152 lines
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152 lines
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# shadow-utils.spec generated automatically from shadow-utils.spec.in
# $Id: shadow-utils.spec.in,v 1.2 1999/06/07 16:40:45 marekm Exp $
Summary: Shadow password file utilities for Linux
Name: shadow-utils
Version: @VERSION@
Release: 1
Copyright: Free
Group: Utilities/System
Source: ftp://ftp.ists.pwr.wroc.pl/pub/linux/shadow/shadow-@VERSION@.tar.gz
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/shadow-utils
Packager: Timo Karjalainen <timok@iki.fi>
# Obsoletes: adduser
This package includes the programs necessary to convert traditional
V7 UNIX password files to the SVR4 shadow password format and additional
tools to work with shadow passwords.
- 'pwconv' converts everything to the shadow password format.
- 'pwunconv' converts back to non-shadow passwords.
- 'pwck' checks the integrity of the password and shadow files.
- 'lastlog' prints out the last login times of all users.
- 'useradd', 'userdel', 'usermod' to manage user accounts.
- 'groupadd', 'groupdel', 'groupmod' to manage groups.
A number of man pages are also included that relate to these utilities,
and shadow passwords in general.
* Sun Dec 14 1997 Marek Michalkiewicz <marekm@piast.t19.ds.pwr.wroc.pl>
- Lots of changes, see doc/CHANGES for more details
* Sun Jun 08 1997 Timo Karjalainen <timok@iki.fi>
- Initial release
# This is just a few of the core utilities from the shadow suite...
# packaged up for use w/PAM
%setup -n shadow-@VERSION@
# shared lib support is untested, so...
CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr
if [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] ; then
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr
# neato trick, heh ? :-)
./configure --prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr
make install
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/default
#install -m 0600 -o root $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/shadow-970616.useradd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/default/useradd
#install -m 0644 -o root $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/shadow-970616.login.defs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/login.defs
#ln -s useradd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/adduser
#ln -s useradd.8 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man8/adduser.8
#make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr exec_prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr install
#touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/{login.defs,default/useradd}
#chmod 640 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/{login.defs,default/useradd}
#chown root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/{login.defs,default/useradd}
#chgrp root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/{login.defs,default/useradd}
%doc doc/LICENSE doc/README doc/README.linux
%dir /etc/default
%config /etc/default/useradd
# %config /etc/limits
# %config /etc/login.access
%config /etc/login.defs
# %config /etc/limits
# %config /etc/porttime
# %config /etc/securetty
# %config /etc/shells
# %config /etc/suauth
# /bin/login
# /bin/su
# /usr/bin/chfn
# /usr/bin/chsh
# /usr/bin/expiry
# /usr/bin/faillog
# /usr/bin/newgrp
# /usr/bin/passwd
# /usr/bin/sg
# /usr/man/man1/chfn.1
# /usr/man/man1/chsh.1
# /usr/man/man1/login.1
# /usr/man/man1/passwd.1
# /usr/man/man1/sg.1
# /usr/man/man1/su.1
# /usr/man/man5/faillog.5
# /usr/man/man5/limits.5
# /usr/man/man5/login.access.5
# /usr/man/man5/login.defs.5
# /usr/man/man5/passwd.5
# /usr/man/man5/porttime.5
# /usr/man/man5/suauth.5
# /usr/man/man8/adduser.8
# /usr/man/man8/faillog.8
# /usr/man/man8/logoutd.8
# /usr/man/man8/shadowconfig.8
# /usr/man/man8/vigr.8
# /usr/man/man8/vipw.8
# /usr/sbin/adduser
# /usr/sbin/logoutd
# /usr/sbin/shadowconfig
# /usr/sbin/vigr
# /usr/sbin/vipw