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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Unreleased - xxxx-xx-xx


  • Remote mode for Mojang's textures queue with a new configuration params: MOJANG_TEXTURES_UUIDS_PROVIDER_DRIVER and MOJANG_TEXTURES_UUIDS_PROVIDER_URL.

    For example, to send requests directly to Mojang's APIs, set the next configuration:

  • Implemented worker mode. The app starts with the only one API endpoint: /api/worker/mojang-uuid/{username}, which is compatible with Mojang's endpoint to exchange username to its UUID. It can be used with some load balancing software to increase throughput of Mojang's textures proxy by splitting the load across multiple servers with its own IPs.

  • Textures extra param is now can be configured via TEXTURES_EXTRA_PARAM_NAME and TEXTURES_EXTRA_PARAM_VALUE.

  • New StatsD metrics:

    • Counters:
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.textures_hit
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.textures_miss


  • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.iteration_size and ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.queue_size are now updates even if the queue is empty.


  • BREAKING: QUEUE_LOOP_DELAY param is now sets as a Go duration, not milliseconds. For example, default value is now 2s500ms.
  • BREAKING: Event ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.already_in_queue has been renamed into ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.already_scheduled.

4.3.0 - 2019-11-08


  • 403 Forbidden errors from the Mojang's API are now logged.
  • QUEUE_LOOP_DELAY configuration param to adjust Mojang's textures queue performance.


  • Mojang's textures queue loop is now has an iteration delay of 2.5 seconds (was 1).
  • Bumped Go version to 1.13.

4.2.3 - 2019-10-03


  • Mojang's textures queue batch size reduced to 10.
  • 400 BadRequest errors from the Mojang's API are now logged.

4.2.2 - 2019-06-19


  • GC for in-memory textures cache has not been initialized.

4.2.1 - 2019-05-06


  • Improved Keep-Alive settings for HTTP client used to perform requests to Mojang's APIs.
  • Mojang's textures queue now has static delay of 1 second after each iteration to prevent strange 429 errors.
  • Mojang's textures queue now caches even errored responses for signed textures to avoid 429 errors.
  • Mojang's textures queue now caches textures data for 70 seconds to avoid strange 429 errors.
  • Mojang's textures queue now doesn't log timeout errors.


  • Panic when Redis connection is broken.
  • Duplication of Redis connections pool for Mojang's textures queue.
  • Removed validation rules for hash field.

4.2.0 - 2019-05-02


  • file.
  • #1: Restored Mojang skins proxy.
  • New StatsD metrics:
    • Counters:
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.invalid_username
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.request
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.cache_hit_nil
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.queued
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.cache_hit
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.already_in_queue
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.uuid_miss
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.uuid_hit
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.textures.cache_hit
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.textures.request
    • Gauges:
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.iteration_size
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.queue_size
    • Timers:
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.result_time
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.usernames.round_time
      • ely.skinsystem.{hostname}.app.mojang_textures.textures.request_time


  • Bumped Go version to 1.12.
  • Bumped Alpine version to 3.9.3.


  • /textures request no longer proxies request to Mojang in a case when there is no information about the skin, but there is a cape.
  • #5: Return Redis connection to the pool after commands are executed


  • hash field from /textures response because the game doesn't use it and calculates hash by getting the filename from the textures link instead.
  • hash field from POST /api/skins endpoint.