2022-06-06 09:07:59 +01:00

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# HAProxy
Build scripts for HAProxy with QUIC
## Get started
You will need the following dependencies (Debian/Ubuntu packages given as example):
- Development tools (`build-essential`)
- curl and ssl support for it (`curl` and `ca-certificates`)
- CMake (`cmake`)
- Readline library headers (`libreadline-dev`)
- Libsystemd headers (`libsystemd-dev`)
- GNU TAR (`tar`)
Then just run `make` and the build should pass.
First, `deps/quictls/quictls-dist.tar.gz` should be expanded so it matches the host's
`/opt/quictls` when expanding, as it is where HAProxy will look for OpenSSL.
And finally `haproxy/haproxy-dist.tar.gz` can be expanded anywhere.
## Should I use this repo?
This is an:
- unofficial build of HAProxy
- which enables an experimental feature of HAProxy
- which relies on an unofficial build of OpenSSL
- which is based on an unofficial patch of OpenSSL
Generally speaking, you shouldn't.
That said, please PR improvements back if you do. We'll be using it ourselves too.
## What's in there
First, we want to statically build things where possible, which is done for:
- QuicTLS
Then we want HAProxy to not use the system's OpenSSL but rather our QuicTLS build, which
it will look for at the `/opt/quictls` prefix.