transparency/finance/2023/8 -

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# Finances for August 2023:
## One time donations:
+ 150 INR (~ 1.654€ On the 21st of August.)
+ 69.65 € (On the 30th of August.) (Biggest donation so far, thanks a lot!)
## Recurring donations:
- Please check [LiberaPay](
## Expenses
- 0.133444456990 XMR (19.11 € On the 10th of August.)
- 44,54 € (On the 12th of August.)
- 65,70 € (On the 16th of August.)
## Current balance:
- 0.4331379493 XMR (~ 62.7 € At the time of writing this.)
- 0.14699405 LTC (~ 10.34 € At the time of writing this.)
- 171.48 € (in FIAT)
- Total (in €) : 235.196 €
## Estimated amount of funds.
### BuyVM (Crypto)
- 82.4 € / 6.72 € = 12 Months left. (~1 year.)
- 12.363 € in frantech funds due to the cancellation of the US VPS.
### Soleil (FIAT)
- Paid by lerien.
### Domain (FIAT)
- (Gandi)
* 24 EUR as of 20/08/2023
* Paid. 8 months left.
- (OVH)
* 11.5 EUR as of 20/08/2023
* Paid. 1 year and 8 months left.
### (FIAT)
- 212.07 € / 33.38 € = ~ 6 years left.
### Racknerd (FIAT)
- 212.07 € / 44.54 € = ~ 4 years left.
## Previous Expenses
### Hebergnity (FIAT)
- **Decomissioned** - It's been a while we've been waiting for them to add Docker but they seem to be uninterested in actually doing so.
- **Killed** - Moved to a different server at no charge.
### DigitalOcean (FIAT)
- **Killed** - moved to Racknerd
## How we used the funds
- We paid a 6 months vps accidentally and decided to cancel the vps. The funds are in our frantech account now.
- We stopped paying for OVH after migrating to a different server from a friend I and Aryak both know.
- We paid a VPS from RackNerd costing 44,54 € per year.
- BuyVM deducted the money from the credit we have to pay the monthly bill of PIZZA-1. The credits left have been updated.
- We bought 2 spare drives (65.70 € in total) in order to [avoid getting into this situation again](