The build was failing with duplicate symbol errors with -fno-common. This is the default in GCC 10 and later, and explicitly enabled in some distributions to catch problems like this. There were two causes: - Prog and shadow_logfd were defined in a header file that was included in multiple other files. Fix this by defining them once in shadowlog.c, and having extern declarations in the header. - Most of the tools (except id/nologin) also define a Prog variable, which is not intended to alias the one in the library. Fix this by renaming Prog in the library to shadow_progname, which also matches the new accessor functions for it.
32 lines
453 B
32 lines
453 B
#include "shadowlog.h"
#include "lib/shadowlog_internal.h"
const char *shadow_progname;
FILE *shadow_logfd;
void log_set_progname(const char *progname)
shadow_progname = progname;
const char *log_get_progname(void)
return shadow_progname;
void log_set_logfd(FILE *fd)
if (NULL != fd)
shadow_logfd = fd;
shadow_logfd = stderr;
FILE *log_get_logfd(void)
if (shadow_logfd != NULL)
return shadow_logfd;
return stderr;