Re-organized some sections and added a whole new section on avoiding the

preprocessor. Comments welcome.
This commit is contained in:
Mark Whitley 2000-11-22 19:25:39 +00:00
parent 9a71af54f5
commit d58ff8731c

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ right formatting rules to your file. Please _do_not_ run this on all the files
in the directory, just your own.
Declaration Order
@ -31,15 +32,16 @@ Here is the order in which code should be laid out in a file:
- function implementations
Whitespace and Formatting
This is everybody's favorite flame topic so let's get it out of the way right
up front.
Tabs vs. Spaces in Line Indentation
The preference in Busybox is to indent lines with tabs. Do not indent lines
with spaces and do not indents lines using a mixture of tabs and spaces. (The
@ -172,6 +174,7 @@ block. Example:
Variable and Function Names
@ -192,78 +195,195 @@ that can go through and convert files -- left as an exercise to the reader for
Tip and Pointers
The following are simple coding guidelines that should be followed:
Avoid The Preprocessor
- When in doubt about the proper behavior of a Busybox program (output,
formatting, options, etc.), model it after the equivalent GNU program.
Doesn't matter how that program behaves on some other flavor of *NIX;
doesn't matter what the POSIX standard says or doesn't say, just model
Busybox programs after their GNU counterparts and nobody has to get hurt.
At best, the preprocessor is a necessary evil, helping us account for platform
and architecture differences. Using the preprocessor unnecessarily is just
plain evil.
- Don't use a '#define var 80' when you can use 'static const int var 80'
instead. This makes the compiler do type checking for you (rather than
relying on the more error-prone preprocessor) and it makes debugging
programs much easier since the value of the variable can be easily
- If a const variable is used in only one function, do not make it global to
the file. Instead, declare it inside the function body.
The Folly of #define
- Inside applet files, all functions should be declared static so as to keep
the global name space clean. The only exception to this rule is the
"applet_main" function which must be declared extern.
- If you write a function that performs a task that could be useful outside
the immediate file, turn it into a general-purpose function with no ties to
any applet and put it in the utility.c file instead.
- Put all help/usage messages in usage.c. Put other strings in messages.c.
Putting these strings into their own file is a calculated decision designed
to confine spelling errors to a single place and aid internationalization
efforts, if needed. (Side Note: we might want to use a single file instead
of two, food for thought).
- There's a right way and a wrong way to test for sting equivalence with
The wrong way:
if (!strcmp(string, "foo")) {
The right way:
if (strcmp(string, "foo") == 0){
The use of the "equals" (==) operator in the latter example makes it much
more obvious that you are testing for equivalence. The former example with
the "not" (!) operator makes it look like you are testing for an error. In
a more perfect world, we would have a streq() function in the string
library, but that ain't the world we're living in.
- Do not use old-style function declarations that declare variable types
between the parameter list and opening bracket. Example:
Use 'const <type> var' for declaring constants.
Don't do this:
int foo(parm1, parm2)
char parm1;
float parm2;
#define var 80
Do this instead, when the variable is in a header file and will be used in
several source files:
const int var = 80;
Or do this when the variable is used only in a single source file:
static const int var = 80;
Declaring variables as '[static] const' gives variables an actual type and
makes the compiler do type checking for you; the preprocessor does _no_ type
checking whatsoever, making it much more error prone. Declaring variables with
'[static] const' also makes debugging programs much easier since the value of
the variable can be easily queried and displayed.
The Folly of Macros
Use 'static inline' instead of a macro.
Don't do this:
#define mini_func(param1, param2) (param1 << param2)
Do this instead:
int foo(char parm1, float parm2)
static inline int mini_func(int param1, param2)
return (param1 << param2);
- Please use brackets on all if and else statements, even if it is only one
line. Example:
Static inline functions are greatly preferred over macros. They provide type
safety, have no length limitations, no formatting limitations, and under gcc
they are as cheap as macros. Besides, really long macros with backslashes at
the end of each line are ugly as sin.
The Folly of #ifdef
Code cluttered with ifdefs is difficult to read and maintain. Don't do it.
Instead, put your ifdefs in a header, and conditionally define 'static inline'
functions, (or *maybe* macros), which are used in the code.
Don't do this:
ret = my_func(bar, baz);
if (!ret)
return -1;
maybe_do_funky_stuff(bar, baz);
Do this instead:
(in .h header file)
static inline void maybe_do_funky_stuff (int bar, int baz) {}
(in the .c source file)
ret = my_func(bar, baz);
if (!ret)
return -1;
maybe_do_funky_stuff(bar, baz);
The great thing about this approach is that the compiler will optimize away
the "no-op" case when the feature is turned off.
Note also the use of the word 'maybe' in the function name to indicate
conditional execution.
Notes on Strings
Strings in C can get a little thorny. Here's some guidelines for dealing with
strings in Busybox. (There is surely more that could be added to this
String Files
Put all help/usage messages in usage.c. Put other strings in messages.c.
Putting these strings into their own file is a calculated decision designed to
confine spelling errors to a single place and aid internationalization
efforts, if needed. (Side Note: we might want to use a single file - maybe
called 'strings.c' - instead of two, food for thought).
Testing String Equivalence
There's a right way and a wrong way to test for sting equivalence with
The wrong way:
if (!strcmp(string, "foo")) {
The right way:
if (strcmp(string, "foo") == 0){
The use of the "equals" (==) operator in the latter example makes it much more
obvious that you are testing for equivalence. The former example with the
"not" (!) operator makes it look like you are testing for an error. In a more
perfect world, we would have a streq() function in the string library, but
that ain't the world we're living in.
Miscellaneous Coding Guidelines
The following are important items that don't fit into any of the above
Model Busybox Applets After GNU Counterparts
When in doubt about the proper behavior of a Busybox program (output,
formatting, options, etc.), model it after the equivalent GNU program.
Doesn't matter how that program behaves on some other flavor of *NIX; doesn't
matter what the POSIX standard says or doesn't say, just model Busybox
programs after their GNU counterparts and nobody has to get hurt.
The only time we deviate from emulating the GNU behavior is when:
- We are deliberately not supporting a feature (such as a command line
- Emulating the GNU behavior is prohibitively expensive (lots more code
would be required, lots more memory would be used, etc.)
- The differce is minor or cosmetic
A note on the 'cosmetic' case: Output differences might be considered
cosmetic, but if the output is significant enough to break other scripts that
use the output, it should really be fixed.
If a const variable is used only in a single source file, put it in the source
file and not in a header file. Likewise, if a const variable is used in only
one function, do not make it global to the file. Instead, declare it inside
the function body. Bottom line: Make a concious effort to limit declarations
to the smallest scope possible.
Inside applet files, all functions should be declared static so as to keep the
global name space clean. The only exception to this rule is the "applet_main"
function which must be declared extern.
If you write a function that performs a task that could be useful outside the
immediate file, turn it into a general-purpose function with no ties to any
applet and put it in the utility.c file instead.
Brackets Are Your Friends
Please use brackets on all if and else statements, even if it is only one
line. Example:
Don't do this:
@ -280,8 +400,8 @@ The following are simple coding guidelines that should be followed:
The "bracketless" approach is error prone because someday you might add a
line like this:
The "bracketless" approach is error prone because someday you might add a line
like this:
if (foo)
@ -289,6 +409,32 @@ The following are simple coding guidelines that should be followed:
And the resulting behavior of your program would totally bewilder you.
(Don't laugh, it happens to us all.) Remember folks, this is C, not
And the resulting behavior of your program would totally bewilder you. (Don't
laugh, it happens to us all.) Remember folks, this is C, not Python.
Function Declarations
Do not use old-style function declarations that declare variable types between
the parameter list and opening bracket. Example:
Don't do this:
int foo(parm1, parm2)
char parm1;
float parm2;
Do this instead:
int foo(char parm1, float parm2)
The only time you would ever need to use the old declaration syntax is to
support ancient, antedeluvian compilers. To our good fortune, we have access
to more modern compilers and the old declaration syntax is neither necessary
nor desired.