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(export size-type binary-format le32 le64 bytes)
(import (rnrs)
(define-syntax size-type
(syntax-rules (le32 le64 bytes)
((_ le32) 4)
((_ le64) 8)
((_ (bytes count)) count)))
(define-syntax unpack-type
(syntax-rules (le32 le64 bytes)
((_ bv offset le32)
(bytevector-u32-ref bv offset (endianness little)))
((_ bv offset le64)
(bytevector-u64-ref bv offset (endianness little)))
((_ bv offset (bytes count))
(let ((copy (make-bytevector count)))
(bytevector-copy! bv offset copy 0 count)
(define-syntax binary-format
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (name pack-name unpack-name) (field type) ...)
(define-record-type name (fields field ...))
(define (unpack-name bv offset)
(let ((offset offset))
(define (inc-offset n v)
(set! offset (+ offset n))
((record-constructor (record-constructor-descriptor name))
(inc-offset (size-type type) (unpack-type bv offset type)) ...)))))))
;;; since le32, le64 and bytes are used as auxiliary keywords, we must export
;;; definitions of them as well.
;;; FIXME: use a macro to remove duplication
(define-syntax le32
(lambda (x)
(syntax-violation 'le32 "misplaced auxiliary keyword" x)))
(define-syntax le64
(lambda (x)
(syntax-violation 'le64 "misplaced auxiliary keyword" x)))
(define-syntax bytes
(lambda (x)
(syntax-violation 'bytes "misplaced auxiliary keyword" x))))