Jim Warner af34cc964a library: repair <pids> api boo-boo in the 'select' i/f
The patch referenced below corrected some flaws in the
procps_pids_select implementation. But, there remained
one flaw which this commit will now hopefully address.

Rather than assume callers wished to select only tasks
and not threads meant a command like 'top -H -p 10329'
works differently under newlib than release 3.3.17. It
fails to honor the '-H' (threads) switch under newlib.

So, to fix that oops, we'll allow that select function
to get threads or tasks depending on its 'which' parm.

. Oct 2015, some flaws corrected
commit bc616b361596bc3008800de839b88446508cfdd0

Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
2021-08-09 22:03:23 +10:00

280 lines
13 KiB

* pids.h - process related declarations for libprocps
* Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Albert Cahalan
* Copyright (C) 2015 Craig Small <csmall@dropbear.xyz>
* Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
enum pids_item {
PIDS_noop, // ( never altered )
PIDS_extra, // ( reset to zero )
// returns origin, see proc(5)
// ------- -------------------
PIDS_ADDR_CODE_END, // ul_int stat: end_code
PIDS_ADDR_CODE_START, // ul_int stat: start_code
PIDS_ADDR_CURR_EIP, // ul_int stat: eip
PIDS_ADDR_CURR_ESP, // ul_int stat: esp
PIDS_ADDR_STACK_START, // ul_int stat: start_stack
PIDS_AUTOGRP_ID, // s_int autogroup
PIDS_AUTOGRP_NICE, // s_int autogroup
PIDS_CGNAME, // str derived from CGROUP ':name='
PIDS_CGROUP, // str cgroup
PIDS_CGROUP_V, // strv cgroup, as *str[]
PIDS_CMD, // str stat: tcomm or status: Name
PIDS_CMDLINE, // str cmdline
PIDS_CMDLINE_V, // strv cmdline, as *str[]
PIDS_ENVIRON, // str environ
PIDS_ENVIRON_V, // strv environ, as *str[]
PIDS_EXE, // str exe
PIDS_EXIT_SIGNAL, // s_int stat: exit_signal
PIDS_FLAGS, // ul_int stat: flags
PIDS_FLT_MAJ, // ul_int stat: maj_flt
PIDS_FLT_MAJ_C, // ul_int stat: maj_flt + cmaj_flt
PIDS_FLT_MAJ_DELTA, // s_int derived from FLT_MAJ
PIDS_FLT_MIN, // ul_int stat: min_flt
PIDS_FLT_MIN_C, // ul_int stat: min_flt + cmin_flt
PIDS_FLT_MIN_DELTA, // s_int derived from FLT_MIN
PIDS_ID_EGID, // u_int status: Gid
PIDS_ID_EGROUP, // str derived from EGID, see getgrgid(3)
PIDS_ID_EUID, // u_int status: Uid
PIDS_ID_EUSER, // str derived from EUID, see getpwuid(3)
PIDS_ID_FGID, // u_int status: Gid
PIDS_ID_FGROUP, // str derived from FGID, see getgrgid(3)
PIDS_ID_FUID, // u_int status: Uid
PIDS_ID_FUSER, // str derived from FUID, see getpwuid(3)
PIDS_ID_LOGIN, // s_int loginuid
PIDS_ID_PGRP, // s_int stat: pgrp
PIDS_ID_PID, // s_int from /proc/<pid>
PIDS_ID_PPID, // s_int stat: ppid or status: PPid
PIDS_ID_RGID, // u_int status: Gid
PIDS_ID_RGROUP, // str derived from RGID, see getgrgid(3)
PIDS_ID_RUID, // u_int status: Uid
PIDS_ID_RUSER, // str derived from RUID, see getpwuid(3)
PIDS_ID_SESSION, // s_int stat: sid
PIDS_ID_SGID, // u_int status: Gid
PIDS_ID_SGROUP, // str derived from SGID, see getgrgid(3)
PIDS_ID_SUID, // u_int status: Uid
PIDS_ID_SUSER, // str derived from SUID, see getpwuid(3)
PIDS_ID_TGID, // s_int status: Tgid
PIDS_ID_TID, // s_int from /proc/<pid>/task/<tid>
PIDS_ID_TPGID, // s_int stat: tty_pgrp
PIDS_IO_READ_BYTES, // ul_int io: read_bytes
PIDS_IO_READ_CHARS, // ul_int io: rchar
PIDS_IO_READ_OPS, // ul_int io: syscr
PIDS_IO_WRITE_BYTES, // ul_int io: write_bytes
PIDS_IO_WRITE_CBYTES, // ul_int io: cancelled_write_bytes
PIDS_IO_WRITE_CHARS, // ul_int io: wchar
PIDS_IO_WRITE_OPS, // ul_int io: syscw
PIDS_LXCNAME, // str derived from CGROUP 'lxc.payload'
PIDS_MEM_CODE, // ul_int derived from MEM_CODE_PGS, as KiB
PIDS_MEM_CODE_PGS, // ul_int statm: trs
PIDS_MEM_DATA, // ul_int derived from MEM_DATA_PGS, as KiB
PIDS_MEM_DATA_PGS, // ul_int statm: drs
PIDS_MEM_RES, // ul_int derived from MEM_RES_PGS, as KiB
PIDS_MEM_RES_PGS, // ul_int statm: resident
PIDS_MEM_SHR, // ul_int derived from MEM_SHR_PGS, as KiB
PIDS_MEM_SHR_PGS, // ul_int statm: shared
PIDS_MEM_VIRT, // ul_int derived from MEM_VIRT_PGS, as KiB
PIDS_MEM_VIRT_PGS, // ul_int statm: size
PIDS_NICE, // s_int stat: nice
PIDS_NLWP, // s_int stat: num_threads or status: Threads
PIDS_NS_IPC, // ul_int ns/
PIDS_NS_MNT, // ul_int "
PIDS_NS_NET, // ul_int "
PIDS_NS_PID, // ul_int "
PIDS_NS_USER, // ul_int "
PIDS_NS_UTS, // ul_int "
PIDS_OOM_ADJ, // s_int oom_score_adj
PIDS_OOM_SCORE, // s_int oom_score
PIDS_PRIORITY, // s_int stat: priority
PIDS_PRIORITY_RT, // s_int stat: rt_priority
PIDS_PROCESSOR, // u_int stat: task_cpu
PIDS_PROCESSOR_NODE, // s_int derived from PROCESSOR, see numa(3)
PIDS_RSS, // ul_int stat: rss
PIDS_RSS_RLIM, // ul_int stat: rsslim
PIDS_SCHED_CLASS, // s_int stat: policy
PIDS_SD_MACH, // str derived from PID/TID, see sd-login(3)
PIDS_SD_OUID, // str "
PIDS_SD_SEAT, // str "
PIDS_SD_SESS, // str "
PIDS_SD_SLICE, // str "
PIDS_SD_UNIT, // str "
PIDS_SD_UUNIT, // str "
PIDS_SIGBLOCKED, // str status: SigBlk
PIDS_SIGCATCH, // str status: SigCgt
PIDS_SIGIGNORE, // str status: SigIgn
PIDS_SIGNALS, // str status: ShdPnd
PIDS_SIGPENDING, // str status: SigPnd
PIDS_SMAP_ANONYMOUS, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Anonymous
PIDS_SMAP_HUGE_ANON, // ul_int smaps_rollup: AnonHugePages
PIDS_SMAP_HUGE_FILE, // ul_int smaps_rollup: FilePmdMapped
PIDS_SMAP_HUGE_SHMEM, // ul_int smaps_rollup: ShmemPmdMapped
PIDS_SMAP_HUGE_TLBPRV, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Private_Hugetlb
PIDS_SMAP_HUGE_TLBSHR, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Shared_Hugetlb
PIDS_SMAP_LAZY_FREE, // ul_int smaps_rollup: LazyFree
PIDS_SMAP_LOCKED, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Locked
PIDS_SMAP_PRV_CLEAN, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Private_Clean
PIDS_SMAP_PRV_DIRTY, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Private_Dirty
PIDS_SMAP_PSS, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Pss
PIDS_SMAP_PSS_ANON, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Pss_Anon
PIDS_SMAP_PSS_FILE, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Pss_File
PIDS_SMAP_PSS_SHMEM, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Pss_Shmem
PIDS_SMAP_REFERENCED, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Referenced
PIDS_SMAP_RSS, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Rss
PIDS_SMAP_SHR_CLEAN, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Shared_Clean
PIDS_SMAP_SHR_DIRTY, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Shared_Dirty
PIDS_SMAP_SWAP, // ul_int smaps_rollup: Swap
PIDS_SMAP_SWAP_PSS, // ul_int smaps_rollup: SwapPss
PIDS_STATE, // s_ch stat: state or status: State
PIDS_SUPGIDS, // str status: Groups
PIDS_SUPGROUPS, // str derived from SUPGIDS, see getgrgid(3)
PIDS_TICS_ALL, // ull_int stat: stime + utime
PIDS_TICS_ALL_C, // ull_int stat: stime + utime + cstime + cutime
PIDS_TICS_ALL_DELTA, // u_int derived from TICS_ALL
PIDS_TICS_BLKIO, // ull_int stat: blkio_ticks
PIDS_TICS_GUEST, // ull_int stat: gtime
PIDS_TICS_GUEST_C, // ull_int stat: gtime + cgtime
PIDS_TICS_SYSTEM, // ull_int stat: stime
PIDS_TICS_SYSTEM_C, // ull_int stat: stime + cstime
PIDS_TICS_USER, // ull_int stat: utime
PIDS_TICS_USER_C, // ull_int stat: utime + cutime
PIDS_TIME_ALL, // ull_int derived from (utime + stime) / hertz
PIDS_TIME_ELAPSED, // ull_int derived from /proc/uptime - (starttime / hertz)
PIDS_TIME_START, // ull_int stat: start_time
PIDS_TTY, // s_int stat: tty_nr
PIDS_TTY_NAME, // str derived from TTY
PIDS_TTY_NUMBER, // str derived from TTY as str
PIDS_VM_DATA, // ul_int status: VmData
PIDS_VM_EXE, // ul_int status: VmExe
PIDS_VM_LIB, // ul_int status: VmLib
PIDS_VM_RSS, // ul_int status: VmRSS
PIDS_VM_RSS_ANON, // ul_int status: RssAnon
PIDS_VM_RSS_FILE, // ul_int status: RssFile
PIDS_VM_RSS_LOCKED, // ul_int status: VmLck
PIDS_VM_RSS_SHARED, // ul_int status: RssShmem
PIDS_VM_SIZE, // ul_int status: VmSize
PIDS_VM_STACK, // ul_int status: VmStk
PIDS_VM_SWAP, // ul_int status: VmSwap
PIDS_VM_USED, // ul_int status: VmRSS + VmSwap
PIDS_VSIZE_PGS, // ul_int stat: vsize
PIDS_WCHAN_NAME // str wchan
enum pids_fetch_type {
enum pids_select_type {
PIDS_SELECT_PID = 0x10000,
PIDS_SELECT_UID = 0x20000,
enum pids_sort_order {
struct pids_result {
enum pids_item item;
union {
signed char s_ch;
signed int s_int;
unsigned int u_int;
unsigned long ul_int;
unsigned long long ull_int;
char *str;
char **strv;
} result;
struct pids_stack {
struct pids_result *head;
struct pids_counts {
int total;
int running, sleeping, stopped, zombied, other;
struct pids_fetch {
struct pids_counts *counts;
struct pids_stack **stacks;
#define PIDS_VAL( relative_enum, type, stack, info ) \
stack -> head [ relative_enum ] . result . type
struct pids_info;
int procps_pids_new (struct pids_info **info, enum pids_item *items, int numitems);
int procps_pids_ref (struct pids_info *info);
int procps_pids_unref (struct pids_info **info);
struct pids_stack *fatal_proc_unmounted (
struct pids_info *info,
int return_self);
struct pids_stack *procps_pids_get (
struct pids_info *info,
enum pids_fetch_type which);
struct pids_fetch *procps_pids_reap (
struct pids_info *info,
enum pids_fetch_type which);
int procps_pids_reset (
struct pids_info *info,
enum pids_item *newitems,
int newnumitems);
struct pids_fetch *procps_pids_select (
struct pids_info *info,
unsigned *these,
int numthese,
enum pids_select_type which);
struct pids_stack **procps_pids_sort (
struct pids_info *info,
struct pids_stack *stacks[],
int numstacked,
enum pids_item sortitem,
enum pids_sort_order order);
# include "xtra-procps-debug.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus