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#include "ModrinthInstanceCreationTask.h"
#include "Application.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "InstanceList.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "minecraft/PackProfile.h"
#include "modplatform/helpers/OverrideUtils.h"
#include "net/ChecksumValidator.h"
#include "net/NetJob.h"
#include "settings/INISettingsObject.h"
#include "ui/dialogs/CustomMessageBox.h"
#include <QAbstractButton>
bool ModrinthCreationTask::abort()
if (!canAbort())
return false;
m_abort = true;
if (m_files_job)
return Task::abort();
bool ModrinthCreationTask::updateInstance()
auto instance_list = APPLICATION->instances();
// FIXME: How to handle situations when there's more than one install already for a given modpack?
InstancePtr inst;
if (auto original_id = originalInstanceID(); !original_id.isEmpty()) {
inst = instance_list->getInstanceById(original_id);
} else {
inst = instance_list->getInstanceByManagedName(originalName());
if (!inst) {
inst = instance_list->getInstanceById(originalName());
if (!inst)
return false;
QString index_path = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "modrinth.index.json");
if (!parseManifest(index_path, m_files, true, false))
return false;
auto version_name = inst->getManagedPackVersionName();
auto version_str = !version_name.isEmpty() ? tr(" (version %1)").arg(version_name) : "";
if (shouldConfirmUpdate()) {
auto should_update = askIfShouldUpdate(m_parent, version_str);
if (should_update == ShouldUpdate::SkipUpdating)
return false;
if (should_update == ShouldUpdate::Cancel) {
m_abort = true;
return false;
// Remove repeated files, we don't need to download them!
QDir old_inst_dir(inst->instanceRoot());
QString old_index_folder(FS::PathCombine(old_inst_dir.absolutePath(), "mrpack"));
QString old_index_path(FS::PathCombine(old_index_folder, "modrinth.index.json"));
QFileInfo old_index_file(old_index_path);
if (old_index_file.exists()) {
std::vector<Modrinth::File> old_files;
parseManifest(old_index_path, old_files, false, false);
// Let's remove all duplicated, identical resources!
auto files_iterator = m_files.begin();
while (files_iterator != m_files.end()) {
auto const& file = *files_iterator;
auto old_files_iterator = old_files.begin();
while (old_files_iterator != old_files.end()) {
auto const& old_file = *old_files_iterator;
if (old_file.hash == file.hash) {
qDebug() << "Removed file at" << file.path << "from list of downloads";
files_iterator = m_files.erase(files_iterator);
old_files_iterator = old_files.erase(old_files_iterator);
goto begin; // Sorry :c
QDir old_minecraft_dir(inst->gameRoot());
// Some files were removed from the old version, and some will be downloaded in an updated version,
// so we're fine removing them!
if (!old_files.empty()) {
for (auto const& file : old_files) {
if (file.path.isEmpty())
qDebug() << "Scheduling" << file.path << "for removal";
// We will remove all the previous overrides, to prevent duplicate files!
// TODO: Currently 'overrides' will always override the stuff on update. How do we preserve unchanged overrides?
// FIXME: We may want to do something about disabled mods.
auto old_overrides = Override::readOverrides("overrides", old_index_folder);
for (const auto& entry : old_overrides) {
if (entry.isEmpty())
qDebug() << "Scheduling" << entry << "for removal";
auto old_client_overrides = Override::readOverrides("client-overrides", old_index_folder);
for (const auto& entry : old_overrides) {
if (entry.isEmpty())
qDebug() << "Scheduling" << entry << "for removal";
} else {
// We don't have an old index file, so we may duplicate stuff!
auto dialog = CustomMessageBox::selectable(m_parent,
tr("No index file."),
tr("We couldn't find a suitable index file for the older version. This may cause some of the files to be duplicated. Do you want to continue?"),
QMessageBox::Warning, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::DialogCode::Rejected) {
m_abort = true;
return false;
setOverride(true, inst->id());
qDebug() << "Will override instance!";
m_instance = inst;
// We let it go through the createInstance() stage, just with a couple modifications for updating
return false;
// https://docs.modrinth.com/docs/modpacks/format_definition/
bool ModrinthCreationTask::createInstance()
QEventLoop loop;
QString parent_folder(FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "mrpack"));
QString index_path = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "modrinth.index.json");
if (m_files.empty() && !parseManifest(index_path, m_files, true, true))
return false;
// Keep index file in case we need it some other time (like when changing versions)
QString new_index_place(FS::PathCombine(parent_folder, "modrinth.index.json"));
QFile::rename(index_path, new_index_place);
auto mcPath = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, ".minecraft");
auto override_path = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "overrides");
if (QFile::exists(override_path)) {
// Create a list of overrides in "overrides.txt" inside mrpack/
Override::createOverrides("overrides", parent_folder, override_path);
// Apply the overrides
if (!QFile::rename(override_path, mcPath)) {
setError(tr("Could not rename the overrides folder:\n") + "overrides");
return false;
// Do client overrides
auto client_override_path = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "client-overrides");
if (QFile::exists(client_override_path)) {
// Create a list of overrides in "client-overrides.txt" inside mrpack/
Override::createOverrides("client-overrides", parent_folder, client_override_path);
// Apply the overrides
if (!FS::overrideFolder(mcPath, client_override_path)) {
setError(tr("Could not rename the client overrides folder:\n") + "client overrides");
return false;
QString configPath = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "instance.cfg");
auto instanceSettings = std::make_shared<INISettingsObject>(configPath);
MinecraftInstance instance(m_globalSettings, instanceSettings, m_stagingPath);
auto components = instance.getPackProfile();
components->setComponentVersion("net.minecraft", m_minecraft_version, true);
if (!m_fabric_version.isEmpty())
components->setComponentVersion("net.fabricmc.fabric-loader", m_fabric_version);
if (!m_quilt_version.isEmpty())
components->setComponentVersion("org.quiltmc.quilt-loader", m_quilt_version);
if (!m_forge_version.isEmpty())
components->setComponentVersion("net.minecraftforge", m_forge_version);
if (m_instIcon != "default") {
} else {
// Don't add managed info to packs without an ID (most likely imported from ZIP)
if (!m_managed_id.isEmpty())
instance.setManagedPack("modrinth", m_managed_id, m_managed_name, m_managed_version_id, version());
m_files_job.reset(new NetJob(tr("Mod download"), APPLICATION->network()));
auto root_modpack_path = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, ".minecraft");
auto root_modpack_url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(root_modpack_path);
for (auto file : m_files) {
auto file_path = FS::PathCombine(root_modpack_path, file.path);
if (!root_modpack_url.isParentOf(QUrl::fromLocalFile(file_path))) {
// This means we somehow got out of the root folder, so abort here to prevent exploits
setError(tr("One of the files has a path that leads to an arbitrary location (%1). This is a security risk and isn't allowed.").arg(file.path));
return false;
qDebug() << "Will try to download" << file.downloads.front() << "to" << file_path;
auto dl = Net::Download::makeFile(file.downloads.dequeue(), file_path);
dl->addValidator(new Net::ChecksumValidator(file.hashAlgorithm, file.hash));
if (!file.downloads.empty()) {
// FIXME: This really needs to be put into a ConcurrentTask of
// MultipleOptionsTask's , once those exist :)
auto param = dl.toWeakRef();
connect(dl.get(), &NetAction::failed, [this, &file, file_path, param] {
auto ndl = Net::Download::makeFile(file.downloads.dequeue(), file_path);
ndl->addValidator(new Net::ChecksumValidator(file.hashAlgorithm, file.hash));
if (auto shared = param.lock()) shared->succeeded();
bool ended_well = false;
connect(m_files_job.get(), &NetJob::succeeded, this, [&]() { ended_well = true; });
connect(m_files_job.get(), &NetJob::failed, [&](const QString& reason) {
ended_well = false;
connect(m_files_job.get(), &NetJob::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
connect(m_files_job.get(), &NetJob::progress, [&](qint64 current, qint64 total) { setProgress(current, total); });
connect(m_files_job.get(), &NetJob::stepProgress, this, &ModrinthCreationTask::propogateStepProgress);
setStatus(tr("Downloading mods..."));
// Update information of the already installed instance, if any.
if (m_instance && ended_well) {
auto inst = m_instance.value();
// Only change the name if it didn't use a custom name, so that the previous custom name
// is preserved, but if we're using the original one, we update the version string.
// NOTE: This needs to come before the copyManagedPack call!
if (inst->name().contains(inst->getManagedPackVersionName())) {
if (askForChangingInstanceName(m_parent, inst->name(), instance.name()) == InstanceNameChange::ShouldChange)
return ended_well;
bool ModrinthCreationTask::parseManifest(const QString& index_path, std::vector<Modrinth::File>& files, bool set_internal_data, bool show_optional_dialog)
try {
auto doc = Json::requireDocument(index_path);
auto obj = Json::requireObject(doc, "modrinth.index.json");
int formatVersion = Json::requireInteger(obj, "formatVersion", "modrinth.index.json");
if (formatVersion == 1) {
auto game = Json::requireString(obj, "game", "modrinth.index.json");
if (game != "minecraft") {
throw JSONValidationError("Unknown game: " + game);
if (set_internal_data) {
if (m_managed_version_id.isEmpty())
m_managed_version_id = Json::ensureString(obj, "versionId", {}, "Managed ID");
m_managed_name = Json::ensureString(obj, "name", {}, "Managed Name");
auto jsonFiles = Json::requireIsArrayOf<QJsonObject>(obj, "files", "modrinth.index.json");
bool had_optional = false;
for (const auto& modInfo : jsonFiles) {
Modrinth::File file;
file.path = Json::requireString(modInfo, "path");
auto env = Json::ensureObject(modInfo, "env");
// 'env' field is optional
if (!env.isEmpty()) {
QString support = Json::ensureString(env, "client", "unsupported");
if (support == "unsupported") {
} else if (support == "optional") {
// TODO: Make a review dialog for choosing which ones the user wants!
if (!had_optional && show_optional_dialog) {
had_optional = true;
auto info = CustomMessageBox::selectable(
m_parent, tr("Optional mod detected!"),
tr("One or more mods from this modpack are optional. They will be downloaded, but disabled by default!"),
if (file.path.endsWith(".jar"))
file.path += ".disabled";
QJsonObject hashes = Json::requireObject(modInfo, "hashes");
QString hash;
QCryptographicHash::Algorithm hashAlgorithm;
hash = Json::ensureString(hashes, "sha1");
hashAlgorithm = QCryptographicHash::Sha1;
if (hash.isEmpty()) {
hash = Json::ensureString(hashes, "sha512");
hashAlgorithm = QCryptographicHash::Sha512;
if (hash.isEmpty()) {
hash = Json::ensureString(hashes, "sha256");
hashAlgorithm = QCryptographicHash::Sha256;
if (hash.isEmpty()) {
throw JSONValidationError("No hash found for: " + file.path);
file.hash = QByteArray::fromHex(hash.toLatin1());
file.hashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm;
// Do not use requireUrl, which uses StrictMode, instead use QUrl's default TolerantMode
// (as Modrinth seems to incorrectly handle spaces)
auto download_arr = Json::ensureArray(modInfo, "downloads");
for (auto download : download_arr) {
qWarning() << download.toString();
bool is_last = download.toString() == download_arr.last().toString();
auto download_url = QUrl(download.toString());
if (!download_url.isValid()) {
<< QString("Download URL (%1) for %2 is not a correctly formatted URL").arg(download_url.toString(), file.path);
if (is_last && file.downloads.isEmpty())
throw JSONValidationError(tr("Download URL for %1 is not a correctly formatted URL").arg(file.path));
} else {
if (set_internal_data) {
auto dependencies = Json::requireObject(obj, "dependencies", "modrinth.index.json");
for (auto it = dependencies.begin(), end = dependencies.end(); it != end; ++it) {
QString name = it.key();
if (name == "minecraft") {
m_minecraft_version = Json::requireString(*it, "Minecraft version");
} else if (name == "fabric-loader") {
m_fabric_version = Json::requireString(*it, "Fabric Loader version");
} else if (name == "quilt-loader") {
m_quilt_version = Json::requireString(*it, "Quilt Loader version");
} else if (name == "forge") {
m_forge_version = Json::requireString(*it, "Forge version");
} else {
throw JSONValidationError("Unknown dependency type: " + name);
} else {
throw JSONValidationError(QStringLiteral("Unknown format version: %s").arg(formatVersion));
} catch (const JSONValidationError& e) {
setError(tr("Could not understand pack index:\n") + e.cause());
return false;
return true;