- Make the naming of test cases less ambiguous, e.g., rename "missing_input_file" to "missing_input_arg" or "input_file_not_found" - Unify the error messages on input/output options
374 lines
9.8 KiB
374 lines
9.8 KiB
use anyhow::Result;
use duct::{cmd, Expression};
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use thinp::file_utils;
use thinp::io_engine::*;
pub mod cache_xml_generator;
pub mod test_dir;
pub mod thin_xml_generator;
use crate::common::thin_xml_generator::{write_xml, SingleThinS};
use test_dir::TestDir;
#[cfg(not(feature = "rust_tests"))]
pub mod msg {
pub const FILE_NOT_FOUND: &str = "No such file or directory";
pub const MISSING_INPUT_ARG: &str = "No input file provided";
pub const MISSING_OUTPUT_ARG: &str = "No output file provided";
#[cfg(feature = "rust_tests")]
pub mod msg {
pub const FILE_NOT_FOUND: &str = "Couldn't find input file";
pub const MISSING_INPUT_ARG: &str = "The following required arguments were not provided";
pub const MISSING_OUTPUT_ARG: &str = "The following required arguments were not provided";
macro_rules! path_to_cpp {
($name: literal) => {
concat!("bin/", $name)
macro_rules! path_to_rust {
($name: literal) => {
env!(concat!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_", $name))
#[cfg(not(feature = "rust_tests"))]
macro_rules! path_to {
($name: literal) => {
#[cfg(feature = "rust_tests")]
macro_rules! path_to {
($name: literal) => {
// FIXME: write a macro to generate these commands
// Known issue of nested macro definition: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/35853
// RFC: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/3086-macro-metavar-expr.md
macro_rules! thin_check {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to!("thin_check"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! thin_restore {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to!("thin_restore"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! thin_dump {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to!("thin_dump"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! thin_rmap {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to_cpp!("thin_rmap"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! thin_repair {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to_cpp!("thin_repair"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! thin_delta {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to_cpp!("thin_delta"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! thin_metadata_pack {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to_rust!("thin_metadata_pack"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! thin_metadata_unpack {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to_rust!("thin_metadata_unpack"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! cache_check {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to!("cache_check"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! thin_generate_metadata {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to_cpp!("thin_generate_metadata"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! thin_generate_mappings {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd(path_to_cpp!("thin_generate_mappings"), args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
macro_rules! thin_generate_damage {
( $( $arg: expr ),* ) => {
use std::ffi::OsString;
let args: &[OsString] = &[$( Into::<OsString>::into($arg) ),*];
duct::cmd("bin/thin_generate_damage", args).stdout_capture().stderr_capture()
// Returns stderr, a non zero status must be returned
pub fn run_fail(command: Expression) -> Result<String> {
let output = command.stderr_capture().unchecked().run()?;
pub fn mk_valid_xml(td: &mut TestDir) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let xml = td.mk_path("meta.xml");
let mut gen = SingleThinS::new(0, 1024, 2048, 2048);
write_xml(&xml, &mut gen)?;
pub fn mk_valid_md(td: &mut TestDir) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let xml = td.mk_path("meta.xml");
let md = td.mk_path("meta.bin");
let mut gen = SingleThinS::new(0, 1024, 20480, 20480);
write_xml(&xml, &mut gen)?;
let _file = file_utils::create_sized_file(&md, 4096 * 4096);
thin_restore!("-i", xml, "-o", &md).run()?;
pub fn mk_zeroed_md(td: &mut TestDir) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let md = td.mk_path("meta.bin");
eprintln!("path = {:?}", md);
let _file = file_utils::create_sized_file(&md, 1024 * 1024 * 16);
pub fn accepts_flag(flag: &str) -> Result<()> {
let mut td = TestDir::new()?;
let md = mk_valid_md(&mut td)?;
thin_check!(flag, &md).run()?;
pub fn superblock_all_zeroes(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<bool> {
let mut input = OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(false).open(path)?;
let mut buf = vec![0; 4096];
input.read_exact(&mut buf[0..])?;
for b in buf {
if b != 0 {
return Ok(false);
pub fn damage_superblock(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<()> {
let mut output = OpenOptions::new().read(false).write(true).open(path)?;
let buf = [0u8; 512];
// FIXME: replace mk_valid_md with this?
pub fn prep_metadata(td: &mut TestDir) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let md = mk_zeroed_md(td)?;
thin_generate_metadata!("-o", &md, "--format", "--nr-data-blocks", "102400").run()?;
// Create a 2GB device
thin_generate_metadata!("-o", &md, "--create-thin", "1").run()?;
format!("{}", 1024 * 1024 * 2),
// Take a few snapshots.
let mut snap_id = 2;
for _i in 0..10 {
// take a snapshot
format!("{}", snap_id),
// partially overwrite the origin (64MB)
format!("{}", 1),
format!("{}", 1024 * 1024 * 2),
format!("{}", 64 * 1024 * 2),
snap_id += 1;
pub fn set_needs_check(md: &PathBuf) -> Result<()> {
thin_generate_metadata!("-o", &md, "--set-needs-check").run()?;
pub fn generate_metadata_leaks(
md: &PathBuf,
nr_blocks: u64,
expected: u32,
actual: u32,
) -> Result<()> {
let output = thin_generate_damage!(
format!("{}", nr_blocks),
format!("{}", expected),
format!("{}", actual)
pub fn get_needs_check(md: &PathBuf) -> Result<bool> {
use thinp::thin::superblock::*;
let engine = SyncIoEngine::new(&md, 1, false)?;
let sb = read_superblock(&engine, SUPERBLOCK_LOCATION)?;
pub fn md5(md: &PathBuf) -> Result<String> {
let output = cmd!("md5sum", "-b", &md).stdout_capture().run()?;
let csum = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout[0..])?.to_string();
let csum = csum.split_ascii_whitespace().next().unwrap().to_string();
// This checksums the file before and after the thunk is run to
// ensure it is unchanged.
pub fn ensure_untouched<F>(p: &PathBuf, thunk: F) -> Result<()>
F: Fn() -> Result<()>,
let csum = md5(p)?;
assert_eq!(csum, md5(p)?);