52 lines
2.1 KiB
52 lines
2.1 KiB
;; Copyright (c) 2009 Derick Eddington. All rights reserved.
;; Licensed under an MIT-style license. My license is in the file
;; named LICENSE from the original collection this file is distributed
;; with. If this file is redistributed with some other collection, my
;; license must also be included.
(library (srfi private include)
(for (srfi private include compat) expand))
(define-syntax include/resolve
(lambda (stx)
(define (include/lexical-context ctxt filename)
(lambda (ex)
(make-who-condition 'include/resolve)
(make-message-condition "error while trying to include")
(make-irritants-condition (list filename))
(if (condition? ex) ex (make-irritants-condition (list ex))))))
(lambda ()
(call-with-input-file filename
(lambda (fip)
(let loop ([a '()])
(let ([x (read fip)])
(if (eof-object? x)
(cons #'begin (datum->syntax ctxt (reverse a)))
(loop (cons x a))))))))))
(syntax-case stx ()
[(ctxt (lib-path* ...) file-path)
(for-all (lambda (s) (and (string? s) (positive? (string-length s))))
(syntax->datum #'(lib-path* ... file-path)))
(let ([p (apply string-append
(map (lambda (ps) (string-append "/" ps))
(syntax->datum #'(lib-path* ... file-path))))]
[sp (search-paths)])
(let loop ([search sp])
(if (null? search)
(error 'include/resolve "cannot find file in search paths"
(substring p 1 (string-length p)) sp)
(let ([full (string-append (car search) p)])
(if (file-exists? full)
(include/lexical-context #'ctxt full)
(loop (cdr search)))))))])))