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synced 2025-03-09 01:09:14 +05:30
Новые строки выгружены в OneSky и обновлены в локальных переводах.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"components.auth.activation.accountActivationTitle": "Актывацыя акаўнта",
"components.auth.activation.activationMailWasSent": "На {email} высланы ліст з інструкцыямі па завяршэнні рэгістрацыі",
"components.auth.activation.activationMailWasSentNoEmail": "На ваш E‑mail высланы ліст з інструкцыямі па завяршэнні рэгістрацыі",
"components.auth.activation.confirmEmail": "Пацверджанне E‑mail",
"components.auth.activation.confirmEmail": "Пацвердзіць E‑mail",
"components.auth.activation.didNotReceivedEmail": "Не атрымалі E‑mail?",
"components.auth.activation.enterTheCode": "Увядзіце код з E‑mail тут",
"components.auth.appInfo.appDescription": "Вы знаходзіцеся на сэрвісе аўтарызацыі Ely.by, які дазваляе вам бяспечна здзяйсняць любыя аперацыі з вашым акаўнтам. Гэта адзіны пункт увахода для сайтаў і настольных праграм, у тым ліку гульнявых лаўнчараў.",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E‑mail ці нік",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Уваход",
"components.auth.login.next": "Далей",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "Каб увайсці ў акаўнт увядзіце код з мабільнага дадатку",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Увядзіце код",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Пароль ад акаўнта",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Забыўся на пароль",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "забыліся на пароль",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Будзьце ўважлівыя: калі вы гулялі на серверы з прывязкай па ніку, то пасля змены ніку вы можаце страціць увесь свой прагрэс.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Зменены {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Не ўключана",
"components.profile.enabled": "Уключана",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Знойдзены акаўнт Mojang з такім жа нікам і, па {rules}, яго ўладальнік мае права патрабаваць аднаўленне кантролю над нікам.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Увядзіце код сюды",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Адключыць",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Выключэнне двухфактарнай аўтэнтыфікацыі",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "Каб выключыць двухфактарную аўтэнтыфікацыю ўвядзіце код з мабільнага дадатку і пароль, каб пацвердзіць дзеянне.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Уключыць",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "Увядзіце ў поле ніжэй код з мабільнага дадатку:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Знайсці іншыя дадаткі",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Устанавіце адзін з дадаткаў:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Для вашага акаўнта ўключана двухфактарная аўтэнтыфікацыя",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "Перадусім устанавіце на мабільную прыладу адмысловы дадатак, каб атрымліваць коды. Націсніце на выяву платформы, якой карыстаецеся, каб атрымаць спасылку на дадатак.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Двухфактарная аўтэнтыфікацыя",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "ЦІ",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Гатова",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Open your favorite QR scanner app and scan the following QR code:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "Дадатак устаноўлены",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "Убачыўшы ў дадатку часовы код, перайдзіце да наступнага кроку.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Нік",
"components.profile.password": "Пароль",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Працягнуць",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Калі ласка, увядзіце код актывацыі",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "Нажаль, на Ely няма карыстальніка з указаным логінам.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Калі ласка, укажыце E‑mail ці нік",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "Двухфактарная аўтэнтыфікацыя ўжо ўключана",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Калі ласка, запоўніце поле пароля",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Калі ласка, увядзіце паўтор пароля",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Калі ласка, увядзіце пароль",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Калі ласка, паўтарыце пароль",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "Для стварэння акаўнта вам неабходна прыняць правілы сэрвісу",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Вы {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "Памылковы код",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Калі ласка, увядзіце код",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Нік змяшчае недапушчальныя сімвалы",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Поле ніка абавязкова да запаўнення",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Занадта доўгі нік",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E‑mail or username",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Sign in",
"components.auth.login.next": "Next",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "In order to sign in this account, you need to enter a one-time password from mobile application",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Enter code",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Account password",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Forgot password",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "forgot your password",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Be careful: if you playing on the server with nickname binding, then after changing nickname you may lose all your progress.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Changed {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Disabled",
"components.profile.enabled": "Enabled",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "A Mojang account with the same nickname was found. According to {rules}, account owner has the right to demand the restoration of control over nickname.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Enter the code here",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Disable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Disable two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "In order to disable two‑factor authentication, you need to provide a code from your mobile app and confirm your action with your current account password.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Enable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "In order to finish two‑factor auth setup, please enter the code received in the mobile app:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Find alternative apps",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Install one of the following apps:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Two‑factor authentication for your account is active now",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "First of all, you need to install one of our suggested apps on your phone. This app will generate login codes for you. Please choose your OS to get corresponding installation links.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "OR",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Ready",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Open your favorite QR scanner app and scan the following QR code:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "App has been installed",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "If a temporary code appears in your two‑factor auth app, then you may proceed to the next step.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Nickname",
"components.profile.password": "Password",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Continue",
@ -134,7 +156,7 @@
"components.profile.personalData": "Personal data",
"components.profile.preferencesDescription": "Here you can change the key preferences of your account. Please note that all actions must be confirmed by entering a password.",
"components.profile.projectRules": "project rules",
"components.profile.twoFactorAuth": "Two factor auth",
"components.profile.twoFactorAuth": "Two‑factor auth",
"components.ui.bsod.alsoYouCanInteractWithBackground": "You can also play around with the background – it's interactable ;)",
"components.ui.bsod.criticalErrorHappened": "There was a critical error due to which the application can not continue its normal operation.",
"components.ui.bsod.reloadPageOrContactUs": "Please reload this page and try again. If problem occurs again, please report it to the developers by sending email to",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Please, enter an activation key",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "Sorry, Ely doesn't recognise your login.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Please enter E‑mail or username",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "The two factor auth is already enabled",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Please enter new password",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Please repeat new password",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Please enter password",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Please retype your password",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "You must accept rules in order to create an account",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Are you have {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "The code is incorrect",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Please, enter the code",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Username is invalid",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Username is required",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Username is too long",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E-mail ou nom d'utilisateur",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Se connecter",
"components.auth.login.next": "Suivant",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "In order to sign in this account, you need to enter a one-time password from mobile application",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Enter code",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Mot de passe du compte",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Mot de passe oublié",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "oublié votre mot de passe",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Faites attention: si vous jouez sur un serveur avec un surnom, après l'avoir changé, vous risquez de perdre toute votre progression.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Changé il y a {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Désactivée",
"components.profile.enabled": "Enabled",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Un compte Mojang avec le même pseudo a été trouvé. Selon les {rules}, le propriétaire du compte a le droit d'exiger la restauration du contrôle sur le surnom.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Enter the code here",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Disable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Disable two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "In order to disable two‑factor authentication, you need to provide a code from your mobile app and confirm your action with your current account password.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Enable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "In order to finish two‑factor auth setup, please enter the code received in the mobile app:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Find alternative apps",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Install one of the following apps:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Two‑factor authentication for your account is active now",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "First of all, you need to install one of our suggested apps on your phone. This app will generate login codes for you. Please choose your OS to get corresponding installation links.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "OR",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Ready",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Open your favorite QR scanner app and scan the following QR code:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "App has been installed",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "If a temporary code appears in your two‑factor auth app, then you may proceed to the next step.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Surnom",
"components.profile.password": "Mot de passe",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Continuer",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "S'il vous plaît, entrez une clé d'activation",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "Désolé, Ely ne reconnaît pas votre connexion.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "S'il vous plait, entrez votre email ou votre pseudo",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "The two factor auth is already enabled",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "S'il vous plait, entrez un nouveau mot de passe",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Veuillez répétez votre nouveau mot de passe",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Veuillez entrez votre mot de passe",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Veuillez retaper votre mot de passe",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "Vous devez accepter les règles afin de créer un compte",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Avez-vous {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "The code is incorrect",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Please, enter the code",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Surnom invalide",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Le surnom est obligatoire",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Le surnom est trop long",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E-mail atau nama pengguna",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Masuk",
"components.auth.login.next": "Selanjutnya",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "In order to sign in this account, you need to enter a one-time password from mobile application",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Enter code",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Kata sandi akun",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Lupa kata sandi",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "lupa kata sandi anda",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Hati-Hati: jika anda bermain dengan nama yang sebelumnya, setelah mengganti nama, anda mungkin kehilangan semua progres.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Berubah {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Dinonaktifkan",
"components.profile.enabled": "Enabled",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Mojang akun dengan nickname yang sama di temukan. Sesuai dengan {rules}, pemilik akun dapat mengambil kontrol dengan nickname-nya.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Enter the code here",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Disable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Disable two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "In order to disable two‑factor authentication, you need to provide a code from your mobile app and confirm your action with your current account password.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Enable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "In order to finish two‑factor auth setup, please enter the code received in the mobile app:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Find alternative apps",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Install one of the following apps:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Two‑factor authentication for your account is active now",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "First of all, you need to install one of our suggested apps on your phone. This app will generate login codes for you. Please choose your OS to get corresponding installation links.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "OR",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Ready",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Open your favorite QR scanner app and scan the following QR code:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "App has been installed",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "If a temporary code appears in your two‑factor auth app, then you may proceed to the next step.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Nama panggilan",
"components.profile.password": "Kata sandi",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Lanjut",
@ -144,11 +166,11 @@
"pages.404.nothingHere": "Ini bukan tempat yang anda cari",
"pages.404.returnToTheHomePage": "Cobalah untuk kembali ke {link}",
"pages.404.title": "Halaman tidak ditemukan",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Application authorization",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Authorization for {appName} has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Authorization has been successfully completed.",
"pages.auth.title": "Authorization successful",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "You can close this window and return to your application.",
"pages.auth.applicationAuth": "Aplikasi otorisasi",
"pages.auth.authorizationForAppSuccessful": "Otorisasi untuk {appName} berhasil diselesaikan.",
"pages.auth.authorizationSuccessful": "Otorisasi berhasil diselesaikan.",
"pages.auth.title": "Otorisasi berhasil",
"pages.auth.youCanCloseThisPage": "Anda dapat menutup jendela ini dan kembali pada aplikasi.",
"pages.root.siteName": "Ely.by",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService": "{name} sebagai pelayanan",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService1": "Kami tidak memiliki jaminan apapun tentang kesalahan waktu kerja bebas dari layanan ini.",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Silahkan masukkan kode aktivasi",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "Maaf, Ely tidak dapat mengenali login anda",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Masukkan E-mail atau username",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "The two factor auth is already enabled",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Masukan kata sandi baru",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Ulangi kata sandi baru",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Masukan kata sandi",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Ketik ulang kata sandi anda",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "Anda harus menerima aturan untuk membuat akun",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Apakah kamu punya {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "The code is incorrect",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Please, enter the code",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Username tidak cocok",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Username diperlukan",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Username telalu panjang",
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"be": {
"name": "Беларуская",
"progress": 100,
"progress": 98.2,
"isReleased": true
"en": {
@ -11,27 +11,27 @@
"fr": {
"name": "Français",
"progress": 100,
"progress": 88.9,
"isReleased": true
"id": {
"name": "Bahasa Indonesia",
"progress": 97.5,
"progress": 88.9,
"isReleased": true
"pl": {
"name": "Polski",
"progress": 97,
"progress": 86.3,
"isReleased": false
"pt": {
"name": "Português",
"progress": 97.5,
"progress": 86.7,
"isReleased": true
"ro": {
"name": "Română",
"progress": 97,
"progress": 86.3,
"isReleased": false
"ru": {
@ -41,17 +41,17 @@
"sl": {
"name": "Slovenščina",
"progress": 97.5,
"progress": 86.7,
"isReleased": false
"uk": {
"name": "Українська",
"progress": 100,
"progress": 88.9,
"isReleased": true
"vi": {
"name": "Tiếng Việt",
"progress": 100,
"progress": 88.9,
"isReleased": true
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "Email lub nazwa użytkownika",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Zaloguj",
"components.auth.login.next": "Następnie",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "In order to sign in this account, you need to enter a one-time password from mobile application",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Enter code",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Hasło do konta",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Zapomniałeś hasła",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "zapomniałeś hasła",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Uważaj: jeśli grasz na serwerze z wiązaniem nicków, to po zmianie pseudonimu możesz stracić cały swój postęp.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Zmienione {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Wyłączone",
"components.profile.enabled": "Enabled",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Znaleziono konto Mojang z tym samym nickiem. Zgodnie z {rules} właściciel konta ma prawo żądać przywrócenia kontroli nad pseudonimem.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Enter the code here",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Disable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Disable two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "In order to disable two‑factor authentication, you need to provide a code from your mobile app and confirm your action with your current account password.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Enable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "In order to finish two‑factor auth setup, please enter the code received in the mobile app:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Find alternative apps",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Install one of the following apps:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Two‑factor authentication for your account is active now",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "First of all, you need to install one of our suggested apps on your phone. This app will generate login codes for you. Please choose your OS to get corresponding installation links.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "OR",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Ready",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Open your favorite QR scanner app and scan the following QR code:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "App has been installed",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "If a temporary code appears in your two‑factor auth app, then you may proceed to the next step.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Nick",
"components.profile.password": "Hasło",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Kontynuuj",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Proszę podać klucz aktywacyjny",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "Przepraszamy, Ely nie rozpoznaje Twojego loginu.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Proszę podać adres E-mail lub nazwę użytkownika",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "The two factor auth is already enabled",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Wprowadź nowe hasło",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Proszę powtórzyć nowe hasło",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Proszę wpisać hasło",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Proszę ponownie wpisać swoje hasło",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "Musisz zaakceptować reguły w celu utworzenia konta",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Czy {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "The code is incorrect",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Please, enter the code",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Nazwa użytkownika jest niepoprawna",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Wymagana jest nazwa użytkownika",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Nazwa użytkownika jest za długa",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E-mail ou nome de usuário",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Entrar",
"components.auth.login.next": "Próximo",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "In order to sign in this account, you need to enter a one-time password from mobile application",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Enter code",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Senha da conta",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Esqueceu a senha",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "Esqueceu a senha",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Seja cuidadoso: se você está jogando em um servidor com nickname binding (atalhos de apelido), mudar de apelido pode fazer você perder todo o seu progresso.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Mudou {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Desativado",
"components.profile.enabled": "Enabled",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Uma conta da Mojang com o mesmo nome foi encontrada. De acordo com as {rules}, o dono desta conta tem o poder de controlar este apelido.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Enter the code here",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Disable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Disable two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "In order to disable two‑factor authentication, you need to provide a code from your mobile app and confirm your action with your current account password.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Enable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "In order to finish two‑factor auth setup, please enter the code received in the mobile app:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Find alternative apps",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Install one of the following apps:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Two‑factor authentication for your account is active now",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "First of all, you need to install one of our suggested apps on your phone. This app will generate login codes for you. Please choose your OS to get corresponding installation links.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "OR",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Ready",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Open your favorite QR scanner app and scan the following QR code:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "App has been installed",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "If a temporary code appears in your two‑factor auth app, then you may proceed to the next step.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Apelido",
"components.profile.password": "Senha",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Continuar",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Por favor, coloque o código de ativação",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "Descupe, o Ely não reconheceu seu login.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Coloque o E-mail ou nome de usuário",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "The two factor auth is already enabled",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Por favor coloque a nova senha",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Repita a nova senha",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Por favor, coloque a senha",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Por favor, digite novamente a sua senha",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "Você precisa aceitar as regras para criar uma conta",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Você tem o {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "The code is incorrect",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Please, enter the code",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Nome de usuário é inválido",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Nome de usuário é necessário",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Nome de usuário é muito longo",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E-mail sau utilizator",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Conecteaza-te",
"components.auth.login.next": "Urmatorul",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "In order to sign in this account, you need to enter a one-time password from mobile application",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Enter code",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Parola contului",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Am uitat parola",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "ti-ai uitat parola",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Ai grija: Daca te joci pe servere care se bazeaza pe nume, schimbare lui iti poate sterge tot progresul.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Schimbat {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Dezactivata",
"components.profile.enabled": "Enabled",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Un cont Mojang cu acelasi nume a fost gasit. Acordand la {rules}, doar detinatorul contului are control asupra ocuparii acestuia.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Enter the code here",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Disable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Disable two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "In order to disable two‑factor authentication, you need to provide a code from your mobile app and confirm your action with your current account password.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Enable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "In order to finish two‑factor auth setup, please enter the code received in the mobile app:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Find alternative apps",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Install one of the following apps:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Two‑factor authentication for your account is active now",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "First of all, you need to install one of our suggested apps on your phone. This app will generate login codes for you. Please choose your OS to get corresponding installation links.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "OR",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Ready",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Open your favorite QR scanner app and scan the following QR code:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "App has been installed",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "If a temporary code appears in your two‑factor auth app, then you may proceed to the next step.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Nume",
"components.profile.password": "Parola",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Continua",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Va rugam, introduceti o cheie de activare",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "Ne cerem scuze, Ely nu recunoaste conectarea dvs.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Va rugam, introduceti un E-mail sau un nume",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "The two factor auth is already enabled",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Va rugam, introduceti parola noua",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Va rugam, repetati parola noua",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Va rugam, introduceti parola",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Va rugam, reintroduceti parola",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "Trebuie să acceptați reguli pentru a crea un cont",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Ai {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "The code is incorrect",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Please, enter the code",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Numele de utilizator este invalid",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Numele este necesar",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Numele este prea lung",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E‑mail или ник",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Вход",
"components.auth.login.next": "Далее",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "Для входа в этот аккаунт необходимо ввести код из мобильного приложения",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Введите код",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Пароль от аккаунта",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Забыл пароль",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "забыли пароль",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Будьте внимательны: если вы играли на сервере с привязкой по нику, то после смены ника вы можете утратить весь свой прогресс.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Изменен {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Не включена",
"components.profile.enabled": "Включена",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Найден аккаунт Mojang с таким же ником. Учтите, что согласно с {rules}, его владелец вправе потребовать восстановления контроля над ником.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Введите сюда код",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Отключить",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Отключение двухфакторной аутентификации",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "Для отключения двухфакторной аутентификации вам необходимо указать актуальный код из мобильного приложения, а также подтвердить это действие вводом пароля.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Включить",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "Введите в поле ниже код, полученный из мобильного приложения:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "Если вам не удаётся отсканировать QR код, то введите секретный ключ вручную:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Найти другие приложения",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Установите одно из приложений:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Двухфакторная аутентификация обеспечивает дополнительную защиту вашего аккаунта в случае, если злоумышленнику станет известен пароль.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Для вашего аккаунта включена двухфакторная аутентификация",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "Для начала необходимо установить на мобильный телефон специальное приложение для получения кодов. Кликните на предпочитаемую платформу для получения ссылок на приложения.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "При следующем входе в аккаунт вам будет необходимо ввести дополнительный код. Обратите внимание, что при включённой двухфакторной аутентификации не работает авторизация в Minecraft.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Двухфакторная аутентификация",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "ИЛИ",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Готово",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Сканируйте QR‑код, расположеный ниже, при помощи мобильного приложения.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "Приложение установлено",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "После того, как вы увидели в приложении временный код, переходите к следующему шагу.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Ник",
"components.profile.password": "Пароль",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Продолжить",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Пожалуйста, введите код активации",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "К сожалению, на Ely нет пользователя с указанным логином.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Пожалуйста, укажите E‑mail или ник",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "Двухфакторная аутентификация уже включена",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Пожалуйста, заполните поле пароля",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Пожалуйста, введите повтор пароля",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Пожалуйста, введите пароль",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Пожалуйста, повторите пароль",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "Для создания аккаунта вам необходимо принять правила сервиса",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Вы {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "Неверный код",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Пожалуйста, введите код",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Ник содержит недопустимые символы",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Поле ника обязательно к заполнению",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Слишком длинный ник",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E-mail ali uporabniško ime",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Prijava",
"components.auth.login.next": "Naprej",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "In order to sign in this account, you need to enter a one-time password from mobile application",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Enter code",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Geslo računa",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Pozabljeno geslo",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "pozabil geslo",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Bodi previden: če igraš na strežniku z določenim vzdevkom, lahko po spremembi le-tega na strežniku izgubiš vse stvari.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Spremenjeno {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Onemogočeno",
"components.profile.enabled": "Enabled",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Najden je bil Mojangov račun z enakim vzdevkom. Glede na {rules} ima lastnik računa pravico, da se to ime ne uporablja, če tega ne želi.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Enter the code here",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Disable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Disable two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "In order to disable two‑factor authentication, you need to provide a code from your mobile app and confirm your action with your current account password.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Enable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "In order to finish two‑factor auth setup, please enter the code received in the mobile app:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Find alternative apps",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Install one of the following apps:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Two‑factor authentication for your account is active now",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "First of all, you need to install one of our suggested apps on your phone. This app will generate login codes for you. Please choose your OS to get corresponding installation links.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "OR",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Ready",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Open your favorite QR scanner app and scan the following QR code:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "App has been installed",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "If a temporary code appears in your two‑factor auth app, then you may proceed to the next step.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Vzdevek",
"components.profile.password": "Geslo",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Nadaljuj",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Prosim, vnesi ključ za aktivacijo",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "Oprosti, vendar Ely ne prepozna tvoje prijave.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Vnesi E-mail ali uporabniško ime",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "The two factor auth is already enabled",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Vnesi novo geslo",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Ponovi novo geslo",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Vnesi geslo",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Ponovi geslo",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "Moraš sprejeti pogoje uporabe, da lahko ustvariš račun",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Ali imaš {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "The code is incorrect",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Please, enter the code",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Uporabniško ime ni pravilno",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Potrebno je uporabniško ime",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Uporabniško ime je predolgo",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E‑mail або нік",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Вхід",
"components.auth.login.next": "Далі",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "In order to sign in this account, you need to enter a one-time password from mobile application",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Enter code",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Пароль від акаунту",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Забув пароль",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "забули пароль",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Будьте уважні: якщо ви грали на сервері з прив'язкою до ніку, то після зміни ніку ви можете втратити ігрові досягнення.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Змінено {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Вимкнено",
"components.profile.enabled": "Enabled",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Знайдений аккаунт Mojang з таким же ніком. Майте на увазі, що згідно з {rules}, його власник має право вимагати відновлення контролю над ніком.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Enter the code here",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Disable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Disable two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "In order to disable two‑factor authentication, you need to provide a code from your mobile app and confirm your action with your current account password.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Enable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "In order to finish two‑factor auth setup, please enter the code received in the mobile app:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Find alternative apps",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Install one of the following apps:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Two‑factor authentication for your account is active now",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "First of all, you need to install one of our suggested apps on your phone. This app will generate login codes for you. Please choose your OS to get corresponding installation links.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "OR",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Ready",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Open your favorite QR scanner app and scan the following QR code:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "App has been installed",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "If a temporary code appears in your two‑factor auth app, then you may proceed to the next step.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Нік",
"components.profile.password": "Пароль",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Продовжити",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Будь ласка, введіть код активації",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "На жаль, на Ely немає користувача з зазначеним логіном.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Будь ласка, вкажіть E-mail або нік",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "The two factor auth is already enabled",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Будь ласка, заповніть поле пароля",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Будь ласка, введіть повторення пароля",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Будь ласка, введіть пароль",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Будь ласка, повторіть пароль",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "Для створення аккаунта вам необхідно прийняти правила сервісу",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Ви {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "The code is incorrect",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Please, enter the code",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Нік містить неприпустимі символи",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Поле ніку обов'язково до заповнення",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Занадто довгий нік",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E-mail hoặc tên người dùng",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Đăng nhập",
"components.auth.login.next": "Tiếp tục",
"components.auth.mfa.description": "In order to sign in this account, you need to enter a one-time password from mobile application",
"components.auth.mfa.enterTotp": "Enter code",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Mật khẩu tài khoản",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Quên mật khẩu",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "quên mật khẩu của bạn",
@ -125,7 +127,27 @@
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Hãy cẩn thận: Nếu bạn đang chơi trên các máy chủ với một nickname, vậy sau khi thay đổi nickname bạn có thể mất tất cả các quá trình của bạn.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Đã thay đổi {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Đã vô hiệu hóa",
"components.profile.enabled": "Enabled",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Một tài khoản Mojang Premium với cùng nickname được tìm thấy. Theo {rules}, chủ của tài khoản có quyền được lấy lại nickname của mình.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.codePlaceholder": "Enter the code here",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disable": "Disable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfa": "Disable two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.disableMfaInstruction": "In order to disable two‑factor authentication, you need to provide a code from your mobile app and confirm your action with your current account password.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enable": "Enable",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterCodeFromApp": "In order to finish two‑factor auth setup, please enter the code received in the mobile app:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.enterKeyManually": "If you can't scan QR code, try entering your secret key manually:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.findAlternativeApps": "Find alternative apps",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.installOnOfTheApps": "Install one of the following apps:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaDescription": "Two‑factor authentication is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you that you're the only person who can access your account, even if the password gets stolen.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaEnabledForYourAcc": "Two‑factor authentication for your account is active now",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaIntroduction": "First of all, you need to install one of our suggested apps on your phone. This app will generate login codes for you. Please choose your OS to get corresponding installation links.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaLoginFlowDesc": "Additional code will be requested next time you log in. Please note, that Minecraft authorization won't work when two‑factor auth is enabled.",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.mfaTitle": "Two‑factor authentication",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.or": "OR",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.ready": "Ready",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.scanQrCode": "Open your favorite QR scanner app and scan the following QR code:",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.theAppIsInstalled": "App has been installed",
"components.profile.multiFactorAuth.whenKeyEntered": "If a temporary code appears in your two‑factor auth app, then you may proceed to the next step.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Nickname",
"components.profile.password": "Mật khẩu",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Tiếp tục",
@ -187,6 +209,7 @@
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Vui lòng, hãy nhập mã kích hoạt",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "Xin lỗi, Ely không nhận ra đăng nhập của bạn.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Vui lòng nhập E-mail hoặc tên người dùng",
"services.errorsDict.mfaAlreadyEnabled": "The two factor auth is already enabled",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu mới",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Vui lòng nhập lại mật khẩu mới",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu",
@ -195,6 +218,8 @@
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Vui lòng nhập lại mật khẩu của bạn",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "Bạn phải chấp nhận quy tắc để có thể tạo tài khoản",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Có phải bạn đã {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.totpIncorrect": "The code is incorrect",
"services.errorsDict.totpRequired": "Please, enter the code",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Tên người dùng không hợp lệ",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Cần có tên người dùng",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Tên người dùng quá dài",
Reference in New Issue
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