[functional-tests] Get some trivial tests running.
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
(import (fmt fmt))
;;; FIXME: there must be an equivalent of this in srfi 1
(define (intersperse sep xs)
((null? xs) '())
((null? (cdr xs)) xs)
(else (cons (car xs)
(cons sep
(intersperse sep (cdr xs)))))))
(define (vector-sort-by cmp key-fn v)
(define (compare x y)
(cmp (key-fn x) (key-fn y)))
(vector-sort compare v))
(define (chomp line)
(drop-while char-whitespace?
(reverse (string->list line))))))
(define info-lines '())
(define (info . args)
(set! info-lines (cons (apply fmt #f args)
;;; Run a sub process and capture it's output.
;;; Ideally we'd use open-process-ports, but that loses us the exit code which
;;; we need for testing. So we use system, and redirect stderr and stdout to
;;; temporary files, and subsequently read them in. Messy, but fine for tests.
(define temp-file
(let ((counter 0))
(lambda ()
(let ((path (cat (dsp "/tmp/thinp-functional-tests-") (pad-char #\0 (pad/left 4 (num counter))))))
(set! counter (+ counter 1))
(fmt #f path)))))
(define (slurp-file path)
(define (slurp)
(let ((output (get-string-all (current-input-port))))
(if (eof-object? output)
(chomp output))))
(with-input-from-file path slurp))
(define (build-command-line cmd-and-args)
(apply fmt #f (map dsp (intersperse " " cmd-and-args))))
(define (run . cmd-and-args)
(let ((stdout-file (temp-file))
(stderr-file (temp-file)))
(let ((cmd (fmt #f
(dsp (build-command-line cmd-and-args))
(dsp " > ")
(dsp stdout-file)
(dsp " 2> ")
(dsp stderr-file))))
(info (dsp "cmd: ") (dsp cmd))
(let ((exit-code (system cmd)))
(values exit-code
(slurp-file stdout-file)
(slurp-file stderr-file))))))
(define (run-with-exit-code pred cmd-and-args)
(let-values (((exit-code stdout stderr) (apply run cmd-and-args)))
(if (pred exit-code)
(values stdout stderr)
(info (fmt #f (dsp "stdout: ") stdout))
(info (fmt #f (dsp "stderr: ") stderr))
(fail (fmt #f (dsp "unexpected exit code (")
(num exit-code)
(dsp ")")))))))
(define (run-ok . cmd-and-args)
(run-with-exit-code zero? cmd-and-args))
(define (run-fail . cmd-and-args)
(define (not-zero? x) (not (zero? x)))
(run-with-exit-code not-zero? cmd-and-args))
(define-record-type scenario (fields desc thunk))
(define scenarios (make-eq-hashtable))
(define (add-scenario sym s)
(hashtable-set! scenarios sym s))
(define (list-scenarios)
(vector->list (vector-sort-by string<? symbol->string (hashtable-keys scenarios))))
(define (describe-scenarios ss)
(define (describe sym)
(fmt #t
(columnar (dsp sym) (justify (scenario-desc (hashtable-ref scenarios sym #f))))
(for-each describe ss))
(define-syntax scenario
(syntax-rules ()
((_ sym desc body ...) (add-scenario 'sym
(make-scenario desc
(lambda ()
body ...))))))
(define (fail msg)
(raise (condition
(make-message-condition msg))))
(define (run-scenario sym)
(let ((s (hashtable-ref scenarios sym #f)))
(display sym)
(display " ... ")
((scenario-thunk s))
(display "pass")
(define (run-scenarios ss)
(for-each run-scenario ss))
;; FIXME: don't hard code this
(define tools-version "0.7.0-rc6")
(define (thin-check . flags)
(apply run-ok "thin_check" flags))
(define (assert-equal str1 str2)
(unless (equal? str1 str2)
(fail (fmt #f (dsp "values differ: ")
(wrt str1)
(dsp ", ")
(wrt str2)))))
(scenario thin-check-v
"thin_check -V"
(let-values (((stdout stderr) (thin-check "-V")))
(assert-equal tools-version stdout)))
(scenario thin-check-version
"thin_check --version"
(let-values (((stdout stderr) (thin-check "--version")))
(assert-equal tools-version stdout)))
(define thin-check-help
"Usage: thin_check [options] {device|file}
(scenario thin-check-h
"print help (-h)"
(let-values (((stdout stderr) (thin-check "-h")))
(assert-equal thin-check-help stdout)))
(scenario thin-check-help
"print help (--help)"
(let-values (((stdout stderr) (thin-check "--help")))
(assert-equal thin-check-help stdout)))
(scenario thin-bad-option
"Unrecognised option should cause failure"
(run-fail "thin_check --hedgehogs-only"))
(define (current-metadata)
(define (%with-valid-metadata thunk)
(let ((xml-file (temp-file)))
(run-ok "thinp_xml create --nr-thins uniform[4..9] --nr-mappings uniform[1000..10000] > " xml-file)
(run-ok "thin_restore" "-i" xml-file "-o" (current-metadata))
(define-syntax with-valid-metadata
(syntax-rules ()
((_ body ...) (%with-valid-metadata (lambda () body ...)))))
;;; It would be nice if the metadata was at least similar to valid data.
(define (%with-corrupt-metadata thunk)
(run-ok "dd if=/dev/zero" (fmt #f "of=" (current-metadata)) "bs=64M count=1")
(define-syntax with-corrupt-metadata
(syntax-rules ()
((_ body ...) (%with-corrupt-metadata (lambda () body ...)))))
(scenario thin-check-valid
"--super-block-only check passes on valid metadata"
(thin_check "--super-block-only" (current-metadata))))
(scenario thin-check-invalid
"--super-block-only check fails with corrupt metadata"
(let-values (((stdout stderr) (run-fail "thin_check" "--super-block-only" (current-metadata))))
Reference in New Issue
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