We don't know what it was for. If anyone cares, it's in git history. In my distro, there seem to be no traces of it: alx@debian:~$ apt-file find pwdauth alx@debian:~$ Link: <https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=pwdauth&literal=1> Link: <https://github.com/shadow-maint/shadow/pull/612> Cc: Christian Göttsche <cgzones@googlemail.com> Cc: Iker Pedrosa <ipedrosa@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Alejandro Colomar <alx@kernel.org>
People keep sending various adduser programs and scripts... They are all in this directory. I haven't tested them, use at your own risk. Anyway, the best one I've seen so far is adduser-3.x from Debian. atudel is a perl script to remove at jobs owned by the specified user (atrm in at-2.9 for Linux can't do that). udbachk.tgz is a passwd/group/shadow file integrity checker. --marekm