3748 lines
129 KiB
3748 lines
129 KiB
/* top.c - Source file: show Linux processes */
* Copyright (c) 2002-2011, by: James C. Warner
* All rights reserved. 8921 Hilloway Road
* Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55347 USA
* This file may be used subject to the terms and conditions of the
* GNU Library General Public License Version 2, or any later version
* at your option, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
/* For contributions to this program, the author wishes to thank:
* Craig Small, <csmall@small.dropbear.id.au>
* Albert D. Cahalan, <albert@users.sf.net>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <term.h> // foul sob, defines all sorts of stuff...
#undef tab
#undef TTY
#include <termios.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <values.h>
#include "proc/devname.h"
#include "proc/procps.h"
#include "proc/readproc.h"
#include "proc/sig.h"
#include "proc/sysinfo.h"
#include "proc/version.h"
#include "proc/wchan.h"
#include "proc/whattime.h"
#include "top.h"
/*###### Miscellaneous global stuff ####################################*/
/* The original and new terminal definitions
(only set when not in 'Batch' mode) */
static struct termios Tty_original, // our inherited terminal definition
Tty_tweaked, // for interactive 'line' input
Tty_raw; // for unsolicited input
static int Ttychanged = 0;
/* Program name used in error messages and local 'rc' file name */
static char *Myname;
/* The 'local' config file support */
static char Rc_name [OURPATHSZ];
static RCF_t Rc = DEF_RCFILE;
/* The run-time acquired page stuff */
static unsigned Page_size;
static unsigned Pg2K_shft = 0;
/* SMP, Irix/Solaris mode, Linux 2.5.xx support */
/* (assume no IO-wait stats, overridden if linux 2.5.41) */
static int Cpu_tot;
static float Cpu_pmax;
static const char *Cpu_States_fmts = STATES_line2x4;
/* Specific process id monitoring support */
static pid_t Monpids [MONPIDMAX] = { 0 };
static int Monpidsidx = 0;
/* A postponed error message */
static char Msg_delayed [MEDBUFSIZ];
static int Msg_awaiting = 0;
/* Current screen dimensions.
note: the number of processes displayed is tracked on a per window
basis (see the WIN_t). Max_lines is the total number of
screen rows after deducting summary information overhead. */
/* Current terminal screen size. */
static int Screen_cols, Screen_rows, Max_lines;
/* This is really the number of lines needed to display the summary
information (0 - nn), but is used as the relative row where we
stick the cursor between frames. */
static int Msg_row;
/* Global/Non-windows mode stuff that is NOT persistent */
static int No_ksyms = -1, // set to '0' if ksym avail, '1' otherwise
PSDBopen = 0, // set to '1' if psdb opened (now postponed)
Batch = 0, // batch mode, collect no input, dumb output
Loops = -1, // number of iterations, -1 loops forever
Secure_mode = 0, // set if some functionality restricted
Thread_mode = 0, // set w/ 'H' - show threads via readeither()
Width_mode = 0; // set w/ 'w' - potential output override
/* Unchangeable cap's stuff built just once (if at all) and
thus NOT saved in a WIN_t's RCW_t. To accomodate 'Batch'
mode, they begin life as empty strings so the overlying
logic need not change ! */
static char Cap_clr_eol [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", // global and/or static vars
Cap_nl_clreos [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", // are initialized to zeros!
Cap_clr_scr [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", // the assignments used here
Cap_curs_norm [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", // cost nothing but DO serve
Cap_curs_huge [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", // to remind people of those
Cap_curs_hide [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", // batch requirements!
Cap_home [CAPBUFSIZ] = "",
Cap_norm [CAPBUFSIZ] = "",
Cap_reverse [CAPBUFSIZ] = "",
Caps_off [CAPBUFSIZ] = "",
Caps_endline [CAPBUFSIZ] = "";
static char Cap_rmam [CAPBUFSIZ] = "",
Cap_smam [CAPBUFSIZ] = "";
/* set to 1 if writing to the last column would be troublesome
(we don't distinguish the lowermost row from the other rows) */
static int Cap_avoid_eol = 0;
static int Cap_can_goto = 0;
/* Some optimization stuff, to reduce output demands...
The Pseudo_ guys are managed by adj_geometry and frame_make. They
are exploited in a macro and represent 90% of our optimization.
The Stdout_buf is transparent to our code and regardless of whose
buffer is used, stdout is flushed at frame end or if interactive. */
static char *Pseudo_screen;
static int Pseudo_row = -1;
static size_t Pseudo_size;
// less than stdout's normal buffer but with luck mostly '\n' anyway
static char Stdout_buf[2048];
/* Our four WIN_t's, and which of those is considered the 'current'
window (ie. which window is associated with any summ info displayed
and to which window commands are directed) */
static WIN_t Winstk [GROUPSMAX];
static WIN_t *Curwin;
/* Frame oriented stuff that can't remain local to any 1 function
and/or that would be too cumbersome managed as parms,
and/or that are simply more efficiently handled as globals
[ 'Frames_...' (plural) stuff persists beyond 1 frame ]
[ or are used in response to async signals received ! ] */
// Frames_paused set by sig_paused(), unset by pause_pgm()
static volatile int Frames_paused; // become a paused background job
// Frames_resize set by do_key() & sig_resize(), unset by calibrate_fields()
static volatile int Frames_resize; // time to rebuild all column headers
static int Frames_libflags; // PROC_FILLxxx flags
static int Frame_maxtask; // last known number of active tasks
// ie. current 'size' of proc table
static float Frame_etscale; // so we can '*' vs. '/' WHEN 'pcpu'
static unsigned Frame_running, // state categories for this frame
static int Frame_srtflg, // the subject window's sort direction
Frame_ctimes, // the subject window's ctimes flag
Frame_cmdlin; // the subject window's cmdlin flag
/* Support for 'history' processing so we can calculate %cpu */
static int HHist_siz; // max number of HST_t structs
static HST_t *PHist_sav, // alternating 'old/new' HST_t anchors
#ifndef OFF_HST_HASH
#define HHASH_SIZ 1024
static int HHash_one [HHASH_SIZ], // actual hash tables ( hereafter known
HHash_two [HHASH_SIZ], // as PHash_sav/PHash_new )
HHash_nul [HHASH_SIZ]; // 'empty' hash table image
static int *PHash_sav = HHash_one, // alternating 'old/new' hash tables
*PHash_new = HHash_two;
/*###### Sort callbacks ################################################*/
* These happen to be coded in the enum identifier alphabetic order,
* not the order of the enum 'pflgs' value. Also note that a callback
* routine may serve more than one column.
SCB_STRV(CGR, 1, cgroup, cgroup[0])
SCB_STRV(CMD, Frame_cmdlin, cmdline, cmd)
SCB_NUM1(COD, trs)
SCB_NUMx(CPN, processor)
SCB_NUM1(CPU, pcpu)
SCB_NUM1(DAT, drs)
SCB_NUM1(FLG, flags)
SCB_NUM1(FL1, maj_flt)
SCB_NUM1(FL2, min_flt)
SCB_NUMx(GID, egid)
SCB_STRS(GRP, egroup)
SCB_NUMx(NCE, nice)
SCB_NUM1(OOA, oom_adj)
SCB_NUM1(OOM, oom_score)
SCB_NUMx(PGD, pgrp)
SCB_NUMx(PID, tid)
SCB_NUMx(PPD, ppid)
SCB_NUMx(PRI, priority)
SCB_NUM1(RES, resident) // also serves MEM !
SCB_STRX(SGD, supgid)
SCB_STRS(SGN, supgrp)
SCB_NUM1(SHR, share)
SCB_NUM1(SID, session)
SCB_NUMx(STA, state)
SCB_NUM1(SWP, vm_swap)
SCB_NUMx(TGD, tgid)
SCB_NUMx(THD, nlwp)
// also serves TM2 !
static int SCB_NAME(TME) (const proc_t **P, const proc_t **Q) {
if (Frame_ctimes) {
if (((*P)->cutime + (*P)->cstime + (*P)->utime + (*P)->stime)
< ((*Q)->cutime + (*Q)->cstime + (*Q)->utime + (*Q)->stime))
return SORT_lt;
if (((*P)->cutime + (*P)->cstime + (*P)->utime + (*P)->stime)
> ((*Q)->cutime + (*Q)->cstime + (*Q)->utime + (*Q)->stime))
return SORT_gt;
} else {
if (((*P)->utime + (*P)->stime) < ((*Q)->utime + (*Q)->stime))
return SORT_lt;
if (((*P)->utime + (*P)->stime) > ((*Q)->utime + (*Q)->stime))
return SORT_gt;
return SORT_eq;
SCB_NUM1(TPG, tpgid)
SCB_NUMx(TTY, tty)
SCB_NUMx(UED, euid)
SCB_STRS(UEN, euser)
SCB_NUMx(URD, ruid)
SCB_STRS(URN, ruser)
SCB_NUMx(USD, suid)
SCB_STRS(USN, suser)
SCB_NUM1(VRT, size)
SCB_NUM1(WCH, wchan)
/* special sort for prochlp() ! -------------------------- */
static int sort_HST_t (const HST_t *P, const HST_t *Q) {
return P->pid - Q->pid;
/*###### Tiny useful routine(s) ########################################*/
* This routine simply formats whatever the caller wants and
* returns a pointer to the resulting 'const char' string... */
static const char *fmtmk (const char *fmts, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2)));
static const char *fmtmk (const char *fmts, ...) {
static char buf[BIGBUFSIZ]; // with help stuff, our buffer
va_list va; // requirements now exceed 1k
va_start(va, fmts);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmts, va);
return (const char *)buf;
} // end: fmtmk
* This guy is just our way of avoiding the overhead of the standard
* strcat function (should the caller choose to participate) */
static inline char *scat (char *dst, const char *src) {
while (*dst) dst++;
while ((*(dst++) = *(src++)));
return --dst;
} // end: scat
* Trim the rc file lines and any 'open_psdb_message' which arrives
* with an inappropriate newline (thanks to 'sysmap_mmap') */
static char *strim (char *str) {
static const char ws[] = "\b\f\n\r\t\v\x1b\x9b"; // 0x1b + 0x9b are escape
char *p;
if ((p = strpbrk(str, ws))) *p = '\0';
return str;
} // end: strim
* This guy just facilitates Batch and protects against dumb ttys
* -- we'd 'inline' him but he's only called twice per frame,
* yet used in many other locations. */
static const char *tg2 (int x, int y) {
// it's entirely possible we're trying for an invalid row...
return Cap_can_goto ? tgoto(cursor_address, x, y) : "";
} // end: tg2
/*###### Exit/Interrput routines #######################################*/
* The real program end */
static void bye_bye (const char *str) NORETURN;
static void bye_bye (const char *str) {
if (Ttychanged) {
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Tty_original);
putp(tg2(0, Screen_rows));
{ proc_t *p;
if (!str) { fprintf(stderr,
"\n%s's Summary report:"
"\n\t Linux version = %u.%u.%u, %s"
"\n\t Hertz = %u (%u bytes, %u-bit time)"
"\n\t Page_size = %d, Cpu_tot = %d"
"\n\t sizeof(CPU_t) = %u, sizeof(HST_t) = %u (%u HST_t's/Page), HHist_siz = %u"
"\n\t sizeof(proc_t) = %u, sizeof(proc_t.cmd) = %u, sizeof(proc_t*) = %u"
"\n\t Frames_libflags = %08lX"
"\n\tTerminal: %s"
"\n\t device = %s, ncurses = v%s"
"\n\t max_colors = %d, max_pairs = %d"
"\n\t Cap_can_goto = %s"
"\n\t Screen_cols = %d, Screen_rows = %d"
"\n\t Max_lines = %d, most recent Pseudo_size = %u"
"\n\t Stdout_buf = %u, BUFSIZ = %u"
"\n\tWindows and Curwin->"
"\n\t sizeof(WIN_t) = %u, GROUPSMAX = %d"
"\n\t winname = %s, grpname = %s"
"\n\t winflags = %08X, maxpflgs = %d"
"\n\t winflags = %08x, maxpflgs = %d"
"\n\t fieldscur = %s, sortindx = %d"
"\n\t maxtasks = %d, varcolsz = %d, winlines = %d"
"\n\t strlen(columnhdr) = %d"
, __func__
, LINUX_VERSION_MAJOR(linux_version_code)
, LINUX_VERSION_MINOR(linux_version_code)
, LINUX_VERSION_PATCH(linux_version_code)
, procps_version
, (unsigned)Hertz, (unsigned)sizeof(Hertz), (unsigned)sizeof(Hertz) * 8
, Page_size, Cpu_tot
, (unsigned) sizeof(CPU_t), (unsigned)sizeof(HST_t), Page_size / (unsigned)sizeof(HST_t), HHist_siz
, (unsigned)sizeof(proc_t), (unsigned)sizeof(p->cmd), (unsigned)sizeof(proc_t*)
, (long)Frames_libflags
, (unsigned)SCREENMAX, (unsigned)ROWMINSIZ, (unsigned)ROWMAXSIZ
, "dumb"
, termname()
, max_colors, max_pairs
, Cap_can_goto ? "yes" : "No!"
, Screen_cols, Screen_rows
, Max_lines, (unsigned)Pseudo_size
, (unsigned)sizeof(Stdout_buf), (unsigned)BUFSIZ
, (unsigned)sizeof(WIN_t), GROUPSMAX
, Curwin->rc.winname, Curwin->grpname
, Curwin->rc.winflags, Curwin->maxpflgs
, Curwin->rc.fieldscur, Curwin->rc.sortindx
, Curwin->rc.maxtasks, Curwin->varcolsz, Curwin->winlines
, (int)strlen(Curwin->columnhdr)
#endif // end: ATEOJ_RPTSTD
#ifndef OFF_HST_HASH
if (!str) {
int i, j, pop, total_occupied, maxdepth, maxdepth_sav, numdepth
, cross_foot, sz = HHASH_SIZ * (unsigned)sizeof(int);
int depths[HHASH_SIZ];
for (i = 0, total_occupied = 0, maxdepth = 0; i < HHASH_SIZ; i++) {
int V = PHash_new[i];
j = 0;
if (-1 < V) {
while (-1 < V) {
V = PHist_new[V].lnk;
if (-1 < V) j++;
depths[i] = j;
if (maxdepth < j) maxdepth = j;
maxdepth_sav = maxdepth;
"\n%s's Supplementary HASH report:"
"\n\tTwo Tables providing for %d entries each + 1 extra for 'empty' image"
"\n\t%dk (%d bytes) per table, %d total bytes (including 'empty' image)"
"\n\tResults from latest hash (PHash_new + PHist_new)..."
"\n\tTotal hashed = %d"
"\n\tLevel-0 hash entries = %d (%d%% occupied)"
"\n\tMax Depth = %d"
, __func__
, HHASH_SIZ, sz / 1024, sz, sz * 3
, Frame_maxtask
, total_occupied, (total_occupied * 100) / HHASH_SIZ
, maxdepth + 1);
if (total_occupied) {
for (pop = total_occupied, cross_foot = 0; maxdepth; maxdepth--) {
for (i = 0, numdepth = 0; i < HHASH_SIZ; i++)
if (depths[i] == maxdepth) ++numdepth;
"\t %5d (%3d%%) hash table entries at depth %d\n"
, numdepth, (numdepth * 100) / total_occupied, maxdepth + 1);
pop -= numdepth;
cross_foot += numdepth;
if (0 == pop && cross_foot == total_occupied) break;
if (pop) {
fprintf(stderr, "\t %5d (%3d%%) unchained hash table entries\n"
, pop, (pop * 100) / total_occupied);
cross_foot += pop;
"\t -----\n"
"\t %5d total entries occupied\n", cross_foot);
if (maxdepth_sav) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nPIDs at max depth: ");
for (i = 0; i < HHASH_SIZ; i++)
if (depths[i] == maxdepth_sav) {
j = PHash_new[i];
fprintf(stderr, "\n\tpos %4d: %05d", i, PHist_new[j].pid);
while (-1 < j) {
j = PHist_new[j].lnk;
if (-1 < j) fprintf(stderr, ", %05d", PHist_new[j].pid);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#endif // end: ATEOJ_RPTHSH
#endif // end: OFF_HST_HASH
if (str) {
fputs(str, stderr);
} // end: bye_bye
* Standard error handler to normalize the look of all err output */
static void error_exit (const char *str) NORETURN;
static void error_exit (const char *str) {
static char buf[MEDBUFSIZ];
/* we'll use our own buffer so callers can still use fmtmk() and, yes the
leading tab is not the standard convention, but the standard is wrong
-- OUR msg won't get lost in screen clutter, like so many others! */
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\t%s: %s\n", Myname, str);
} // end: error_exit
* Called in response to Frames_paused (tku: sig_paused) */
static void pause_pgm (void) {
Frames_paused = 0;
// reset terminal (maybe)
if (Ttychanged) tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Tty_original);
putp(tg2(0, Screen_rows));
// later, after SIGCONT...
if (Ttychanged) tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Tty_raw);
} // end: pause_pgm
* Catches all remaining signals not otherwise handled */
static void sig_abexit (int sig) NORETURN;
static void sig_abexit (int sig) {
static const char *ab_msg =
"\n\tsignal %d (%s) was caught by %s, please"
"\n\tsee http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting\n";
sigset_t ss;
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &ss, NULL);
bye_bye(fmtmk(ab_msg, sig, signal_number_to_name(sig), Myname));
} // end: sig_abexit
* Catches:
static void sig_endpgm (int dont_care_sig) NORETURN;
static void sig_endpgm (int dont_care_sig) {
sigset_t ss;
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &ss, NULL);
} // end: sig_endpgm
* Catches:
static void sig_paused (int dont_care_sig) {
Frames_paused = 1;
} // end: sig_paused
* Catches:
static void sig_resize (int dont_care_sig) {
Frames_resize = 1;
} // end: sig_resize
/*###### Misc Color/Display support ####################################*/
* Make the appropriate caps/color strings for a window/field group.
* note: we avoid the use of background color so as to maximize
* compatibility with the user's xterm settings */
static void capsmk (WIN_t *q) {
/* macro to test if a basic (non-color) capability is valid
thanks: Floyd Davidson <floyd@ptialaska.net> */
#define tIF(s) s ? s : ""
static int capsdone = 0;
// we must NOT disturb our 'empty' terminfo strings!
if (Batch) return;
// these are the unchangeable puppies, so we only do 'em once
if (!capsdone) {
STRLCPY(Cap_clr_eol, tIF(clr_eol))
STRLCPY(Cap_clr_scr, tIF(clear_screen))
// due to leading newline, only 1 function may use this (and carefully)
snprintf(Cap_nl_clreos, sizeof(Cap_nl_clreos), "\n%s", tIF(clr_eos));
STRLCPY(Cap_curs_huge, tIF(cursor_visible))
STRLCPY(Cap_curs_norm, tIF(cursor_normal))
STRLCPY(Cap_curs_hide, tIF(cursor_invisible))
STRLCPY(Cap_home, tIF(cursor_home))
STRLCPY(Cap_norm, tIF(exit_attribute_mode))
STRLCPY(Cap_reverse, tIF(enter_reverse_mode))
if (!eat_newline_glitch) {
STRLCPY(Cap_rmam, tIF(exit_am_mode))
STRLCPY(Cap_smam, tIF(enter_am_mode))
if (!*Cap_rmam || !*Cap_smam) {
*Cap_rmam = '\0';
*Cap_smam = '\0';
if (auto_right_margin)
Cap_avoid_eol = 1;
snprintf(Caps_off, sizeof(Caps_off), "%s%s", Cap_norm, tIF(orig_pair));
snprintf(Caps_endline, sizeof(Caps_endline), "%s%s", Caps_off, Cap_clr_eol);
if (tgoto(cursor_address, 1, 1)) Cap_can_goto = 1;
capsdone = 1;
/* the key to NO run-time costs for configurable colors -- we spend a
little time with the user now setting up our terminfo strings, and
the job's done until he/she/it has a change-of-heart */
STRLCPY(q->cap_bold, CHKw(q, View_NOBOLD) ? Cap_norm : tIF(enter_bold_mode))
if (CHKw(q, Show_COLORS) && max_colors > 0) {
STRLCPY(q->capclr_sum, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->rc.summclr))
snprintf(q->capclr_msg, sizeof(q->capclr_msg), "%s%s"
, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->rc.msgsclr), Cap_reverse);
snprintf(q->capclr_pmt, sizeof(q->capclr_pmt), "%s%s"
, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->rc.msgsclr), q->cap_bold);
snprintf(q->capclr_hdr, sizeof(q->capclr_hdr), "%s%s"
, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->rc.headclr), Cap_reverse);
snprintf(q->capclr_rownorm, sizeof(q->capclr_rownorm), "%s%s"
, Caps_off, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->rc.taskclr));
} else {
q->capclr_sum[0] = '\0';
STRLCPY(q->capclr_msg, Cap_reverse)
STRLCPY(q->capclr_pmt, q->cap_bold)
STRLCPY(q->capclr_hdr, Cap_reverse)
STRLCPY(q->capclr_rownorm, Cap_norm)
// composite(s), so we do 'em outside and after the if
snprintf(q->capclr_rowhigh, sizeof(q->capclr_rowhigh), "%s%s"
, q->capclr_rownorm, CHKw(q, Show_HIBOLD) ? q->cap_bold : Cap_reverse);
#undef tIF
} // end: capsmk
* Show an error, but not right now.
* Due to the postponed opening of ksym, using open_psdb_message,
* if P_WCH had been selected and the program is restarted, the
* message would otherwise be displayed prematurely. */
static void msg_save (const char *fmts, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2)));
static void msg_save (const char *fmts, ...) {
char tmp[MEDBUFSIZ];
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmts);
vsnprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), fmts, va);
// we'll add some extra attention grabbers to whatever this is
snprintf(Msg_delayed, sizeof(Msg_delayed), "\a*** %s ***", strim(tmp));
Msg_awaiting = 1;
} // end: msg_save
* Show an error message (caller may include '\a' for sound) */
static void show_msg (const char *str) {
PUTT("%s%s %.*s %s%s"
, tg2(0, Msg_row)
, Curwin->capclr_msg
, Screen_cols - 2
, str
, Caps_off
, Cap_clr_eol);
Msg_awaiting = 0;
} // end: show_msg
* Show an input prompt + larger cursor (if possible) */
static int show_pmt (const char *str) {
int rc;
PUTT("%s%s%.*s: %s%s%s"
, tg2(0, Msg_row)
, Curwin->capclr_pmt
, Screen_cols - 3
, str
, Cap_curs_huge
, Caps_off
, Cap_clr_eol);
// +2 for the ': ' chars we added or -1 for the cursor...
return ((rc = (int)strlen(str)+2) < Screen_cols) ? rc : Screen_cols-1;
} // end: show_pmt
* Show a special coordinate message, in support of scrolling */
static inline void show_scroll (void) {
char tmp[SMLBUFSIZ];
int totpflgs = Curwin->totpflgs;
int begpflgs = Curwin->begpflg + 1;
#ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
if (CHKw(Curwin, Show_HICOLS)) {
totpflgs -= 2;
if (ENUpos(Curwin, Curwin->rc.sortindx) < Curwin->begpflg) begpflgs -= 2;
if (1 > totpflgs) totpflgs = 1;
if (1 > begpflgs) begpflgs = 1;
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp)
, "scroll coordinates: y = %d/%d (tasks), x = %d/%d (fields)"
, Curwin->begtask + 1, Frame_maxtask
, begpflgs, totpflgs);
PUTT("%s%s %.*s%s", tg2(0, Msg_row), Caps_off, Screen_cols - 2, tmp, Cap_clr_eol);
putp(tg2(0, Msg_row));
} // end: show_scroll
* Show lines with specially formatted elements, but only output
* what will fit within the current screen width.
* Our special formatting consists of:
* "some text <_delimiter_> some more text <_delimiter_>...\n"
* Where <_delimiter_> is a single byte in the range of:
* \01 through \10 (in decimalizee, 1 - 8)
* and is used to select an 'attribute' from a capabilities table
* which is then applied to the *preceding* substring.
* Once recognized, the delimiter is replaced with a null character
* and viola, we've got a substring ready to output! Strings or
* substrings without delimiters will receive the Cap_norm attribute.
* Caution:
* This routine treats all non-delimiter bytes as displayable
* data subject to our screen width marching orders. If callers
* embed non-display data like tabs or terminfo strings in our
* glob, a line will truncate incorrectly at best. Worse case
* would be truncation of an embedded tty escape sequence.
* Tabs must always be avoided or our efforts are wasted and
* lines will wrap. To lessen but not eliminate the risk of
* terminfo string truncation, such non-display stuff should
* be placed at the beginning of a "short" line.
* (and as for tabs, gimme 1 more color then no worries, mate) */
static void show_special (int interact, const char *glob) {
/* note: the following is for documentation only,
the real captab is now found in a group's WIN_t !
| char *captab[] = { : Cap's/Delim's |
| Cap_norm, Cap_norm, = \00, \01, |
| cap_bold, capclr_sum, = \02, \03, |
| capclr_msg, capclr_pmt, = \04, \05, |
| capclr_hdr, = \06, |
| capclr_rowhigh, = \07, |
| capclr_rownorm }; = \10 [octal!] |
+------------------------------------------------------+ */
/* ( pssst, after adding the termcap transitions, row may )
( exceed 300+ bytes, even in an 80x24 terminal window! ) */
char *rp, *cap, *lin_end, *sub_beg, *sub_end;
int room;
// handle multiple lines passed in a bunch
while ((lin_end = strchr(glob, '\n'))) {
// create a local copy we can extend and otherwise abuse
memcpy(lin, glob, (unsigned)(lin_end - glob));
// zero terminate this part and prepare to parse substrings
lin[lin_end - glob] = '\0';
room = Screen_cols;
sub_beg = sub_end = lin;
*(rp = row) = '\0';
while (*sub_beg) {
switch (*sub_end) {
case 0: // no end delim, captab makes normal
*(sub_end + 1) = '\0'; // extend str end, then fall through
case 1 ... 8:
cap = Curwin->captab[(int)*sub_end];
*sub_end = '\0';
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%.*s%s", cap, room, sub_beg, Caps_off);
rp = scat(rp, tmp);
room -= (sub_end - sub_beg);
sub_beg = ++sub_end;
default: // nothin' special, just text
if (0 >= room) break; // skip substrings that won't fit
if (interact) PUTT("%s%s\n", row, Cap_clr_eol);
else PUFF("%s%s\n", row, Caps_endline);
glob = ++lin_end; // point to next line (maybe)
} // end: while 'lines'
/* If there's anything left in the glob (by virtue of no trailing '\n'),
it probably means caller wants to retain cursor position on this final
line. That, in turn, means we're interactive and so we'll just do our
'fit-to-screen' thingy while also leaving room for the cursor... */
if (*glob) PUTT("%.*s", Screen_cols -1, glob);
} // end: show_special
/*###### Low Level Memory/Keyboard support #############################*/
* Handle our own memory stuff without the risk of leaving the
* user's terminal in an ugly state should things go sour. */
static void *alloc_c (size_t num) MALLOC;
static void *alloc_c (size_t num) {
void *pv;
if (!num) ++num;
if (!(pv = calloc(1, num)))
error_exit("failed memory allocate");
return pv;
} // end: alloc_c
static void *alloc_r (void *ptr, size_t num) MALLOC;
static void *alloc_r (void *ptr, size_t num) {
void *pv;
if (!num) ++num;
if (!(pv = realloc(ptr, num)))
error_exit("failed memory re-allocate");
return pv;
} // end: alloc_r
* This routine isolates ALL user INPUT and ensures that we
* wont be mixing I/O from stdio and low-level read() requests */
static int chin (int ech, char *buf, unsigned cnt) {
fd_set fs;
int rc = -1;
if (ech) {
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Tty_tweaked);
rc = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, cnt);
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Tty_raw);
} else {
if (0 < select(STDIN_FILENO + 1, &fs, NULL, NULL, NULL))
rc = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, cnt);
if (0 < select(STDIN_FILENO + 1, &fs, NULL, NULL, NULL))
rc = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, cnt);
// zero means EOF, might happen if we erroneously get detached from terminal
if (0 == rc) bye_bye(NULL);
// it may have been the beginning of a lengthy escape sequence
// note: we do NOT produce a vaid 'string'
return rc;
} // end: chin
* Support for single keystroke input AND escaped cursor motion keys
* note: we support more keys than we currently need, in case
* we attract new consumers in the future */
static int keyin (int init) {
static char buf12[CAPBUFSIZ], buf13[CAPBUFSIZ]
, buf14[CAPBUFSIZ], buf15[CAPBUFSIZ];
static struct {
const char *str;
int key;
} tinfo_tab[] = {
{ "\n", kbd_ENTER }, { NULL, kbd_UP }, { NULL, kbd_DOWN },
{ NULL, kbd_RIGHT }, { NULL, kbd_LEFT }, { NULL, kbd_PGUP },
{ NULL, kbd_PGDN }, { NULL, kbd_END }, { NULL, kbd_HOME },
{ NULL, kbd_BKSP }, { NULL, kbd_INS }, { NULL, kbd_DEL },
// next 4 destined to be meta + arrow keys...
{ buf12, kbd_PGUP }, { buf13, kbd_PGDN },
{ buf14, kbd_END }, { buf15, kbd_HOME },
// remainder are alternatives for above, just in case
// ( the k,j,l,h entries are meta key + vim cursor motion keys )
{ "\033\\",kbd_UP }, { "\033/", kbd_DOWN }, { "\033>", kbd_RIGHT },
{ "\033<", kbd_LEFT }, { "\033k", kbd_UP }, { "\033j", kbd_DOWN },
{ "\033l", kbd_RIGHT }, { "\033h", kbd_LEFT } };
char buf[SMLBUFSIZ], *pb;
int i;
if (init) {
#define tOk(s) s ? s : ""
tinfo_tab[1].str = tOk(key_up);
tinfo_tab[2].str = tOk(key_down);
tinfo_tab[3].str = tOk(key_right);
tinfo_tab[4].str = tOk(key_left);
tinfo_tab[5].str = tOk(key_ppage);
tinfo_tab[6].str = tOk(key_npage);
tinfo_tab[7].str = tOk(key_end);
tinfo_tab[8].str = tOk(key_home);
tinfo_tab[9].str = tOk(key_backspace);
tinfo_tab[10].str = tOk(key_ic);
tinfo_tab[11].str = tOk(key_dc);
STRLCPY(buf12, fmtmk("\033%s", tOk(key_up)));
STRLCPY(buf13, fmtmk("\033%s", tOk(key_down)));
STRLCPY(buf14, fmtmk("\033%s", tOk(key_right)));
STRLCPY(buf15, fmtmk("\033%s", tOk(key_left)));
// next is critical so returned results match bound terminfo keys
return 0;
#undef tOk
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
if (1 > chin(0, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) return 0;
/* some emulators implement 'key repeat' too well and we get duplicate
key sequences -- so we'll focus on the last escaped sequence, while
also allowing use of the meta key... */
if (!(pb = strrchr(buf, '\033'))) pb = buf;
else if (pb > buf && '\033' == *(pb - 1)) --pb;
for (i = 0; i < MAXTBL(tinfo_tab); i++)
if (!strcmp(tinfo_tab[i].str, pb))
return tinfo_tab[i].key;
// no match, so we'll return single keystrokes only
if (buf[1]) return 0;
return buf[0];
} // end: keyin
* Get line oriented interactive input from the user,
* using native tty support */
static char *linein (const char *prompt) {
static char buf[MEDBUFSIZ];
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
chin(1, buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
// note: we DO produce a vaid 'string'
return strim(buf);
} // end: linein
* Get line oriented interactive input from the user,
* going way beyond native tty support !
* Unlike native tty input support, this function provides:
* . true line editing, not just destructive backspace
* . an input limit that's sensitive to current screen dimensions
* . immediate signal response without the need to wait for '\n' */
static char *linein (const char *prompt) {
// thank goodness memmove allows the two strings to overlap
#define sqzSTR { memmove(&buf[pos], &buf[pos+1], bufMAX-pos); \
buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0'; }
#define expSTR if (len+1 < bufMAX && len+beg+1 < Screen_cols) { \
memmove(&buf[pos+1], &buf[pos], bufMAX-pos); buf[pos] = ' '; }
#define logCOL (pos+1)
#define phyCOL (beg+pos+1)
#define bufMAX ((int)sizeof(buf)-2) // -1 for '\0' string delimeter
static char buf[MEDBUFSIZ+1]; // +1 for '\0' string delimeter
int beg, pos, len;
int i, key;
pos = i = 0;
beg = show_pmt(prompt);
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
do {
len = strlen(buf);
switch (key = keyin(0)) {
case kbd_ESC:
buf[0] = '\0'; // fall through !
case kbd_ENTER:
case kbd_DEL:
case kbd_DOWN:
case kbd_BKSP :
if (0 < pos) { --pos; sqzSTR }
case kbd_INS:
case kbd_UP:
case kbd_LEFT:
if (0 < pos) --pos;
case kbd_RIGHT:
if (pos < len) ++pos;
case kbd_HOME:
pos = 0;
case kbd_END:
pos = len;
default: // what we REALLY wanted (maybe)
if (isprint(key) && logCOL < bufMAX && phyCOL < Screen_cols)
buf[pos++] = key;
putp(fmtmk("%s%s%s", tg2(beg, Msg_row), Cap_clr_eol, buf));
putp(tg2(beg+pos, Msg_row));
} while (key && kbd_ENTER != key && kbd_ESC != key);
return buf;
#undef sqzSTR
#undef expSTR
#undef logCOL
#undef phyCOL
#undef bufMAX
} // end: linein
/*###### Small Utility routines ########################################*/
* Get a float from the user */
static float get_float (const char *prompt) {
char *line;
float f;
if (!(*(line = linein(prompt)))) return -1.0;
// note: we're not allowing negative floats
if (strcspn(line, "+,.0123456789")) {
show_msg("Not valid");
return -1.0;
sscanf(line, "%f", &f);
return f;
} // end: get_float
* Get an integer from the user, returning INT_MIN for error */
static int get_int (const char *prompt) {
char *line;
int n;
if (!(*(line = linein(prompt)))) return INT_MIN;
// note: we've got to allow negative ints (renice)
if (strcspn(line, "-+0123456789")) {
show_msg("\aNot valid");
return INT_MIN;
sscanf(line, "%d", &n);
return n;
} // end: get_int
* Do some scaling stuff.
* We'll interpret 'num' as one of the following types and
* try to format it to fit 'width'.
* SK_no (0) it's a byte count
* SK_Kb (1) it's kilobytes
* SK_Mb (2) it's megabytes
* SK_Gb (3) it's gigabytes
* SK_Tb (4) it's terabytes */
static const char *scale_num (unsigned long num, const int width, const int type) {
// kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, duh!
static double scale[] = { 1024.0, 1024.0*1024, 1024.0*1024*1024, 1024.0*1024*1024*1024, 0 };
// kilo, mega, giga, tera, none
static char nextup[] = { 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 0 };
static char nextup[] = { 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 0 };
static char buf[SMLBUFSIZ];
double *dp;
char *up;
// try an unscaled version first...
if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", num)) return buf;
// now try successively higher types until it fits
for (up = nextup + type, dp = scale; 0 < *dp; ++dp, ++up) {
// the most accurate version
if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f%c", num / *dp, *up))
return buf;
// the integer version
if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu%c", (unsigned long)(num / *dp), *up))
return buf;
// well shoot, this outta' fit...
return "?";
} // end: scale_num
* Do some scaling stuff.
* format 'tics' to fit 'width'. */
static const char *scale_tics (TIC_t tics, const int width) {
#define HH "%uH"
#define DD "%uD"
#define WW "%uW"
#define HH "%uh"
#define DD "%ud"
#define WW "%uw"
static char buf[SMLBUFSIZ];
unsigned long nt; // narrow time, for speed on 32-bit
unsigned cc; // centiseconds
unsigned nn; // multi-purpose whatever
nt = (tics * 100ull) / Hertz; // up to 68 weeks of cpu time
cc = nt % 100; // centiseconds past second
nt /= 100; // total seconds
nn = nt % 60; // seconds past the minute
nt /= 60; // total minutes
if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu:%02u.%02u", nt, nn, cc))
return buf;
if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu:%02u", nt, nn))
return buf;
nn = nt % 60; // minutes past the hour
nt /= 60; // total hours
if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu,%02u", nt, nn))
return buf;
nn = nt; // now also hours
if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), HH, nn))
return buf;
nn /= 24; // now days
if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), DD, nn))
return buf;
nn /= 7; // now weeks
if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), WW, nn))
return buf;
// well shoot, this outta' fit...
return "?";
#undef HH
#undef DD
#undef WW
} // end: scale_tics
* Validate the passed string as a user name or number,
* and/or update the window's 'u/U' selection stuff. */
static const char *user_certify (WIN_t *q, const char *str, char typ) {
struct passwd *pwd;
char *endp;
uid_t num;
q->usrseltyp = 0;
Monpidsidx = 0;
if (*str) {
num = (uid_t)strtoul(str, &endp, 0);
if ('\0' == *endp)
pwd = getpwuid(num);
pwd = getpwnam(str);
if (!pwd) return "Invalid user";
q->usrseluid = pwd->pw_uid;
q->usrseltyp = typ;
return NULL;
} // end: user_certify
* Determine if this proc_t matches the 'u/U' selection criteria
* for a given window -- it's called from only one place, and
* likely inlined even without the directive */
static inline int user_matched (WIN_t *q, const proc_t *p) {
switch(q->usrseltyp) {
case 0: // uid selection inactive
return 1;
case 'U': // match any uid
if (p->ruid == q->usrseluid) return 1;
if (p->suid == q->usrseluid) return 1;
if (p->fuid == q->usrseluid) return 1;
// fall through...
case 'u': // match effective uid
if (p->euid == q->usrseluid) return 1;
// fall through...
default: // no match, don't display
return 0;
} // end: user_matched
/*###### Fields Management support #####################################*/
/* These are the Fieldstab.lflg values used here and in calibrate_fields.
(own identifiers as documentation and protection against changes) */
#define L_stat PROC_FILLSTAT
#define L_statm PROC_FILLMEM
#define L_status PROC_FILLSTATUS
// make 'none' non-zero (used to be important to Frames_libflags)
// from either 'stat' or 'status' (preferred), via bits not otherwise used
// for calibrate_fields and summary_show 1st pass
/* These are our gosh darn 'Fields' !
They MUST be kept in sync with pflags !!
note: for integer data, the length modifiers found in .fmts may
NOT reflect the true field type found in proc_t -- this plus
a cast when/if displayed provides minimal width protection. */
static FLD_t Fieldstab[] = {
// a temporary macro, soon to be undef'd...
#define SF(f) (QFP_t)SCB_NAME(f)
/* .head + .fmts anomolies:
entries shown with NULL are either valued at runtime (see zap_fieldstab)
or, in the case of .fmts, may represent variable width fields
.lflg anomolies:
P_UED, L_NONE - natural outgrowth of 'stat()' in readproc (euid)
P_CPU, L_stat - never filled by libproc, but requires times (pcpu)
P_CMD, L_stat - may yet require L_CMDLINE in calibrate_fields (cmd/cmdline)
L_EITHER - must L_status, else L_stat == 64-bit math (__udivdi3) on 32-bit !
.head .fmts .width .scale .sort .lflg .desc
------------ -------- ------ ------ -------- -------- ---------------------- */
{ NULL, NULL, -1, -1, SF(PID), L_NONE, "Process Id" },
{ NULL, NULL, -1, -1, SF(PPD), L_EITHER, "Parent Process pid" },
{ " UID ", "%5d ", -1, -1, SF(UED), L_NONE, "Effective User Id" },
{ "USER ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, SF(UEN), L_EUSER, "Effective User Name" },
{ " RUID ", "%5d ", -1, -1, SF(URD), L_status, "Real User Id" },
{ "RUSER ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, SF(URN), L_OUSER, "Real User Name" },
{ " SUID ", "%5d ", -1, -1, SF(USD), L_status, "Saved User Id" },
{ "SUSER ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, SF(USN), L_OUSER, "Saved User Name" },
{ " GID ", "%5d ", -1, -1, SF(GID), L_NONE, "Group Id" },
{ "GROUP ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, SF(GRP), L_EGROUP, "Group Name" },
{ NULL, NULL, -1, -1, SF(PGD), L_stat, "Process Group Id" },
{ "TTY ", "%-8.8s ", 8, -1, SF(TTY), L_stat, "Controlling Tty" },
{ NULL, NULL, -1, -1, SF(TPG), L_stat, "Tty Process Grp Id" },
{ NULL, NULL, -1, -1, SF(SID), L_stat, "Session Id" },
{ " PR ", "%3d ", -1, -1, SF(PRI), L_stat, "Priority" },
{ " NI ", "%3d ", -1, -1, SF(NCE), L_stat, "Nice Value" },
{ "nTH ", "%3d ", -1, -1, SF(THD), L_EITHER, "Number of Threads" },
{ NULL, NULL, -1, -1, SF(CPN), L_stat, "Last Used Cpu (SMP)" },
{ " %CPU ", NULL, -1, -1, SF(CPU), L_stat, "CPU Usage" },
{ " TIME ", "%6.6s ", 6, -1, SF(TME), L_stat, "CPU Time" },
{ " TIME+ ", "%9.9s ", 9, -1, SF(TME), L_stat, "CPU Time, hundredths" },
{ "%MEM ", "%#4.1f ", -1, -1, SF(RES), L_statm, "Memory Usage (RES)" },
{ " VIRT ", "%5.5s ", 5, SK_Kb, SF(VRT), L_statm, "Virtual Image (kb)" },
{ "SWAP ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(SWP), L_status, "Swapped Size (kb)" },
{ " RES ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(RES), L_statm, "Resident Size (kb)" },
{ "CODE ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(COD), L_statm, "Code Size (kb)" },
{ "DATA ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(DAT), L_statm, "Data+Stack Size (kb)" },
{ " SHR ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, SF(SHR), L_statm, "Shared Mem Size (kb)" },
{ "nMaj ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(FL1), L_stat, "Major Page Faults" },
{ "nMin ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(FL2), L_stat, "Minor Page Faults" },
{ "nDRT ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, SF(DRT), L_statm, "Dirty Pages Count" },
{ "S ", "%c ", -1, -1, SF(STA), L_EITHER, "Process Status" },
// next 2 entries are special: '.head' is variable width (see calibrate_fields)
{ "COMMAND ", NULL, -1, -1, SF(CMD), L_EITHER, "Command Name/Line" },
{ "WCHAN ", NULL, -1, -1, SF(WCH), L_stat, "Sleeping in Function" },
// next entry's special: the 0's will be replaced with '.'!
{ "Flags ", "%08lX ", -1, -1, SF(FLG), L_stat, "Task Flags <sched.h>" },
{ "Flags ", "%08lx ", -1, -1, SF(FLG), L_stat, "Task Flags <sched.h>" },
// next 3 entries as P_CMD/P_WCH: '.head' must be same length -- they share varcolsz
{ "CGROUPS ", NULL, -1, -1, SF(CGR), L_CGROUP, "Control Groups" },
{ "SUPGIDS ", NULL, -1, -1, SF(SGD), L_status, "Supp Groups IDs" },
{ "SUPGRPS ", NULL, -1, -1, SF(SGN), L_SUPGRP, "Supp Groups Names" },
{ NULL, NULL, -1, -1, SF(TGD), L_status, "Thread Group Id" }
#define L_oom PROC_FILLOOM
,{ "Adj ", "%3d ", -1, -1, SF(OOA), L_oom, "oom_adjustment (2^X)" }
,{ " Badness ", "%8d ", -1, -1, SF(OOM), L_oom, "oom_score (badness)" }
#undef L_oom
#undef SF
* A calibrate_fields() *Helper* function to refresh the
* cached screen geometry and related variables */
static void adj_geometry (void) {
static size_t pseudo_max = 0;
static int w_set = 0, w_cols = 0, w_rows = 0;
struct winsize wz;
Screen_cols = columns; // <term.h>
Screen_rows = lines; // <term.h>
if (-1 != ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &wz)
&& 0 < wz.ws_col && 0 < wz.ws_row) {
Screen_cols = wz.ws_col;
Screen_rows = wz.ws_row;
// be crudely tolerant of crude tty emulators
if (Cap_avoid_eol) Screen_cols--;
// we might disappoint some folks (but they'll deserve it)
if (SCREENMAX < Screen_cols) Screen_cols = SCREENMAX;
if (!w_set) {
if (Width_mode > 0) // -w with arg, we'll try to honor
w_cols = Width_mode;
if (Width_mode < 0) { // -w without arg, try environment
char *env_columns = getenv("COLUMNS"),
*env_lines = getenv("LINES"),
if (env_columns && *env_columns) {
long t, tc = 0;
t = strtol(env_columns, &ep, 0);
if (!*ep && (t > 0) && (t <= 0x7fffffffL)) tc = t;
if (0 < tc) w_cols = (int)tc;
if (env_lines && *env_lines) {
long t, tr = 0;
t = strtol(env_lines, &ep, 0);
if (!*ep && (t > 0) && (t <= 0x7fffffffL)) tr = t;
if (0 < tr) w_rows = (int)tr;
if (!w_cols) w_cols = SCREENMAX;
if (w_cols && w_cols < W_MIN_COL) w_cols = W_MIN_COL;
if (w_rows && w_rows < W_MIN_ROW) w_rows = W_MIN_ROW;
w_set = 1;
/* keep our support for output optimization in sync with current reality
note: when we're in Batch mode, we don't really need a Pseudo_screen
and when not Batch, our buffer will contain 1 extra 'line' since
Msg_row is never represented -- but it's nice to have some space
between us and the great-beyond... */
if (Batch) {
if (w_cols) Screen_cols = w_cols;
Screen_rows = w_rows ? w_rows : MAXINT;
Pseudo_size = (sizeof(*Pseudo_screen) * ROWMAXSIZ);
} else {
if (w_cols && w_cols < Screen_cols) Screen_cols = w_cols;
if (w_rows && w_rows < Screen_rows) Screen_rows = w_rows;
Pseudo_size = (sizeof(*Pseudo_screen) * ROWMAXSIZ) * Screen_rows;
// we'll only grow our Pseudo_screen, never shrink it
if (pseudo_max < Pseudo_size) {
pseudo_max = Pseudo_size;
Pseudo_screen = alloc_r(Pseudo_screen, pseudo_max);
if (Frames_resize) putp(Cap_clr_scr);
} // end: adj_geometry
* After ensuring the intergrity of our cached screen dimensions,
* via adj_geometry(), for each visible window:
* 1) Set the number of fields/columns to display
* 2) Create the field columns heading
* 3) Set maximum width for any variable columns, if in use
* In the process, the required PROC_FILLxxx flags will be rebuilt! */
static void calibrate_fields (void) {
sigset_t newss, oldss;
FLG_t f;
char *s;
const char *h;
WIN_t *w = Curwin;
int x, hdrmax = 0;
int i, needpsdb = 0;
int varcolcnt;
// block SIGWINCH signals while we do our thing...
sigaddset(&newss, SIGWINCH);
if (-1 == sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &newss, &oldss))
error_exit(fmtmk("failed sigprocmask, SIG_BLOCK: %s", strerror(errno)));
Frames_libflags = 0;
do {
if (VIZISw(w)) {
w->hdrcaplen = 0; // really only used with USE_X_COLHDR
// build window's pflgsall array, establish upper bounds for maxpflgs
for (i = 0, w->totpflgs = 0; i < P_MAXPFLGS; i++) {
if (FLDviz(w, i)) {
f = FLDget(w, i);
w->pflgsall[w->totpflgs++] = f;
if (CHKw(w, Show_HICOLS) && f == w->rc.sortindx) {
w->pflgsall[w->totpflgs++] = X_XON;
w->pflgsall[w->totpflgs++] = f;
w->pflgsall[w->totpflgs++] = X_XOF;
} else
w->pflgsall[w->totpflgs++] = f;
/* build a preliminary columns header not to exceed screen width
while accounting for a possible leading window number */
w->varcolsz = varcolcnt = 0;
*(s = w->columnhdr) = '\0';
if (Rc.mode_altscr) s = scat(s, " ");
for (i = 0; i + w->begpflg < w->totpflgs; i++) {
f = w->pflgsall[i + w->begpflg];
w->procflgs[i] = f;
#ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
if (P_MAXPFLGS <= f) continue;
h = Fieldstab[f].head;
// oops, won't fit -- we're outta here...
if (Screen_cols < ((int)(s - w->columnhdr) + (int)strlen(h))) break;
if (!Fieldstab[f].fmts) { ++varcolcnt; w->varcolsz += strlen(h) - 1; }
s = scat(s, h);
#ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
if (X_XON == w->procflgs[i - 1]) --i;
/* establish the final maxpflgs and prepare to grow the variable column
heading(s) via varcolsz - it may be a fib if their pflags weren't
encountered, but that's ok because they won't be displayed anyway */
w->maxpflgs = i;
w->varcolsz += Screen_cols - strlen(w->columnhdr);
if (varcolcnt) w->varcolsz = w->varcolsz / varcolcnt;
/* establish the field where all remaining fields would still
fit within screen width, including a leading window number */
*(s = w->columnhdr) = '\0';
if (Rc.mode_altscr) s = scat(s, " ");
for (i = w->totpflgs - 1; -1 < i; i--) {
f = w->pflgsall[i];
#ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
if (P_MAXPFLGS < f) { w->endpflg = i; continue; }
h = Fieldstab[f].head;
if (Screen_cols < ((int)(s - w->columnhdr) + (int)strlen(h))) break;
s = scat(s, h);
w->endpflg = i;
#ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
if (X_XOF == w->pflgsall[w->endpflg]) ++w->endpflg;
/* finally, we can build the true run-time columns header, format any
variable column heading(s), if they're really being displayed, and
rebuild the all-important PROC_FILLxxx flags that will be used
until/if we're we're called again */
memset((s = w->columnhdr), 0, sizeof(w->columnhdr));
if (Rc.mode_altscr) s = scat(s, fmtmk("%d", w->winnum));
for (i = 0; i < w->maxpflgs; i++) {
f = w->procflgs[i];
if (CHKw(w, Show_HICOLS) && f == w->rc.sortindx) {
s = scat(s, fmtmk("%s%s", Caps_off, w->capclr_msg));
w->hdrcaplen += strlen(Caps_off) + strlen(w->capclr_msg);
if (P_MAXPFLGS <= f) continue;
h = Fieldstab[f].head;
if (P_WCH == f) needpsdb = 1;
if (P_CMD == f && CHKw(w, Show_CMDLIN)) Frames_libflags |= L_CMDLINE;
if (Fieldstab[f].fmts) s = scat(s, h);
else s = scat(s, fmtmk(VARCOL_fmts, w->varcolsz, w->varcolsz, h));
Frames_libflags |= Fieldstab[w->procflgs[i]].lflg;
if (CHKw(w, Show_HICOLS) && f == w->rc.sortindx) {
s = scat(s, fmtmk("%s%s", Caps_off, w->capclr_hdr));
w->hdrcaplen += strlen(Caps_off) + strlen(w->capclr_hdr);
// prepare to even out column header lengths...
if (hdrmax + w->hdrcaplen < (x = strlen(w->columnhdr))) hdrmax = x - w->hdrcaplen;
// must sacrifice last header positon to avoid task row abberations
w->eolcap = Caps_endline;
if (Screen_cols > (int)strlen(w->columnhdr)) w->eolcap = Caps_endline;
else w->eolcap = Caps_off;
// with forest view mode, we'll need tgid & ppid...
if (CHKw(w, Show_FOREST)) Frames_libflags |= L_status;
// for 'busy' only processes, we'll need pcpu (utime & stime)...
if (!CHKw(w, Show_IDLEPS)) Frames_libflags |= L_stat;
// we must also accommodate an out of view sort field...
f = w->rc.sortindx;
Frames_libflags |= Fieldstab[f].lflg;
if (P_CMD == f && CHKw(w, Show_CMDLIN)) Frames_libflags |= L_CMDLINE;
} // end: VIZISw(w)
if (Rc.mode_altscr) w = w->next;
} while (w != Curwin);
/* now we can finally even out column header lengths
(we're assuming entire columnhdr was memset to '\0') */
if (Rc.mode_altscr && SCREENMAX > Screen_cols)
for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
w = &Winstk[i];
if (CHKw(w, Show_TASKON))
if (hdrmax + w->hdrcaplen > (x = strlen(w->columnhdr)))
memset(&w->columnhdr[x], ' ', hdrmax + w->hdrcaplen - x);
// do we need the kernel symbol table (and is it already open?)
if (needpsdb) {
if (-1 == No_ksyms) {
No_ksyms = 0;
if (open_psdb_message(NULL, msg_save))
No_ksyms = 1;
PSDBopen = 1;
// finalize/touchup the libproc PROC_FILLxxx flags for current config...
if ((Frames_libflags & L_EITHER) && !(Frames_libflags & L_stat))
Frames_libflags |= L_status;
if (!Frames_libflags) Frames_libflags = L_DEFAULT;
if (Monpidsidx) Frames_libflags |= PROC_PID;
Frames_resize = 0;
if (-1 == sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldss, NULL))
error_exit(fmtmk("failed sigprocmask, SIG_SETMASK: %s", strerror(errno)));
} // end: calibrate_fields
* Display each field represented in the current window's fieldscur
* array along with its description. Mark with bold and a leading
* asterisk those fields associated with the "on" or "active" state.
* Special highlighting will be accorded the "focus" field with such
* highlighting potentially extended to include the description.
* Below is the current Fieldstab space requirement and how
* we apportion it. The xSUFX is considered sacrificial,
* something we can reduce or do without.
* 0 1 2 3
* 12345678901234567890123456789012
* * HEADING = Longest Description!
* xPRFX ----------______________________ xSUFX
* ( xPRFX has pos 2 & 10 for 'extending' when at minimums )
* The first 4 screen rows are reserved for explanatory text.
* Thus, with our current 39 fields, a maximum of 6 columns and
* 1 space between columns, a tty will still remain useable under
* these extremes:
* rows cols displayed
* ---- ---- ------------------
* 11 66 xPRFX only (w/ room for +3)
* 11 198 full xPRFX + xSUFX (w/ room for +3)
* 24 22 xPRFX only (w/ room for +1)
* 24 66 full xPRFX + xSUFX (w/ room for +1)
* ( if not, the user deserves our most cryptic messages )
static void display_fields (int focus, int extend) {
#define mxCOL 6
#define yRSVD 4
#define xSUFX 22
#define xPRFX (10 + xadd)
#define xTOTL (xPRFX + xSUFX)
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
int i; // utility int (a row, tot cols, ix)
int smax; // printable width of xSUFX
int xadd = 0; // spacing between data columns
int cmax = Screen_cols; // total data column width
int rmax = Screen_rows - yRSVD; // total useable rows
i = (P_MAXPFLGS % mxCOL) ? 1 : 0;
if (rmax < i + (P_MAXPFLGS / mxCOL)) error_exit("++rows");
i = P_MAXPFLGS / rmax;
if (P_MAXPFLGS % rmax) ++i;
if (i > 1) { cmax /= i; xadd = 1; }
if (cmax > xTOTL) cmax = xTOTL;
smax = cmax - xPRFX;
if (smax < 0) error_exit("++cols");
for (i = 0; i < P_MAXPFLGS; ++i) {
char sbuf[xSUFX+1];
int b = FLDviz(w, i);
FLG_t f = FLDget(w, i);
const char *h, *e = (i == focus && extend) ? w->capclr_msg : "";
// advance past leading header spaces and prep sacrificial suffix
for (h = Fieldstab[f].head; ' ' == *h; ++h) ;
snprintf(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), "= %s", Fieldstab[f].desc);
PUTT("%s%c%s%s %s%-7.7s%s%s%s %-*.*s%s"
, tg2((i / rmax) * cmax, (i % rmax) + yRSVD)
, b ? '*' : ' '
, b ? w->cap_bold : Cap_norm
, e
, i == focus ? w->capclr_msg : ""
, h
, Cap_norm
, b ? w->cap_bold : ""
, e
, smax, smax
, sbuf
, Cap_norm);
#undef mxCOL
#undef yRSVD
#undef xSUFX
#undef xPRFX
#undef xTOTL
} // end: display_fields
* Manage all fields aspects (order/toggle/sort), for all windows. */
static void fields_utility (void) {
#define unSCRL w->begpflg = 0;
#define swapEM { char c; unSCRL; c = w->rc.fieldscur[i]; \
w->rc.fieldscur[i] = *p; *p = c; p = &w->rc.fieldscur[i]; }
#define spewFI { char *t; f = w->rc.sortindx; t = strchr(w->rc.fieldscur, f + FLD_OFFSET); \
if (!t) t = strchr(w->rc.fieldscur, (f + FLD_OFFSET) | 0x80); \
i = (t) ? (int)(t - w->rc.fieldscur) : 0; }
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
const char *h = NULL;
char *p = NULL;
int i, key;
FLG_t f;
do {
// advance past leading spaces, if any
if (!h) for (h = Fieldstab[f].head; ' ' == *h; ++h) ;
display_fields(i, (p != NULL));
show_special(1, fmtmk(FIELDS_heading, w->grpname, CHKw(w, Show_FOREST) ? "forest view" : h));
switch (key = keyin(0)) {
case kbd_UP:
if (i > 0) { --i; if (p) swapEM }
case kbd_DOWN:
if (i + 1 < P_MAXPFLGS) { ++i; if (p) swapEM }
case kbd_LEFT:
case kbd_ENTER:
p = NULL;
case kbd_RIGHT:
p = &w->rc.fieldscur[i];
case kbd_HOME:
case kbd_PGUP:
if (!p) i = 0;
case kbd_END:
case kbd_PGDN:
if (!p) i = P_MAXPFLGS - 1;
case kbd_SPACE:
case 'd':
if (!p) { FLDtog(w, i); unSCRL }
case 's':
if (!p && !CHKw(w, Show_FOREST)) { w->rc.sortindx = f = FLDget(w, i); h = NULL; unSCRL }
if (!p) { w->rc.sortindx = f = FLDget(w, i); h = NULL; unSCRL; OFFw(w, Show_FOREST); }
case 'a':
case 'w':
Curwin = w = ('a' == key) ? w->next : w->prev;
p = NULL;
h = NULL;
default: // keep gcc happy
} while (key && 'q' != key && kbd_ESC != key);
#undef unSCRL
#undef swapEM
#undef spewFI
} // end: fields_utility
* This routine exists just to consolidate all the messin' around
* with Fieldstab '.head' and '.fmts' members -- until we devise
* a more elegant soultion. */
static void zap_fieldstab (void) {
static char fmts_pid[8];
static char fmts_cpu[8];
static int once;
unsigned digits;
char buf[8];
if (once) goto always;
Fieldstab[P_PID].head = " PID ";
Fieldstab[P_PID].fmts = "%5d ";
Fieldstab[P_PPD].head = " PPID ";
Fieldstab[P_PPD].fmts = "%5d ";
Fieldstab[P_PGD].head = " PGRP ";
Fieldstab[P_PGD].fmts = "%5d ";
Fieldstab[P_SID].head = " SID ";
Fieldstab[P_SID].fmts = "%5d ";
Fieldstab[P_TGD].head = " TGID ";
Fieldstab[P_TGD].fmts = "%5d ";
Fieldstab[P_TPG].head = "TPGID ";
Fieldstab[P_TPG].fmts = "%5d ";
if (5 < (digits = get_pid_digits())) {
if (10 < digits) error_exit("failed pid size test");
snprintf(fmts_pid, sizeof(fmts_pid), "%%%uu ", digits);
Fieldstab[P_PID].head = " PID " + 10 - digits;
Fieldstab[P_PID].fmts = fmts_pid;
Fieldstab[P_PPD].head = " PPID " + 10 - digits;
Fieldstab[P_PPD].fmts = fmts_pid;
Fieldstab[P_PGD].head = " PGRP " + 10 - digits;
Fieldstab[P_PGD].fmts = fmts_pid;
Fieldstab[P_SID].head = " SID " + 10 - digits;
Fieldstab[P_SID].fmts = fmts_pid;
Fieldstab[P_TGD].head = " TGID " + 10 - digits;
Fieldstab[P_TGD].fmts = fmts_pid;
Fieldstab[P_TPG].head = " TPGID " + 10 - digits;
Fieldstab[P_TPG].fmts = fmts_pid;
once = 1;
/*** hotplug_acclimated ***/
Fieldstab[P_CPN].head = "P ";
Fieldstab[P_CPN].fmts = "%1d ";
if (1 < (digits = (unsigned)snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", (unsigned)Cpu_tot))) {
if (5 < digits) error_exit("failed num cpus test");
snprintf(fmts_cpu, sizeof(fmts_cpu), "%%%ud ", digits);
Fieldstab[P_CPN].head = " P " + 5 - digits;
Fieldstab[P_CPN].fmts = fmts_cpu;
Cpu_pmax = 99.9;
Fieldstab[P_CPU].fmts = " %#4.1f ";
if (Rc.mode_irixps && Cpu_tot > 1 && !Thread_mode) {
Cpu_pmax = 100.0 * Cpu_tot;
if (Cpu_tot > 10) {
if (Cpu_pmax > 99999.0) Cpu_pmax = 99999.0;
Fieldstab[P_CPU].fmts = "%5.0f ";
} else {
if (Cpu_pmax > 999.9) Cpu_pmax = 999.9;
Fieldstab[P_CPU].fmts = "%#5.1f ";
// lastly, ensure we've got proper column headers...
} // end: zap_fieldstab
/*###### Library Interface #############################################*/
* This guy's modeled on libproc's 'five_cpu_numbers' function except
* we preserve all cpu data in our CPU_t array which is organized
* as follows:
* cpus[0] thru cpus[n] == tics for each separate cpu
* cpus[Cpu_tot] == tics from the 1st /proc/stat line */
static CPU_t *cpus_refresh (CPU_t *cpus) {
static const char err_read[] = "failed /proc/stat read";
static FILE *fp = NULL;
static int sav_cpus = -1;
char buf[MEDBUFSIZ]; // enough for /proc/stat CPU line (not the intr line)
int i;
/*** hotplug_acclimated ***/
if (sav_cpus != smp_num_cpus) {
Cpu_tot = sav_cpus = smp_num_cpus;
if (fp) { fclose(fp); fp = NULL; }
if (cpus) { free(cpus); cpus = NULL; }
/* by opening this file once, we'll avoid the hit on minor page faults
(sorry Linux, but you'll have to close it for us) */
if (!fp) {
if (!(fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r")))
error_exit(fmtmk("failed /proc/stat open: %s", strerror(errno)));
/* note: we allocate one more CPU_t than Cpu_tot so that the last slot
can hold tics representing the /proc/stat cpu summary (the first
line read) -- that slot supports our View_CPUSUM toggle */
cpus = alloc_c((1 + Cpu_tot) * sizeof(CPU_t));
// first value the last slot with the cpu summary line
cpus[Cpu_tot].x = cpus[Cpu_tot].y = cpus[Cpu_tot].z = 0;
// FIXME: can't tell above by kernel version number
if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) error_exit(err_read);
if (4 > sscanf(buf, "cpu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu"
, &cpus[Cpu_tot].u, &cpus[Cpu_tot].n, &cpus[Cpu_tot].s, &cpus[Cpu_tot].i
, &cpus[Cpu_tot].w, &cpus[Cpu_tot].x, &cpus[Cpu_tot].y, &cpus[Cpu_tot].z))
// and just in case we're 2.2.xx compiled without SMP support...
if (1 == Cpu_tot)
memcpy(cpus, &cpus[1], sizeof(CPU_t));
// now value each separate cpu's tics
for (i = 0; i < Cpu_tot; i++) {
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) error_exit(err_read);
cpus[i].x = cpus[i].y = cpus[i].z = 0;
// FIXME: can't tell above by kernel version number
if (4 > sscanf(buf, "cpu%u %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu", &cpus[i].id
, &cpus[i].u, &cpus[i].n, &cpus[i].s, &cpus[i].i
, &cpus[i].w, &cpus[i].x, &cpus[i].y, &cpus[i].z)) {
cpus[i].id = i;
return cpus;
} // end: cpus_refresh
* Binary Search for HST_t's put/get support */
static inline HST_t *hstbsrch (HST_t *hst, int max, int pid) {
int mid, min = 0;
while (min <= max) {
mid = (min + max) / 2;
if (pid < hst[mid].pid) max = mid - 1;
else if (pid > hst[mid].pid) min = mid + 1;
else return &hst[mid];
return NULL;
} // end: hstbsrch
* Hashing functions for HST_t's put/get support
* (not your normal 'chaining', those damn HST_t's might move!) */
#define _HASH_(K) (K & (HHASH_SIZ - 1))
static inline HST_t *hstget (int pid) {
int V = PHash_sav[_HASH_(pid)];
while (-1 < V) {
if (PHist_sav[V].pid == pid) return &PHist_sav[V];
V = PHist_sav[V].lnk; }
return NULL;
} // end: hstget
static inline void hstput (unsigned idx) {
int V = _HASH_(PHist_new[idx].pid);
PHist_new[idx].lnk = PHash_new[V];
PHash_new[V] = idx;
} // end: hstput
#undef _HASH_
* Refresh procs *Helper* function to eliminate yet one more need
* to loop through our darn proc_t table. He's responsible for:
* 1) calculating the elapsed time since the previous frame
* 2) counting the number of tasks in each state (run, sleep, etc)
* 3) maintaining the HST_t's and priming the proc_t pcpu field
* 4) establishing the total number tasks for this frame */
static void prochlp (proc_t *this) {
static unsigned maxt_sav = 0; // prior frame's max tasks
TIC_t tics;
HST_t *h;
if (!this) {
static struct timeval oldtimev;
struct timeval timev;
struct timezone timez;
float et;
void *v;
gettimeofday(&timev, &timez);
et = (timev.tv_sec - oldtimev.tv_sec)
+ (float)(timev.tv_usec - oldtimev.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
oldtimev.tv_sec = timev.tv_sec;
oldtimev.tv_usec = timev.tv_usec;
// if in Solaris mode, adjust our scaling for all cpus
Frame_etscale = 100.0f / ((float)Hertz * (float)et * (Rc.mode_irixps ? 1 : Cpu_tot));
maxt_sav = Frame_maxtask;
Frame_maxtask = Frame_running = Frame_sleepin = Frame_stopped = Frame_zombied = 0;
// prep for saving this frame's HST_t's (and reuse mem each time around)
v = PHist_sav;
PHist_sav = PHist_new;
PHist_new = v;
// prep for binary search by sorting the last frame's HST_t's
qsort(PHist_sav, maxt_sav, sizeof(HST_t), (QFP_t)sort_HST_t);
v = PHash_sav;
PHash_sav = PHash_new;
PHash_new = v;
memcpy(PHash_new, HHash_nul, sizeof(HHash_nul));
switch (this->state) {
case 'R':
case 'S':
case 'D':
case 'T':
case 'Z':
default: // keep gcc happy
if (Frame_maxtask+1 >= HHist_siz) {
HHist_siz = HHist_siz * 5 / 4 + 100;
PHist_sav = alloc_r(PHist_sav, sizeof(HST_t) * HHist_siz);
PHist_new = alloc_r(PHist_new, sizeof(HST_t) * HHist_siz);
/* calculate time in this process; the sum of user time (utime) and
system time (stime) -- but PLEASE dont waste time and effort on
calcs and saves that go unused, like the old top! */
PHist_new[Frame_maxtask].pid = this->tid;
PHist_new[Frame_maxtask].tics = tics = (this->utime + this->stime);
// find matching entry from previous frame and make ticks elapsed
if ((h = hstbsrch(PHist_sav, maxt_sav - 1, this->tid))) tics -= h->tics;
// hash & save for the next frame
// find matching entry from previous frame and make ticks elapsed
if ((h = hstget(this->tid))) tics -= h->tics;
/* we're just saving elapsed tics, to be converted into %cpu if
this task wins it's displayable screen row lottery... */
this->pcpu = tics;
// shout this to the world with the final call (or us the next time in)
} // end: prochlp
* This guy's modeled on libproc's 'readproctab' function except
* we reuse and extend any prior proc_t's. He's been customized
* for our specific needs and to avoid the use of <stdarg.h> */
static void procs_refresh (void) {
static proc_t **private_ppt; // our base proc_t pointer table
static unsigned savmax = 0; // first time, Bypass: (i)
proc_t *ptask = (proc_t*)-1; // first time, Force: (ii)
unsigned curmax = 0; // every time (jeeze)
int i;
proc_t*(*read_something)(PROCTAB*, proc_t*);
prochlp(NULL); // prep for a new frame
if (NULL == (PT = openproc(Frames_libflags, Monpids)))
error_exit(fmtmk("failed openproc: %s", strerror(errno)));
read_something = Thread_mode ? readeither : readproc;
// i) Allocated Chunks: *Existing* table; refresh + reuse
while (curmax < savmax) {
if (!(ptask = read_something(PT, private_ppt[curmax]))) break;
prochlp(ptask); // tally & complete this proc_t
// ii) Unallocated Chunks: *New* or *Existing* table; extend + fill
while (ptask) {
// realloc as we go, keeping 'ppt' ahead of 'currmax++'
private_ppt = alloc_r(private_ppt, (curmax + 1) * sizeof(proc_t*));
// here, the library will allocate the underlying proc_t stg
if ((ptask = read_something(PT, NULL))) {
prochlp(ptask); // tally & complete this proc_t
private_ppt[curmax++] = ptask;
// iii) Chunkless: End frame, but not necessarily end of allocated space
if (savmax < curmax) savmax = curmax;
// lastly, refresh each window's proc pointers table...
for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
Winstk[i].ppt = alloc_r(Winstk[i].ppt, savmax * sizeof(proc_t*));
memcpy(Winstk[i].ppt, private_ppt, Frame_maxtask * sizeof(proc_t*));
} // end: procs_refresh
* This serves as our interface to the memory & cpu count (sysinfo)
* portion of libproc. In support of those hotpluggable resources,
* the sampling frequencies are reduced so as to minimize overhead.
* We'll strive to verify the number of cpus every 5 minutes and the
* memory availability/usage every 3 seconds. */
static void sysinfo_refresh (int forced) {
static time_t mem_secs, cpu_secs;
time_t cur_secs;
if (forced)
mem_secs = cpu_secs = 0;
/*** hotplug_acclimated ***/
if (3 <= cur_secs - mem_secs) {
mem_secs = cur_secs;
/*** hotplug_acclimated ***/
if (300 <= cur_secs - cpu_secs) {
cpu_secs = cur_secs;
} // end: sysinfo_refresh
/*###### Startup routines ##############################################*/
* No matter what *they* say, we handle the really really BIG and
* IMPORTANT stuff upon which all those lessor functions depend! */
static void before (char *me) {
struct sigaction sa;
int i;
// setup our program name -- big!
Myname = strrchr(me, '/');
if (Myname) ++Myname; else Myname = me;
// establish cpu particulars -- even bigger!
smp_num_cpus = 4;
Cpu_tot = smp_num_cpus;
if (linux_version_code > LINUX_VERSION(2, 5, 41))
Cpu_States_fmts = STATES_line2x5;
if (linux_version_code >= LINUX_VERSION(2, 6, 0))
Cpu_States_fmts = STATES_line2x6;
if (linux_version_code >= LINUX_VERSION(2, 6, 11))
Cpu_States_fmts = STATES_line2x7;
// get virtual page stuff -- nearing huge!
Page_size = getpagesize();
i = Page_size;
while(i > 1024) { i >>= 1; Pg2K_shft++; }
#ifndef OFF_HST_HASH
// prep for HST_t's put/get hashing optimizations
for (i = 0; i < HHASH_SIZ; i++) HHash_nul[i] = -1;
memcpy(HHash_one, HHash_nul, sizeof(HHash_nul));
memcpy(HHash_two, HHash_nul, sizeof(HHash_nul));
// lastly, establish a robust signals environment
sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
for (i = SIGRTMAX + 1; i; i--) {
switch (i) {
case SIGALRM: case SIGHUP: case SIGINT:
sa.sa_handler = sig_endpgm;
sa.sa_handler = sig_paused;
sa.sa_handler = sig_resize;
sa.sa_handler = sig_abexit;
sigaction(i, &sa, NULL);
} // end: before
* Build the local RC file name then try to read both of 'em.
* 'SYS_RCFILESPEC' contains two lines consisting of the secure
* mode switch and an update interval. It's presence limits what
* ordinary users are allowed to do.
* 'Rc_name' contains multiple lines - 2 global + 3 per window.
* line 1: an eyecatcher and creating program/alias name
* line 2: an id, Mode_altcsr, Mode_irixps, Delay_time and Curwin.
* If running in secure mode via the /etc/rcfile,
* the 'delay time' will be ignored except for root.
* For each of the 4 windows:
* line a: contains w->winname, fieldscur
* line b: contains w->winflags, sortindx, maxtasks
* line c: contains w->summclr, msgsclr, headclr, taskclr */
static void configs_read (void) {
static const char err_rcid[] = "incompatible rcfile, you should delete '%s'";
static const char err_flds[] = "window entry #%d corrupt, please delete '%s'";
RCF_t rcdef = DEF_RCFILE;
float tmp_delay = DEF_DELAY;
char fbuf[LRGBUFSIZ];
FILE *fp;
int i, x;
char id;
if (!getenv("HOME")) snprintf(Rc_name, sizeof(Rc_name), ".%src", Myname);
else snprintf(Rc_name, sizeof(Rc_name), "%s/.%src", getenv("HOME"), Myname);
fp = fopen(SYS_RCFILESPEC, "r");
if (fp) {
fbuf[0] = '\0';
fgets(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), fp); // sys rc file, line 1
if (strchr(fbuf, 's')) Secure_mode = 1;
fbuf[0] = '\0';
fgets(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), fp); // sys rc file, line 2
sscanf(fbuf, "%f", &Rc.delay_time);
fp = fopen(Rc_name, "r");
if (fp) {
fbuf[0] = '\0';
fgets(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), fp); // ignore eyecatcher
if (5 != (fscanf(fp, "Id:%c, "
"Mode_altscr=%d, Mode_irixps=%d, Delay_time=%f, Curwin=%d\n"
, &id, &Rc.mode_altscr, &Rc.mode_irixps, &tmp_delay, &i))
|| RCF_VERSION_ID != id)
error_exit(fmtmk(err_rcid, Rc_name));
goto just_default_em;
// you saw that, right? (fscanf stickin' it to 'i')
Curwin = &Winstk[i];
for (i = 0 ; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
// note: "fieldscur=%__s" on next line should equal PFLAGSSIZ !
fscanf(fp, "%3s\tfieldscur=%64s\n"
, Winstk[i].rc.winname, Winstk[i].rc.fieldscur);
#if PFLAGSSIZ > 64
// too bad fscanf is not as flexible with his format string as snprintf
# error Hey, fix the above fscanf 'PFLAGSSIZ' dependency !
if (strlen(Winstk[i].rc.fieldscur) != sizeof(DEF_FIELDS) - 1)
error_exit(fmtmk(err_flds, i+1, Rc_name));
goto just_default_em;
for (x = 0; x < P_MAXPFLGS; ++x) {
int f = FLDget(&Winstk[i], x);
if (P_MAXPFLGS <= f)
error_exit(fmtmk(err_flds, i+1, Rc_name));
goto just_default_em;
fscanf(fp, "\twinflags=%d, sortindx=%d, maxtasks=%d\n"
, &Winstk[i].rc.winflags, (int*)&Winstk[i].rc.sortindx, &Winstk[i].rc.maxtasks);
fscanf(fp, "\tsummclr=%d, msgsclr=%d, headclr=%d, taskclr=%d\n"
, &Winstk[i].rc.summclr, &Winstk[i].rc.msgsclr
, &Winstk[i].rc.headclr, &Winstk[i].rc.taskclr);
// lastly, establish the true runtime secure mode and delay time
if (!getuid()) Secure_mode = 0;
if (!Secure_mode) Rc.delay_time = tmp_delay;
Rc = rcdef;
for (i = 0 ; i < GROUPSMAX; i++)
Winstk[i].rc = Rc.win[i];
} // end: configs_read
* Parse command line arguments.
* Note: it's assumed that the rc file(s) have already been read
* and our job is to see if any of those options are to be
* overridden -- we'll force some on and negate others in our
* best effort to honor the loser's (oops, user's) wishes... */
static void parse_args (char **args) {
/* differences between us and the former top:
-C (separate CPU states for SMP) is left to an rcfile
-u (user monitoring) added to compliment interactive 'u'
-p (pid monitoring) allows a comma delimited list
-q (zero delay) eliminated as redundant, incomplete and inappropriate
use: "nice -n-10 top -d0" to achieve what was only claimed
. most switches act as toggles (not 'on' sw) for more user flexibility
. no deprecated/illegal use of 'breakargv:' with goto
. bunched args are actually handled properly and none are ignored
. we tolerate NO whitespace and NO switches -- maybe too tolerant? */
static const char usage_str[] =
" -hv | -bcHiSs -d delay -n limit -u|U user | -p pid[,pid] -w [cols]";
static const char sel_error[] = "conflicting process selections (U/p/u)";
static const char numbs_str[] = "+,-.0123456789";
float tmp_delay = MAXFLOAT;
char *p;
while (*args) {
const char *cp = *(args++);
while (*cp) {
char ch;
switch ((ch = *cp)) {
case '\0':
case '-':
if (cp[1]) ++cp;
else if (*args) cp = *args++;
if (strspn(cp, numbs_str))
error_exit(fmtmk("inappropriate '%s'\nusage:\t%s%s", cp, Myname, usage_str));
case 'b':
Batch = 1;
case 'c':
TOGw(Curwin, Show_CMDLIN);
case 'd':
if (cp[1]) ++cp;
else if (*args) cp = *args++;
else error_exit("-d requires argument");
/* a negative delay will be dealt with shortly... */
if (1 != sscanf(cp, "%f", &tmp_delay))
error_exit(fmtmk("bad delay '%s'", cp));
case 'H':
Thread_mode = 1;
case 'h':
case 'v': case 'V':
fprintf(stdout, "\t%s\nusage:\t%s%s", procps_version, Myname, usage_str);
case 'i':
TOGw(Curwin, Show_IDLEPS);
Curwin->rc.maxtasks = 0;
case 'n':
if (cp[1]) cp++;
else if (*args) cp = *args++;
else error_exit("-n requires argument");
if (1 != sscanf(cp, "%d", &Loops) || 1 > Loops)
error_exit(fmtmk("bad iterations arg '%s'", cp));
case 'p':
if (Curwin->usrseltyp) error_exit(sel_error);
do {
if (cp[1]) cp++;
else if (*args) cp = *args++;
else error_exit("-p argument missing");
if (Monpidsidx >= MONPIDMAX)
error_exit(fmtmk("pid limit (%d) exceeded", MONPIDMAX));
if (1 != sscanf(cp, "%d", &Monpids[Monpidsidx])
|| 0 > Monpids[Monpidsidx])
error_exit(fmtmk("bad pid '%s'", cp));
if (!Monpids[Monpidsidx])
Monpids[Monpidsidx] = getpid();
if (!(p = strchr(cp, ',')))
cp = p;
} while (*cp);
case 's':
Secure_mode = 1;
case 'S':
TOGw(Curwin, Show_CTIMES);
case 'u':
case 'U':
{ const char *errmsg;
if (Monpidsidx || Curwin->usrseltyp) error_exit(sel_error);
if (cp[1]) cp++;
else if (*args) cp = *args++;
else error_exit(fmtmk("-%c missing name", ch));
if ((errmsg = user_certify(Curwin, cp, ch))) error_exit(errmsg);
cp += strlen(cp);
case 'w':
{ const char *pn = NULL;
int ai = 0, ci = 0;
Width_mode = -1;
if (cp[1]) pn = &cp[1];
else if (*args) { pn = *args; ai = 1; }
if (pn && !(ci = strspn(pn, "0123456789"))) { ai = 0; pn = NULL; }
if (pn && (1 != sscanf(pn, "%d", &Width_mode)
|| Width_mode < W_MIN_COL))
error_exit(fmtmk("bad width arg '%s', must > %d", pn, W_MIN_COL-1));
args += ai;
if (pn) cp = pn + ci;
default :
error_exit(fmtmk("unknown option '%c'\nusage:\t%s%s", *cp, Myname, usage_str));
} // end: switch (*cp)
// advance cp and jump over any numerical args used above
if (*cp) cp += strspn(&cp[1], numbs_str) + 1;
} // end: while (*cp)
} // end: while (*args)
// fixup delay time, maybe...
if (MAXFLOAT > tmp_delay) {
if (Secure_mode)
error_exit("-d disallowed in \"secure\" mode");
if (0 > tmp_delay)
error_exit("-d requires positive argument");
Rc.delay_time = tmp_delay;
} // end: parse_args
* Set up the terminal attributes */
static void whack_terminal (void) {
static char dummy[] = "dumb";
struct termios tmptty;
// the curses part...
if (Batch) {
setupterm(dummy, STDOUT_FILENO, NULL);
setupterm(dummy, STDOUT_FILENO, NULL);
// our part...
if (-1 == tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &Tty_original))
error_exit("failed tty get");
// ok, haven't really changed anything but we do have our snapshot
Ttychanged = 1;
// first, a consistent canonical mode for interactive line input
tmptty = Tty_original;
tmptty.c_lflag |= (ECHO | ECHOCTL | ECHOE | ICANON | ISIG);
tmptty.c_lflag &= ~NOFLSH;
tmptty.c_oflag &= ~TAB3;
tmptty.c_iflag |= BRKINT;
tmptty.c_iflag &= ~IGNBRK;
if (key_backspace && 1 == strlen(key_backspace))
tmptty.c_cc[VERASE] = *key_backspace;
if (-1 == tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &tmptty))
error_exit(fmtmk("failed Tty_tweaked set: %s", strerror(errno)));
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &Tty_tweaked);
// lastly, a nearly raw mode for unsolicited single keystrokes
tmptty.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOCTL | ECHOE | ICANON);
tmptty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
tmptty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
if (-1 == tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &tmptty))
error_exit(fmtmk("failed Tty_raw set: %s", strerror(errno)));
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &Tty_raw);
// thanks anyway stdio, but we'll manage buffering at the frame level...
setbuffer(stdout, Stdout_buf, sizeof(Stdout_buf));
// and don't forget to ask keyin to initialize his tinfo_tab
} // end: whack_terminal
/*###### Windows/Field Groups support #################################*/
* Value a window's name and make the associated group name. */
static void win_names (WIN_t *q, const char *name) {
/* note: sprintf/snprintf results are "undefined" when src==dst,
according to C99 & POSIX.1-2001 (thanks adc) */
if (q->rc.winname != name)
snprintf(q->rc.winname, sizeof(q->rc.winname), "%s", name);
snprintf(q->grpname, sizeof(q->grpname), "%d:%s", q->winnum, name);
} // end: win_names
* Display a window/field group (ie. make it "current"). */
static WIN_t *win_select (char ch) {
static const char prompt[] = "Choose field group (1 - 4)";
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
/* if there's no ch, it means we're supporting the external interface,
so we must try to get our own darn ch by begging the user... */
if (!ch) {
if (1 > chin(0, (char *)&ch, 1)) return Curwin;
switch (ch) {
case 'a': // we don't carry 'a' / 'w' in our
w = w->next; // pmt - they're here for a good
break; // friend of ours -- wins_colors.
case 'w': // (however those letters work via
w = w->prev; // the pmt too but gee, end-loser
break; // should just press the darn key)
case '1' ... '4':
w = &Winstk[ch - '1'];
default: // keep gcc happy
return Curwin = w;
} // end: win_select
* Just warn the user when a command can't be honored. */
static int win_warn (int what) {
switch (what) {
case Warn_ALT:
show_msg("\aCommand disabled, 'A' mode required");
case Warn_VIZ:
show_msg(fmtmk("\aCommand disabled, activate %s with '-' or '_'"
, Curwin->grpname));
default: // keep gcc happy
/* we gotta' return false 'cause we're somewhat well known within
macro society, by way of that sassy little tertiary operator... */
return 0;
} // end: win_warn
* Change colors *Helper* function to save/restore settings;
* ensure colors will show; and rebuild the terminfo strings. */
static void winsclrhlp (WIN_t *q, int save) {
static int flgssav, summsav, msgssav, headsav, tasksav;
if (save) {
flgssav = q->rc.winflags; summsav = q->rc.summclr;
msgssav = q->rc.msgsclr; headsav = q->rc.headclr; tasksav = q->rc.taskclr;
SETw(q, Show_COLORS);
} else {
q->rc.winflags = flgssav; q->rc.summclr = summsav;
q->rc.msgsclr = msgssav; q->rc.headclr = headsav; q->rc.taskclr = tasksav;
} // end: winsclrhlp
* Change colors used in display */
static void wins_colors (void) {
#define kbdABORT 'q'
#define kbdAPPLY kbd_ENTER
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
int clr = w->rc.taskclr, *pclr = &w->rc.taskclr;
char ch, tgt = 'T';
if (0 >= max_colors) {
show_msg("\aNo colors to map!");
winsclrhlp(w, 1);
do {
// this string is well above ISO C89's minimum requirements!
show_special(1, fmtmk(COLOR_help
, procps_version, w->grpname
, CHKw(w, View_NOBOLD) ? "On" : "Off"
, CHKw(w, Show_COLORS) ? "On" : "Off"
, CHKw(w, Show_HIBOLD) ? "On" : "Off"
, tgt, clr, w->grpname));
if (1 > chin(0, &ch, 1)) break;
switch (ch) {
case 'S':
pclr = &w->rc.summclr;
clr = *pclr;
tgt = ch;
case 'M':
pclr = &w->rc.msgsclr;
clr = *pclr;
tgt = ch;
case 'H':
pclr = &w->rc.headclr;
clr = *pclr;
tgt = ch;
case 'T':
pclr = &w->rc.taskclr;
clr = *pclr;
tgt = ch;
case '0' ... '7':
clr = ch - '0';
*pclr = clr;
case 'B':
TOGw(w, View_NOBOLD);
case 'b':
TOGw(w, Show_HIBOLD);
case 'z':
TOGw(w, Show_COLORS);
case 'a':
case 'w':
winsclrhlp((w = win_select(ch)), 1);
clr = w->rc.taskclr, pclr = &w->rc.taskclr;
tgt = 'T';
default: // keep gcc happy
} while (kbdAPPLY != ch && kbdABORT != ch);
if (kbdABORT == ch) winsclrhlp(w, 0);
#undef kbdABORT
#undef kbdAPPLY
} // end: wins_colors
* Manipulate flag(s) for all our windows. */
static void wins_reflag (int what, int flg) {
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
do {
switch (what) {
case Flags_TOG:
TOGw(w, flg);
case Flags_SET: // Ummmm, i can't find anybody
SETw(w, flg); // who uses Flags_set ...
case Flags_OFF:
OFFw(w, flg);
default: // keep gcc happy
/* a flag with special significance -- user wants to rebalance
display so we gotta' off some stuff then force on two flags... */
if (EQUWINS_xxx == flg) {
w->rc.maxtasks = w->usrseltyp = w->begpflg = w->begtask = 0;
Monpidsidx = 0;
SETw(w, Show_IDLEPS | Show_TASKON);
w = w->next;
} while (w != Curwin);
} // end: wins_reflag
* Set up the raw/incomplete field group windows --
* they'll be finished off after startup completes.
* [ and very likely that will override most/all of our efforts ]
* [ --- life-is-NOT-fair --- ] */
static void wins_stage_1 (void) {
WIN_t *w;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
w = &Winstk[i];
w->winnum = i + 1;
w->rc = Rc.win[i];
w->captab[0] = Cap_norm;
w->captab[1] = Cap_norm;
w->captab[2] = w->cap_bold;
w->captab[3] = w->capclr_sum;
w->captab[4] = w->capclr_msg;
w->captab[5] = w->capclr_pmt;
w->captab[6] = w->capclr_hdr;
w->captab[7] = w->capclr_rowhigh;
w->captab[8] = w->capclr_rownorm;
w->next = w + 1;
w->prev = w - 1;
// fixup the circular chains...
Winstk[GROUPSMAX - 1].next = &Winstk[0];
Winstk[0].prev = &Winstk[GROUPSMAX - 1];
Curwin = Winstk;
} // end: wins_stage_1
* This guy just completes the field group windows after the
* rcfiles have been read and command line arguments parsed */
static void wins_stage_2 (void) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
win_names(&Winstk[i], Winstk[i].rc.winname);
if (Batch)
OFFw(Curwin, View_SCROLL);
// fill in missing Fieldstab members and build each window's columnhdr
} // end: wins_stage_2
/*###### Interactive Input support (do_key helpers) ####################*/
* These routines exist just to keep the do_key() function
* a reasonably modest size. */
static void file_writerc (void) {
FILE *fp;
int i;
if (!(fp = fopen(Rc_name, "w"))) {
show_msg(fmtmk("\aFailed '%s' open: %s", Rc_name, strerror(errno)));
fprintf(fp, "%s's " RCF_EYECATCHER, Myname);
fprintf(fp, "Id:%c, Mode_altscr=%d, Mode_irixps=%d, Delay_time=%.3f, Curwin=%d\n"
, Rc.mode_altscr, Rc.mode_irixps, Rc.delay_time, (int)(Curwin - Winstk));
for (i = 0 ; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%s\tfieldscur=%s\n"
, Winstk[i].rc.winname, Winstk[i].rc.fieldscur);
fprintf(fp, "\twinflags=%d, sortindx=%d, maxtasks=%d\n"
, Winstk[i].rc.winflags, (int)Winstk[i].rc.sortindx
, Winstk[i].rc.maxtasks);
fprintf(fp, "\tsummclr=%d, msgsclr=%d, headclr=%d, taskclr=%d\n"
, Winstk[i].rc.summclr, Winstk[i].rc.msgsclr
, Winstk[i].rc.headclr, Winstk[i].rc.taskclr);
show_msg(fmtmk("Wrote configuration to '%s'", Rc_name));
} // end: file_writerc
static void help_view (void) {
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
char ch;
// this string is well above ISO C89's minimum requirements!
show_special(1, fmtmk(KEYS_help
, procps_version
, w->grpname
, CHKw(w, Show_CTIMES) ? "On" : "Off"
, Rc.delay_time
, Secure_mode ? "On" : "Off"
, Secure_mode ? "" : KEYS_help_unsecured));
if (0 < chin(0, &ch, 1)
&& ('?' == ch || 'h' == ch || 'H' == ch)) {
do {
show_special(1, fmtmk(WINDOWS_help
, w->grpname
, Winstk[0].rc.winname, Winstk[1].rc.winname
, Winstk[2].rc.winname, Winstk[3].rc.winname));
if (1 > chin(0, &ch, 1)) break;
w = win_select(ch);
} while (kbd_ENTER != ch);
} // end: help_view
static void keys_global (int ch) {
// standardized error message(s)
static const char err_secure[] = "\aUnavailable in secure mode";
static const char err_notsmp[] = "\aOnly 1 cpu detected";
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
switch (ch) {
case 'B':
TOGw(w, View_NOBOLD);
case 'd':
case 's':
if (Secure_mode)
else {
float tmp =
get_float(fmtmk("Change delay from %.1f to", Rc.delay_time));
if (-1 < tmp) Rc.delay_time = tmp;
case 'F':
case 'f':
case 'g':
case 'H':
Thread_mode = !Thread_mode;
if (!CHKw(w, View_STATES))
show_msg(fmtmk("Show threads %s", Thread_mode ? "On" : "Off"));
case 'I':
if (Cpu_tot > 1) {
Rc.mode_irixps = !Rc.mode_irixps;
show_msg(fmtmk("Irix mode %s", Rc.mode_irixps ? "On" : "Off"));
} else
case 'k':
if (Secure_mode) {
} else {
int pid, sig = SIGTERM;
char *str;
if (-1 < (pid = get_int("pid to signal/kill"))) {
str = linein(fmtmk("Send pid %d signal [%d/sigterm]", pid, SIGTERM));
if (*str) sig = signal_name_to_number(str);
if (0 < sig && kill(pid, sig))
show_msg(fmtmk("\aFailed signal pid '%d' with '%d': %s"
, pid, sig, strerror(errno)));
else if (0 > sig) show_msg("Invalid signal");
case 'r':
if (Secure_mode)
else {
int val, pid;
if (-1 < (pid = get_int("PID to renice"))
&& INT_MIN < (val = get_int(fmtmk("Renice PID %d to value", pid))))
if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, (unsigned)pid, val))
show_msg(fmtmk("\aFailed renice of PID %d to %d: %s"
, pid, val, strerror(errno)));
case 'Z':
default: // keep gcc happy
} // end: keys_global
static void keys_summary (int ch) {
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
switch (ch) {
case '1':
TOGw(w, View_CPUSUM);
case 'C':
case 'l':
TOGw(w, View_LOADAV);
case 'm':
TOGw(w, View_MEMORY);
case 't':
TOGw(w, View_STATES);
default: // keep gcc happy
} // end: keys_summary
static void keys_task (int ch) {
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
switch (ch) {
case '#':
case 'n':
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
int num = get_int(fmtmk("Maximum tasks = %d, change to (0 is unlimited)", w->rc.maxtasks));
if (INT_MIN < num) {
if (-1 < num ) w->rc.maxtasks = num;
else show_msg("Invalid maximum");
case '<':
if (CHKw(w, Show_FOREST)) break;
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
FLG_t *p = w->procflgs + w->maxpflgs - 1;
while (p > w->procflgs && *p != w->rc.sortindx) --p;
if (*p == w->rc.sortindx) {
#ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
if (P_MAXPFLGS < *p) --p;
if (p >= w->procflgs) {
w->rc.sortindx = *p;
OFFw(w, Show_FOREST);
case '>':
if (CHKw(w, Show_FOREST)) break;
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
FLG_t *p = w->procflgs + w->maxpflgs - 1;
while (p > w->procflgs && *p != w->rc.sortindx) --p;
if (*p == w->rc.sortindx) {
#ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
if (P_MAXPFLGS < *p) ++p;
if (p < w->procflgs + w->maxpflgs) {
w->rc.sortindx = *p;
OFFw(w, Show_FOREST);
case 'b':
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
if (!CHKw(w, Show_HIROWS))
if (!CHKw(w, Show_HICOLS | Show_HIROWS))
show_msg("\aNothing to highlight!");
else {
TOGw(w, Show_HIBOLD);
case 'c':
case 'i':
case 'R':
if (!CHKw(w, Show_FOREST)) VIZTOGw(w, Qsrt_NORMAL);
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
TOGw(w, Qsrt_NORMAL);
OFFw(w, Show_FOREST);
case 'S':
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
TOGw(w, Show_CTIMES);
show_msg(fmtmk("Cumulative time %s", CHKw(w, Show_CTIMES) ? "On" : "Off"));
case 'U':
case 'u':
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
const char *errmsg;
if ((errmsg = user_certify(w, linein("Which user (blank for all)"), ch)))
case 'V':
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
TOGw(w, Show_FOREST);
if (!ENUviz(w, P_CMD))
show_msg(fmtmk("Forest mode %s", CHKw(w, Show_FOREST) ? "On" : "Off"));
case 'x':
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
TOGw(w, Show_HICOLS);
#ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
if (ENUpos(w, w->rc.sortindx) < w->begpflg) {
if (CHKw(w, Show_HICOLS)) w->begpflg += 2;
else w->begpflg -= 2;
if (0 > w->begpflg) w->begpflg = 0;
case 'y':
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
TOGw(w, Show_HIROWS);
case 'z':
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
TOGw(w, Show_COLORS);
default: // keep gcc happy
} // end: keys_task
static void keys_window (int ch) {
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
switch (ch) {
case '+':
if (ALTCHKw) wins_reflag(Flags_OFF, EQUWINS_xxx);
case '-':
if (ALTCHKw) TOGw(w, Show_TASKON);
case '=':
SETw(w, Show_IDLEPS | Show_TASKON);
w->rc.maxtasks = w->usrseltyp = w->begpflg = w->begtask = 0;
Monpidsidx = 0;
case '_':
if (ALTCHKw) wins_reflag(Flags_TOG, Show_TASKON);
case 'A':
Rc.mode_altscr = !Rc.mode_altscr;
case 'a':
case 'w':
if (ALTCHKw) win_select(ch);
case 'G':
if (ALTCHKw) {
char tmp[SMLBUFSIZ];
STRLCPY(tmp, linein(fmtmk("Rename window '%s' to (1-3 chars)", w->rc.winname)))
if (tmp[0]) win_names(w, tmp);
case kbd_UP:
if (VIZCHKw(w)) if (0 < w->begtask) w->begtask -= 1;
case kbd_DOWN:
if (VIZCHKw(w)) if (w->begtask < Frame_maxtask - 1) w->begtask += 1;
case kbd_LEFT:
if (VIZCHKw(w)) if (0 < w->begpflg) w->begpflg -= 1;
case kbd_RIGHT:
if (VIZCHKw(w)) if (w->begpflg + 1 < w->totpflgs) w->begpflg += 1;
case kbd_LEFT:
if (VIZCHKw(w)) if (0 < w->begpflg) {
w->begpflg -= 1;
if (P_MAXPFLGS < w->pflgsall[w->begpflg]) w->begpflg -= 2;
case kbd_RIGHT:
if (VIZCHKw(w)) if (w->begpflg + 1 < w->totpflgs) {
if (P_MAXPFLGS < w->pflgsall[w->begpflg])
w->begpflg += (w->begpflg + 3 < w->totpflgs) ? 3 : 0;
else w->begpflg += 1;
case kbd_PGUP:
if (VIZCHKw(w)) if (0 < w->begtask) {
w->begtask -= (w->winlines - 1);
if (0 > w->begtask) w->begtask = 0;
case kbd_PGDN:
if (VIZCHKw(w)) if (w->begtask < Frame_maxtask - 1) {
w->begtask += (w->winlines - 1);
if (w->begtask > Frame_maxtask - 1) w->begtask = Frame_maxtask - 1;
if (0 > w->begtask) w->begtask = 0;
case kbd_HOME:
if (VIZCHKw(w)) w->begtask = w->begpflg = 0;
case kbd_END:
if (VIZCHKw(w)) {
w->begtask = (Frame_maxtask - w->winlines) + 1;
if (0 > w->begtask) w->begtask = 0;
w->begpflg = w->endpflg;
default: // keep gcc happy
} // end: keys_window
static void keys_xtra (int ch) {
// const char *xmsg;
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
if (CHKw(w, Show_FOREST)) return;
OFFw(w, Show_FOREST);
/* these keys represent old-top compatability --
they're grouped here so that if users could ever be weaned,
we would just whack do_key's key_tab entry and this function... */
switch (ch) {
case 'M':
w->rc.sortindx = P_MEM;
// xmsg = "Memory";
case 'N':
w->rc.sortindx = P_PID;
// xmsg = "Numerical";
case 'P':
w->rc.sortindx = P_CPU;
// xmsg = "CPU";
case 'T':
w->rc.sortindx = P_TM2;
// xmsg = "Time";
default: // keep gcc happy
// some have objected to this message, so we'll just keep silent...
// show_msg(fmtmk("%s sort compatibility key honored", xtab[i].xmsg));
} // end: keys_xtra
/*###### Forest View support ###########################################*/
* We try to keep most existing code unaware of our activities. */
static proc_t **Seed_ppt; // temporary window ppt ptr
static proc_t **Tree_ppt; // resized by forest_create
static int Tree_idx; // frame_make initializes
* This little recursive guy is the real forest view workhorse.
* He fills in the Tree_ppt array and also sets the child indent
* level which is stored in an unused proc_t padding byte. */
static void forest_add (const int self, const int level) {
int i;
Tree_ppt[Tree_idx] = Seed_ppt[self]; // add this as root or child
Tree_ppt[Tree_idx++]->pad_3 = level; // borrow 1 byte, 127 levels
for (i = self + 1; i < Frame_maxtask; i++) {
if (Seed_ppt[self]->tid == Seed_ppt[i]->tgid
|| (Seed_ppt[self]->tid == Seed_ppt[i]->ppid && Seed_ppt[i]->tid == Seed_ppt[i]->tgid))
forest_add(i, level + 1); // got one child any others?
} // end: forest_add
* This routine is responsible for preparing the proc_t's for
* a forest display in the designated window. Upon completion,
* he'll replace the original window ppt with our specially
* ordered forest version. */
static void forest_create (WIN_t *q) {
static int hwmsav;
Seed_ppt = q->ppt; // avoid passing WIN_t ptrs
if (!Tree_idx) { // do just once per frame
int i = 0;
Frame_srtflg = -1; // put in ascending ppid order
qsort(Seed_ppt, Frame_maxtask, sizeof(proc_t*), Fieldstab[P_PPD].sort);
if (hwmsav < Frame_maxtask) { // grow, but never shrink
hwmsav = Frame_maxtask;
Tree_ppt = alloc_r(Tree_ppt, sizeof(proc_t*) * hwmsav);
while (0 == Seed_ppt[i]->ppid) // identify trees (expect 2)
forest_add(i++, 0); // add parent plus children
memcpy(Seed_ppt, Tree_ppt, sizeof(proc_t*) * Frame_maxtask);
} // end: forest_create
* This guy adds the artwork to either p->cmd or p->cmdline
* when in forest view mode, otherwise he just returns 'em. */
static inline const char *forest_display (const WIN_t *q, const proc_t *p) {
static char buf[ROWMINSIZ];
const char *which = (CHKw(q, Show_CMDLIN)) ? *p->cmdline : p->cmd;
if (!CHKw(q, Show_FOREST) || !p->pad_3) return which;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%*s%s", 4 * p->pad_3, " `- ", which);
return buf;
} // end: forest_display
/*###### Main Screen routines ##########################################*/
* Process keyboard input during the main loop */
static void do_key (int ch) {
static struct {
void (*func)(int ch);
char keys[SMLBUFSIZ];
} key_tab[] = {
{ keys_global,
{ 'B', 'd', 'F', 'f', 'g', 'H', 'I', 'k', 'r', 's', 'Z' } },
{ keys_summary,
{ '1', 'C', 'l', 'm', 't' } },
{ keys_task,
{ '#', '<', '>', 'b', 'c', 'i', 'n', 'R', 'S'
, 'U', 'u', 'V', 'x', 'y', 'z' } },
{ keys_window,
{ '+', '-', '=', '_', 'A', 'a', 'G', 'w'
, kbd_UP, kbd_DOWN, kbd_LEFT, kbd_RIGHT, kbd_PGUP, kbd_PGDN
, kbd_HOME, kbd_END } },
{ keys_xtra,
{ 'M', 'N', 'P', 'T' } }
int i;
switch (ch) {
case 0: // ignored (always)
case kbd_ESC: // ignored (sometimes)
case 'q': // no return from this guy
case 'W': // no need for rebuilds
case '?': // might need rebuilds,
case 'h': // if curwin is changed
case kbd_ENTER: // these two will have the effect of waking us
case kbd_SPACE: // from 'select()', updating hotplugged resources
sysinfo_refresh(1); // and then refreshing the display
default: // and now, the real work...
for (i = 0; i < MAXTBL(key_tab); ++i)
if (strchr(key_tab[i].keys, ch)) {
if (!(i < MAXTBL(key_tab))) {
show_msg("\aUnknown command - try 'h' for help");
/* The following assignment will force a rebuild of all column headers and
the PROC_FILLxxx flags. It's NOT simply lazy programming. Here are
some keys that COULD require new column headers and/or libproc flags:
'A' - likely
'c' - likely when !Mode_altscr, maybe when Mode_altscr
'F' - likely
'f' - likely
'g' - likely
'H' - likely (%CPU .fmts)
'I' - likely (%CPU .fmts)
'Z' - likely, if 'Curwin' changed when !Mode_altscr
'-' - likely (restricted to Mode_altscr)
'_' - likely (restricted to Mode_altscr)
'=' - maybe, but only when Mode_altscr
'+' - likely (restricted to Mode_altscr)
PLUS, likely for FOUR of the EIGHT cursor motion keys (scrolled)
( At this point we have a human being involved and so have all the time )
( in the world. We can afford a few extra cpu cycles every now & then! )
Frames_resize = 1;
} // end: do_key
* State display *Helper* function to calc and display the state
* percentages for a single cpu. In this way, we can support
* the following environments without the usual code bloat.
* 1) single cpu machines
* 2) modest smp boxes with room for each cpu's percentages
* 3) massive smp guys leaving little or no room for process
* display and thus requiring the cpu summary toggle */
static void summaryhlp (CPU_t *cpu, const char *pfx) {
/* we'll trim to zero if we get negative time ticks,
which has happened with some SMP kernels (pre-2.4?) */
#define TRIMz(x) ((tz = (SIC_t)(x)) < 0 ? 0 : tz)
SIC_t u_frme, s_frme, n_frme, i_frme, w_frme, x_frme, y_frme, z_frme, tot_frme, tz;
float scale;
u_frme = cpu->u - cpu->u_sav;
s_frme = cpu->s - cpu->s_sav;
n_frme = cpu->n - cpu->n_sav;
i_frme = TRIMz(cpu->i - cpu->i_sav);
if ((u_frme == 0) && (i_frme == 0)) i_frme = 100;
w_frme = cpu->w - cpu->w_sav;
x_frme = cpu->x - cpu->x_sav;
y_frme = cpu->y - cpu->y_sav;
z_frme = cpu->z - cpu->z_sav;
tot_frme = u_frme + s_frme + n_frme + i_frme + w_frme + x_frme + y_frme + z_frme;
if (1 > tot_frme) tot_frme = 1;
scale = 100.0 / (float)tot_frme;
/* display some kinda' cpu state percentages
(who or what is explained by the passed prefix) */
show_special(0, fmtmk(Cpu_States_fmts, pfx
, (float)u_frme * scale, (float)s_frme * scale
, (float)n_frme * scale, (float)i_frme * scale
, (float)w_frme * scale, (float)x_frme * scale
, (float)y_frme * scale, (float)z_frme * scale));
// remember for next time around
cpu->u_sav = cpu->u;
cpu->s_sav = cpu->s;
cpu->n_sav = cpu->n;
cpu->i_sav = cpu->i;
cpu->w_sav = cpu->w;
cpu->x_sav = cpu->x;
cpu->y_sav = cpu->y;
cpu->z_sav = cpu->z;
#undef TRIMz
} // end: summaryhlp
* In support of a new frame:
* 1) Display uptime and load average (maybe)
* 2) Display task/cpu states (maybe)
* 3) Display memory & swap usage (maybe) */
static void summary_show (void) {
#define isROOM(f,n) (CHKw(w, f) && Msg_row + (n) < Screen_rows - 1)
#define anyFLG 0xffffff
static CPU_t *smpcpu = NULL;
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
// Display Uptime and Loadavg
if (isROOM(View_LOADAV, 1)) {
if (!Rc.mode_altscr)
show_special(0, fmtmk(LOADAV_line, Myname, sprint_uptime()));
show_special(0, fmtmk(CHKw(w, Show_TASKON)? LOADAV_line_alt : LOADAV_line
, w->grpname, sprint_uptime()));
Msg_row += 1;
// Display Task and Cpu(s) States
if (isROOM(View_STATES, 2)) {
show_special(0, fmtmk(STATES_line1
, Thread_mode ? "Threads" : "Tasks"
, Frame_maxtask, Frame_running, Frame_sleepin
, Frame_stopped, Frame_zombied));
Msg_row += 1;
smpcpu = cpus_refresh(smpcpu);
if (CHKw(w, View_CPUSUM)) {
// display just the 1st /proc/stat line
summaryhlp(&smpcpu[Cpu_tot], "Cpu(s):");
Msg_row += 1;
} else {
int i;
char tmp[MEDBUFSIZ];
// display each cpu's states separately, screen height permitting...
for (i = 0; i < Cpu_tot; i++) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Cpu%-3d:", smpcpu[i].id);
summaryhlp(&smpcpu[i], tmp);
Msg_row += 1;
if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
// Display Memory and Swap stats
if (isROOM(View_MEMORY, 2)) {
#define mkM(x) (unsigned long)(kb_main_ ## x >> shift)
#define mkS(x) (unsigned long)(kb_swap_ ## x >> shift)
const char *which = "Kb";
int shift = 0;
/*** hotplug_acclimated ***/
if (kb_main_total > 9999999) { which = "Mb"; shift = 10; }
if (kb_main_total > 9999999999ull) { which = "Gb"; shift = 20; }
show_special(0, fmtmk(MEMORY_twolines
, which, mkM(total), mkM(used), mkM(free), mkM(buffers)
, which, mkS(total), mkS(used), mkS(free), mkM(cached)));
Msg_row += 2;
#undef mkM
#undef mkS
#undef isROOM
#undef anyFLG
} // end: summary_show
* Display information for a single task row. */
static void task_show (const WIN_t *q, const proc_t *p) {
#define makeCOL(va...) snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), f, ## va)
#define makeVAR(v) { f = VARCOL_fmts; makeCOL(q->varcolsz, q->varcolsz, v); }
#define pages2K(n) (unsigned long)( (n) << Pg2K_shft )
char rbuf[ROWMINSIZ], *rp;
int j, x;
// we must begin a row with a possible window number in mind...
*(rp = rbuf) = '\0';
if (Rc.mode_altscr) rp = scat(rp, " ");
for (x = 0; x < q->maxpflgs; x++) {
char cbuf[SCREENMAX];
FLG_t i = q->procflgs[x]; // support for our field/column
const char *f = Fieldstab[i].fmts; // macro AND sometimes the fmt
int s = Fieldstab[i].scale; // string must be altered !
int w = Fieldstab[i].width;
switch (i) {
#ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
// these 2 aren't real procflgs, they're used in column highlighting!
case X_XON:
case X_XOF:
/* treat running tasks specially - entire row may get highlighted
so we needn't turn it on and we MUST NOT turn it off */
if (!('R' == p->state && CHKw(q, Show_HIROWS)))
rp = scat(rp, X_XON == i ? q->capclr_rowhigh : q->capclr_rownorm);
case P_CGR:
// our kernel may not support cgroups
makeVAR(p->cgroup ? *p->cgroup : "n/a");
case P_CMD:
makeVAR(forest_display(q, p));
case P_COD:
makeCOL(scale_num(pages2K(p->trs), w, s));
case P_CPN:
case P_CPU:
{ float u = (float)p->pcpu * Frame_etscale;
if (u > Cpu_pmax) u = Cpu_pmax;
case P_DAT:
makeCOL(scale_num(pages2K(p->drs), w, s));
case P_DRT:
makeCOL(scale_num((unsigned long)p->dt, w, s));
case P_FLG:
{ char tmp[SMLBUFSIZ];
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), f, (long)p->flags);
for (j = 0; tmp[j]; j++) if ('0' == tmp[j]) tmp[j] = '.';
f = tmp;
case P_FL1:
makeCOL(scale_num(p->maj_flt, w, s));
case P_FL2:
makeCOL(scale_num(p->min_flt, w, s));
case P_GID:
case P_GRP:
case P_MEM:
makeCOL((float)pages2K(p->resident) * 100 / kb_main_total);
case P_NCE:
case P_OOA:
case P_OOM:
case P_PGD:
case P_PID:
case P_PPD:
case P_PRI:
if (-99 > p->priority || 999 < p->priority) {
f = " rt ";
} else
case P_RES:
makeCOL(scale_num(pages2K(p->resident), w, s));
case P_SGD:
makeVAR(p->supgid ? p->supgid : "n/a");
case P_SGN:
makeVAR(p->supgrp ? p->supgrp : "n/a");
case P_SHR:
makeCOL(scale_num(pages2K(p->share), w, s));
case P_SID:
case P_STA:
case P_SWP:
makeCOL(scale_num(p->vm_swap, w, s));
case P_TGD:
case P_THD:
case P_TME:
case P_TM2:
{ TIC_t t = p->utime + p->stime;
if (CHKw(q, Show_CTIMES)) t += (p->cutime + p->cstime);
makeCOL(scale_tics(t, w));
case P_TPG:
case P_TTY:
{ char tmp[SMLBUFSIZ];
dev_to_tty(tmp, w, p->tty, p->tid, ABBREV_DEV);
case P_UED:
case P_UEN:
case P_URD:
case P_URN:
case P_USD:
case P_USN:
case P_VRT:
makeCOL(scale_num(pages2K(p->size), w, s));
case P_WCH:
if (No_ksyms) {
makeVAR(fmtmk("%08" KLF "X", p->wchan))
makeVAR(fmtmk("%08" KLF "x", p->wchan))
} else
makeVAR(lookup_wchan(p->wchan, p->tid))
default: // keep gcc happy
} // end: switch 'procflag'
rp = scat(rp, cbuf);
} // end: for 'maxpflgs'
PUFF("\n%s%s%s", (CHKw(q, Show_HIROWS) && 'R' == p->state)
? q->capclr_rowhigh : q->capclr_rownorm
, rbuf
, q->eolcap);
#undef makeCOL
#undef makeVAR
#undef pages2K
} // end: task_show
* Squeeze as many tasks as we can into a single window,
* after sorting the passed proc table. */
static int window_show (WIN_t *q, int wmax) {
/* the isBUSY macro determines if a task is 'active' --
it returns true if some cpu was used since the last sample.
( actual 'running' tasks will be a subset of those selected ) */
#define isBUSY(x) (0 < x->pcpu)
#define winMIN(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
int i, lwin;
// Display Column Headings -- and distract 'em while we sort (maybe)
PUFF("\n%s%s%s", q->capclr_hdr, q->columnhdr, q->eolcap);
if (CHKw(q, Show_FOREST))
else {
if (CHKw(q, Qsrt_NORMAL)) Frame_srtflg = 1; // this is always needed!
else Frame_srtflg = -1;
Frame_ctimes = CHKw(q, Show_CTIMES); // this & next, only maybe
Frame_cmdlin = CHKw(q, Show_CMDLIN);
qsort(q->ppt, Frame_maxtask, sizeof(proc_t*), Fieldstab[q->rc.sortindx].sort);
i = q->begtask;
if (i >= Frame_maxtask) i = q->begtask = Frame_maxtask - 1;
lwin = 1; // 1 for the column header
wmax = winMIN(wmax, q->winlines + 1); // ditto for winlines, too
/* the least likely scenario is also the most costly, so we'll try to avoid
checking some stuff with each iteration and check it just once... */
if (CHKw(q, Show_IDLEPS) && !q->usrseltyp)
while (i < Frame_maxtask && lwin < wmax) {
task_show(q, q->ppt[i++]);
while (i < Frame_maxtask && lwin < wmax) {
if ((CHKw(q, Show_IDLEPS) || isBUSY(q->ppt[i]))
&& user_matched(q, q->ppt[i])) {
task_show(q, q->ppt[i]);
return lwin;
#undef winMIN
#undef isBUSY
} // end: window_show
/*###### Entry point plus two ##########################################*/
* This guy's just a *Helper* function who apportions the
* remaining amount of screen real estate under multiple windows */
static void framehlp (int wix, int max) {
int i, rsvd, size, wins;
// calc remaining number of visible windows + total 'user' lines
for (i = wix, rsvd = 0, wins = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
if (CHKw(&Winstk[i], Show_TASKON)) {
rsvd += Winstk[i].rc.maxtasks;
if (max <= rsvd) break;
if (!wins) wins = 1;
// set aside 'rsvd' & deduct 1 line/window for the columns heading
size = (max - wins) - rsvd;
if (0 <= size) size = max;
size = (max - wins) / wins;
/* for subject window, set WIN_t winlines to either the user's
maxtask (1st choice) or our 'foxized' size calculation
(foxized adj. - 'fair and balanced') */
Winstk[wix].winlines =
Winstk[wix].rc.maxtasks ? Winstk[wix].rc.maxtasks : size;
} // end: framehlp
* Initiate the Frame Display Update cycle at someone's whim!
* This routine doesn't do much, mostly he just calls others.
* (Whoa, wait a minute, we DO caretake those row guys, plus)
* (we CALCULATE that IMPORTANT Max_lines thingy so that the)
* (*subordinate* functions invoked know WHEN the user's had)
* (ENOUGH already. And at Frame End, it SHOULD be apparent)
* (WE am d'MAN -- clearing UNUSED screen LINES and ensuring)
* (the CURSOR is STUCK in just the RIGHT place, know what I)
* (mean? Huh, "doesn't DO MUCH"! Never, EVER think or say)
* (THAT about THIS function again, Ok? Good that's better.)
* (ps. we ARE the UNEQUALED justification KING of COMMENTS!)
* (No, I don't mean significance/relevance, only alignment.)
static void frame_make (void) {
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
int i, scrlins;
// deal with potential signals since the last time around...
if (Frames_paused) pause_pgm();
if (Frames_resize) zap_fieldstab();
// whoa first time, gotta' prime the pump...
if (-1 == Pseudo_row) {
} else
putp(Batch ? "\n\n" : Cap_home);
Tree_idx = Pseudo_row = Msg_row = scrlins = 0;
Max_lines = (Screen_rows - Msg_row) - 1;
if (!Rc.mode_altscr) {
// only 1 window to show so, piece o' cake
w->winlines = w->rc.maxtasks ? w->rc.maxtasks : Max_lines;
scrlins = window_show(w, Max_lines);
} else {
// maybe NO window is visible but assume, pieces o' cakes
for (i = 0 ; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) {
if (CHKw(&Winstk[i], Show_TASKON)) {
framehlp(i, Max_lines - scrlins);
scrlins += window_show(&Winstk[i], Max_lines - scrlins);
if (Max_lines <= scrlins) break;
/* clear to end-of-screen (critical if last window is 'idleps off'),
then put the cursor in-its-place, and rid us of any prior frame's msg
(main loop must iterate such that we're always called before sleep) */
if (scrlins < Max_lines) {
if (VIZISw(w) && CHKw(w, View_SCROLL)) show_scroll();
else PUTT("%s%s", tg2(0, Msg_row), Cap_clr_eol);
/* we'll deem any terminal not supporting tgoto as dumb and disable
the normal non-interactive output optimization... */
if (!Cap_can_goto) PSU_CLREOS(0);
} // end: frame_make
* duh... */
int main (int dont_care_argc, char **argv) {
// +-------------+
wins_stage_1(); // top (sic) slice
configs_read(); // > spread etc, <
parse_args(&argv[1]); // > lean stuff, <
whack_terminal(); // > onions etc. <
wins_stage_2(); // as bottom slice
// +-------------+
for (;;) {
struct timeval tv;
if (Msg_awaiting) show_msg(Msg_delayed);
if (0 < Loops) --Loops;
if (!Loops) bye_bye(NULL);
tv.tv_sec = Rc.delay_time;
tv.tv_usec = (Rc.delay_time - (int)Rc.delay_time) * 1000000;
if (Batch)
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
else {
fd_set fs;
if (0 < select(STDIN_FILENO + 1, &fs, NULL, NULL, &tv))
/* note: above select might have been interrupted by some signal
in which case the return code would have been -1 and an
integer (volatile) switch set. that in turn will cause
frame_make() to deal with it if we survived the handler
return 0;
} // end: main