr; /* " in task display */
maxcmdln; /* max length of a process' command line */
int len_rownorm, /* lengths of the corresponding terminfo */
len_rowhigh; /* strings to avoid repeated strlen calls */
rcwin rc; /* stuff that gets saved in a .toprc file */
char capclr_sum [CLRBUFSIZ], /* terminfo strings built from */
capclr_msg [CLRBUFSIZ], /* above clrs (& rebuilt too), */
capclr_pmt [CLRBUFSIZ], /* but NO recurring costs !!! */
@ -293,8 +308,6 @@ typedef struct win {
capclr_rownorm [CLRBUFSIZ]; /* window is the 'Curwin'! */
char cap_bold [CAPBUFSIZ]; /* support for View_NOBOLD toggle */
char grpname [GRPNAMSIZ], /* window number:name, printable */
winname [WINNAMSIZ], /* window name, user changeable */
fieldscur [PFLAGSSIZ], /* fields displayed and ordered */
columnhdr [SCREENMAX], /* column headings for procflags */
colusrnam [USRNAMSIZ]; /* if selected by the 'u' command */
} WIN_t;
@ -336,6 +349,44 @@ typedef struct win {
#define CMDLINE_FMTS "( %s )"
//typedef struct rcwin {
// PFLG_t sortindx; /* sort field, as a procflag */
// int winflags, /* 'view', 'show' and 'sort' mode flags */
// maxtasks, /* user requested maximum, 0 equals all */
// summclr, /* color num used in summ info */
// msgsclr, /* " in msgs/pmts */
// headclr, /* " in cols head */
// taskclr; /* " in task display */
// char winname [WINNAMSIZ], /* window name, user changeable */
// fieldscur [PFLAGSSIZ]; /* fields displayed and ordered */
//} rcwin;
//typedef struct rcf { // global/system-wide
// char rcfid; // RCF_FILEID
// int altscr; // Mode_altscr
// int irixps; // Mode_irixps
// float delay; // Delay_time
// int curwin; // Curwin
// rcwin win[4]; // each of 4 windows
//} RCF_t;
RCF_t RCf_Defaults = {
RCF_FILEID, 0, 1, 3.0f, 0, {
"Def", DEF_FIELDS },
"Job", JOB_FIELDS },
"Mem", MEM_FIELDS },
/* Summary Lines specially formatted string(s) --
see 'show_special' for syntax details + other cautions. */
#define LOADAV_line "%s -%s\n"