The Debian bug referenced below has nothing to do with
locales. In fact, top was made locale independent back
in release 3.3.13 (April, 2018). However, that bug did
reveal some misplaced logic which this patch corrects.
Prompted by the Qualys audit, all rcfile field strings
were checked for potential duplicates which could only
have resulted from some user's manual/malicious edits.
Unfortunately, that code was executed before top had a
chance to enforce the proper/maximum string length (in
the event an extremely old rcfile had just been read).
This created some potential string overrun references.
In top's original 3.3.15 implementation, the potential
overrun extended for 15 characters. That is the number
of field characters added with 3.3.9 (December, 2013).
But, since strchr() was used, no error exit was taken.
In the revised 3.3.16 implementation, the strchr() was
replaced with '&w->rc.fieldscur[n]'. This held overrun
to a single position while producing an error message.
So, this commit just moves that logic to a point where
fieldscur is guaranteed to be longer than EU_MAXPFLGS.
. revised 3.3.16 validation logic
commit 775223a8174cdede123199a67372dc207a2dbdc2
. original 3.3.15 validation logic
commit 085351a0ee9e7abcaca499dbc1d6444cfa9c9da9
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
When that potential abend at program end was addressed
in the patch shown below, one line of code was removed
in error. That line served to suppress some end-of-job
reports should ATEOJ_RPTSTD or ATEOJ_RPTHSH be active.
So, this patch restores that previously deleted logic.
. potential SEGV fix, newlib branch
commit 90c22e64ffc52e01ea2c9b81680d4b4a37f2d8c4
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
A Qualys audit patch, represented in the commit below,
added the _exit() call to our abnormal signal handler.
Unfortunately, that disabled the associated core dump.
This patch restores expected behavior of those signals
whose default produces a core dump file + termination.
commit 7bd4f0b6d7e058197ccf4234f2a0bcc17550d0a6
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
A Qualys audit patch, represented in the commit below,
added the _exit() call to our abnormal signal handler.
Unfortunately, that disabled the associated core dump.
This patch restores expected behavior of those signals
whose default produces a core dump file + termination.
commit e1f419737f01618181686281ae98347e03163e56
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
All TIC delta fields are checked for possible negative
results and set to zero when found. This is done so as
to protect against potential anomalies which depend on
kernel version and/or toggling cpus offline or online.
[ it's probably unnecessary with the latest kernels, ]
[ except for iowait. documentation suggests it might ]
[ decrease which would then create a negative delta. ]
The same approach is employed for most of the 'system'
deltas (ctxt, intr & procs_created). However, with two
of the fields (procs_blocked & procs_running) negative
results were allowed. But it now seems such a division
is unwise so this patch will allow all to go negative.
[ rather than force any 'system' delta value to show ]
[ what's logical, we'll now let all reflect reality. ]
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This patch just standardizes/normalizes the whitespace
employed within a couple of nearly identical #defines.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
In a translator hint, under a caution, a reference was
made to the "next three items". Unfortunately however,
there was one intervening 'item' to which that caution
did not apply. This commit just relocates that 'item'.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Beyond the copyrights, the single oops in the man page
was introduced in the commit which is referenced below
dealing with some cleanup following that Qualys audit.
. man page error introduced
commit 4550e601441bd9e9e4617db4736b4504e90d424d
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This patch will eliminate a bug which is unique to our
newlib branch. It's extremely rare and only happens if
a search ('L'/'&') is initiated during the period when
fields are currently being auto-sized (AUTOX_MODE on).
This bug surfaces as either all zero results for tasks
displayed or a segmentation fault, depending upon what
fields were activated. It is caused by the timing of a
call to the <pids> 'reset' function. When called after
a task refresh, but before do_key(), this bug appears.
So this patch just ensures that 'reset' will be called
after do_key() & before the tasks have been refreshed.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Under newlib, the only caller of the readproc routines
is that pids module. And in every case, the address of
some static proc_t structure has always been provided.
As a result, there is no need for the logic supporting
calloc() for a possible NULL pointer which was present
in both of those readproc() and readeither() routines.
Additionally, that pids module takes ownership of most
dynamically acquired 'str' plus 'strv' memory whenever
assigning to a results structure. So, henceforth under
the free_acquired() guy we will only free those string
fields which might exist when not explicitly selected.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This patch just eliminates a parameter present for the
simple_readtask() function which is not needed nor has
it ever actually been used. It will make calls to that
function (via taskreader ptr) slightly more efficient.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
When some cleanup was performed on the readproc module
in the commit shown below, some residual code involved
with the 'did_fake' flag remained. Since such logic no
longer served any real need, this patch will whack it.
. cleanup of readproc functions
commit 887bb51016253e82ae26fe9d78bc7a5dfbe2ef85
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
No libprocps user expects signal values to be returned
as 'long long' quantities. More importantly the <PIDS>
api only returns a 'str' result for signal categories.
So this patch eliminates all the conditional code that
depends on the absence of the #define 'SIGNAL_STRING'.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This patch will just correct an oops introduced in the
commit shown below. Thank goodness both 'str' & 'strv'
occupy the same storage location in that result union.
. standardize 'errno' management
commit 06be33b43e5ff3f2658e77ef79441ac2e970cfd7
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
With the two preceding 'catch up' patches, this newlib
NEWS can now be made identical to that master version.
[ it's assumed any releases prior to 3.3.15 have all ]
[ been represented under newlib (where appropriate). ]
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This commit will just parallel a pending master branch
merge request referenced below. Note, however, that it
is not really needed in this newlib branch because the
procps_pids_select() function itself provides a 'zero'
delimiter with every caller's designated list of pids.
[ since it's required under the master branch, we're ]
[ repeating it here just for documentation purposes. ]
Originally-by: Yoann Lecuyer <>
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
The backtrace shown in the bug report referenced below
illustrates a 'normal' program termination interrupted
with some signal, ultimately then causing a top crash.
So this commit just rearranges a little code such that
all signals will be blocked during that rather lengthy
end of program processing regardless of how initiated.
[ in that report, ignore the assertion regarding the ]
[ '-n' option. it obviously was not '1' since do_key ]
[ had been called, which otherwise wouldn't be true. ]
[ and when it is '1' the -d option would be ignored. ]
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This commit most significant change is the elimination
of the kbd_ENTER entry from that tinfo_tab in iokey().
That entry was a useless artifact left from the commit
which is shown below. It makes no sense to 'translate'
a keystroke into something it already was (i.e. '\n').
The remaining changes just reorder those table entries
for a progression consistent with vim keys: h,j,k & l.
. fix 'iokey()' flaw preventing proper translations
commit c3323bdb687076f8e4800e7130f863ebec0a18fb
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Modified for newlib but based upon patch in master by
Clay Baenziger <>
commit f9e56d3c667513d96b798340f7b7c1b40096f084
Short separator option used 's' instead of 'S' which
meant it pidof would use the single-shot option when you
meant separator.
Added alias for -S using -d to give some sysvinit pidof
commit 73492b182dc60c1605d1b0d62de651fad97807af
watch used to check if COLOR was required, check if color was
possible then.. set the flag again.
It should have been cleared after failing to get colors out of
This commit standardizes the behavior of the PgUp/PgDn
keys when on the main top display. With PgDn, the last
process will become the first process. With PgUp, that
first task will now appear as the last task displayed.
[ this also eliminates some quirks that were evident ]
[ when paging at or near the end of the process list ]
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
A recent issue (and merge request) reminded me of gaps
in top's alternate 'vim' navigation keys support. Some
xterm emulators do not pass the customary strings when
keys were used with the <Ctrl> and/or <Alt> modifiers.
While it was a known problem, this issue/merge request
prompted research into the root cause. As it turns out
the problem is traceable to an X resource known by the
name 'eightBitInput'. When 'true' (the default), a key
pressed in combination with <Alt> will not be preceded
by the <Esc> character. Rather, a single character was
presented (modified via an 'eightBitMeta' X resource).
The following approaches would eliminate this problem:
. start xterm thus: xterm -xrm '*eightBitInput: false'
. use: ~/.Xresources with 'Xterm*eightBitInput: false'
. build xterm with 'configure --enable-meta-sends-esc'
( apparently used for CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, etc. )
. enable xterm's menu via 'configure --enable-toolbar'
( so the user can set the 'Meta Sends Escape' option )
Of course, none of the above steps is desirable from a
user's perspective. So, this patch will add additional
entries to the iokey function's tinfo_tab to represent
strings passed when the <Alt> key does not send <Esc>.
[ hopefully they'll be the same across all platforms ]
Lastly, this patch will also eliminate those redundant
<Atl> + '\', '/', '<' & '>' provisions, which now seem
like overkill and suffer from that same 'eightBitMeta'
xterm problem. And we might as well say goodbye to the
4 '<Alt> + arrow key' table entries (which do not seem
to currently work with any emulator which I can find).
[ what in the world was I thinking way back in 2011? ]
. issue
. merge request
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This patch just implements an equivalent to the master
branch 'CPU_ZEROTICS' provision. However, the original
impetus for that earlier implementation was ultimately
attributed to a likely kernel anomaly since corrected.
As a result, in this newlib implementation we take the
opposite approach to the default behavior. There is no
adjustment to TIC_SUM_DELTA values if fewer ticks than
expected are recorded, unless the define is activated.
The commit shown below explains why the 'CPU_ZEROTICS'
define was retained in spite of the fix to the kernel.
. issue referencing CPU_ZEROTICS
. master branch CPU_ZEROTICS summary
commit ee3ed4b45edd66c6e0455d3fab08a48e7ea83030
. lengthy thread leading to CPU_ZEROTICS
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Some parts of our newlib implementation are the result
of functions which have been propagated from module to
module. In particular, those 'cleanup_stacks' routines
are all similar & likely originated in the <pids> api.
In that interface there was a need to free dynamically
acquired memory before the result structure was reused
to satisfy subsequent 'get', 'select' or 'reap' calls.
This, in turn, led to a concept of 'dirty' stacks with
the need to call one of two 'cleanup_stack' functions.
None of the remaining interfaces deal with such memory
yet they each had their own 'cleanup_stack' functions.
Those functions were responsible for resetting each of
the result unions to zero, excluding any 'noop' items.
The bottom line is that for all interfaces, repetitive
calls would require iterating through the stack(s) two
separate times: once to 'cleanup' another to 'assign'.
With this commit we will reduce iterations to just the
'assign' routine. A reset to zero will be accomplished
in the 'extra' item set routine (which is the only one
actually requiring any reset). All other items will be
reinitialized automatically by a new current set value
or upon reallocation when an items compliment changes.
In the <pids> interface, any freeing of dynamic memory
could have been accomplished by adding that 'freefunc'
check to the 'assign' function. However, that requires
an Item_table test with every item. Instead, we'll now
satisfy such needs as the very first step in those set
functions responsible for dynamically acquired memory.
[ the <pids> api retains 2 'cleanup_stack' functions ]
[ to accommodate stack(s) 'reset' & to serve 'unref' ]
Lastly, all the 'itemize_stack' functions were tweaked
by eliminating an unnecessary initialization of result
unions. That objective was already accomplished by the
calloc() in a 'stacks_alloc' function or the remaining
'cleanup_stack' routine found in the <pids> interface.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
These changes are an outgrowth of the research/testing
behind the previous commit. There is no commingling of
select/reap stacks in interfaces beyond the <pids> api
since there's no need to support any 'reset' function.
However, those <pids> changes prompted a review of all
interfaces offering that 'stacks_fetch' function, thus
revealing 2 instances of useless logic/wasted efforts.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
When the <pids> api was refactored in the commit shown
below, one objective was enabling the simultaneous use
of 'get' & 'select/reap' functions. Unlike other 'get'
functions, this <pids> 'get' acts as an iterator where
successive calls will return successive tasks/threads.
However, that goal wasn't quite met since a stack used
by 'get' was commingled with the 'select/reap' stacks.
Such commingling supported the 'reset' function, again
a provision which was unique to this <pids> interface.
Unfortunately, some poor assumptions in 'stacks_fetch'
produced a SEGV whenever 'reap/select' followed 'get'.
Thus, this patch addresses those issues and guarantees
such commingled stacks (extents) will be accommodated.
. standardize portions of interface, <PIDS> api
commit 9ebadc1438a6665a98a9f0782523b0f9a2a6248f
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
The commit referenced below addressed (some) anomalies
surrounding 'strv' pointers. However, there remained a
couple quirks involving a potential NULL return value.
Any NULL values returned from the old library readproc
guys would cause no real harm for newlib. But they did
produce the misleading "[ duplicate ENUM_ID ]" result.
The following all represent potential NULL results and
suggest shortcomings in testing of that earlier patch.
. kernel threads do not have cgroup, cmdline & environ
. even if present environ could require root to access
So, this patch reverts a portion of the earlier commit
and ensures when some vectored string is not available
a traditional dash ('-') is the 'strv' returned value.
[ and we'll also correct one typo in the header file ]
. eliminated a final potential NULL, <PIDS> api
commit 09503dc59792ab0147de604ab48342b8508f2d7b
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This commit is intended as a refinement of the patches
mentioned below, where origins/sources of newlib items
were added to the header files for user documentation.
However, if those additions are to be truly effective,
along with kernel documentation (where available), the
following prerequisites must also have been satisfied:
. our identifiers closely align with linux field names
. our derived items are documented or self-documenting
Satisfying those prerequisites prompted this patch and
for these changes, kernel sources were emphasized over
available documentation (shame on me, it should always
have been so). And, while some 'new' fields were found
to be conditional, they were included unconditionally.
These changes appear more extensive than they actually
need be since I have attempted to enforce some spacing
conventions. So, I've summarize the significant things
in the sections that follow. For a proper perspective,
use: 'git diff --ignore-space-change' (good as alias).
___________________________________________ <PIDS> api
This api is unique in that there exists many different
file/directory origins subordinate to /proc/<pid>. And
our item identifiers are sometimes coerced so as to be
able to group related or similar enumerators together.
So, users needed more help relating our identifiers to
an actual documented field. Thus, we will now also add
the field names as with 'stat: delayacct_blkio_ticks'.
Each item ending with a '_C' now consistently includes
both the parent's count/time plus waited for children.
That 'RTPRIO' guy was renamed/relocated as PRIORITY_RT
since its original name is an implementation artifact.
___________________________________________ <STAT> api
The only api change was to correct a typo ('dervied').
_________________________________________ <VMSTAT> api
Even ignoring white space, this interface received the
largest number of changes. Mostly, this was because of
deficiencies in the proc(5) documentation. Recall that
this documentation already sorely lacks any substance.
Usually, just kernel releases are noted, not contents.
When compared to kernel source, that proc(5) contained
many non-existent fields and also omitted many others.
________________________________________ <MEMINFO> api
Sadly, with this api many of the changes were simply a
correction of some earlier 'human error' where several
fields where hashed then tracked but never represented
with an item enumerator in this meminfo.h header file.
_______________________________________ <SLABINFO> api
The 'SLABS' (summary) & 'SLABNODE' items were reversed
since the former are derived from the separate caches.
More significantly, those 'SLABNODE' guys were renamed
to 'SLAB' since they concern individual caches and the
concept of 'nodes' is really an implementation detail.
Also, several enumerators were changed to more closely
agree with official slabinfo(5) documentation referred
to in what we're treating as a base document: proc(5).
Lastly, while those 'SLABS' items are solely a product
of our library and not represented in slabinfo(5), the
names attempt to parallel those found as 'SLAB' items.
______________________________________ <DISKSTATS> api
One enumeration identifier was changed so as to better
reflect its relationship to that actual documentation:
'Documentation/iostats.txt', as referenced in proc(5).
. 12/2018, item origins added (and commit msg history)
commit 96d59cbf46b3ff687bd29fad4708074a0e1cea14
. 01/2019, <stat> origins tweaked
commit 201e816b26ddaccc923ec40977c92037cdd0c34e
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Rather than offer three separate patches, they've been
consolidated in this single commit. All are related in
that they surfaced while preparing a subsequent patch.
library: correct a broken '#if define', <SLABINFO> api
It was introduced (embarrassingly) in the patch below.
commit 97d078a9afbe4ed9949dc71acf7091fcf7971339
library: correct a broken 'GET' macro, <DISKSTATS> api
In the patch referenced below, which purported to make
all the 'GET' macros robust, the 'DISKSTATS_GET' macro
was broken. A necessary parameter wasn't passed to the
subsequently invoked function: procps_diskstats_get().
commit bef8c7fb70164091071c792016371869b9c50ad2
library: correct a broken 'sort' func, <DISKSTATS> api
In the commit shown below, an attempt to normalize the
errno handling, the sort function inadvertently lost 1
crucial line of code which produces a consistent SEGV.
commit 06be33b43e5ff3f2658e77ef79441ac2e970cfd7
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Since the patch referenced below traded a compile-time
'sizeof' directive for a run-time 'strlen' call, there
is no need to declare lxc patterns as explicit arrays.
We'll also use the actual lxc patterns by omitting the
beginning slashes ('/') for both of those definitions.
And, looking to the future when most/all lxc users are
using the most recent lxc release, we will make things
slightly more efficient by reversing those two pattern
literals so the most recent pattern was checked first.
Of course, such a change only benefits tasks which are
running in a container. For the majority of processes,
both literals will be compared in that 'if' statement,
assuming the 'LXC' field is currently being displayed.
[ plus, a leftover parenthesis pair has been removed ]
commit 288d759b8bdf22f194bdda88dbee0192bbc75bb0
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
That patch shown below should have also included this.
commit 68d7f7a673aee38238d054efe2fe207db245e3c5
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
As we're using buffered I/O when writing kernel parameters, write errors
may get delayed until we close the `FILE` stream. As we are currently
outputting the key that is to be set disregarding the return value of
`close_stream`, we may end up in a situation where we report error and
$ sysctl kernel.printk_ratelimit=100000000000000
sysctl: setting key "kernel.printk_ratelimit": error code 22
kernel.printk_ratelimit = 100000000000000
Fix the issue by only outputting the updated value in case
`close_stream` does not report an error.
Signed-off-by: Patrick Steinhardt <>
When writing to procfs via `proc_write` fails, we try to chunk the
buffer into smaller pieces to work around that issue. When searching for
the next location to split the buffer, though, we can underflow the
buffer in case the current offset is smaller than `LINELEN`. Fix the
issue by passing `cookie->offset` instead of `LINELEN` into `memrchr` in
case `cookie->offset` is smaller than `LINELEN`.
This bug can be triggered on musl-based systems, e.g. by executing
$ sysctl kernel.printk_ratelimit=1000000000000000
As the value is out-of-range, `write` will return an error and set
`errno` to `EINVAL`. As we're only trying to write a smallish buffer
with a length smaller than `LINELEN` and as the buffer does not contain
any newlines, the call
token = (char*)memrchr(cookie->buf+offset, '\n', LINELEN);
will underflow the buffer and crash the program.
Signed-off-by: Patrick Steinhardt <>
The `fprocopen` function allows users to specify a delimiter chacter
that is used to split very large input lines into smaller chunks. While
the code checks that the caller did actually supply the delimiter, it is
in fact never used to split the string. Instead, the hardcoded default
character ',' is always used to split the string.
Fix the issue by using `cookie->delim` instead.
This patch just polishes the 'origin' comments for the
<STAT> header file. In particular those derived/unique
items (the 'SUM' guys) will now be properly explained.
[ in order to employ the 'derived from above' phrase ]
[ with their DELTA versions, all SUM items had to be ]
[ relocated (and some renamed). in turn, that had an ]
[ impact on many portions of the .c source file too. ]
. summary calculations introduced
commit 2c86c4984a15c9ab912402838c6651f466a3d2ed
. origins added to header files
commit 96d59cbf46b3ff687bd29fad4708074a0e1cea14
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>