top: exploit the new library API for cpu display needs

This commit is mostly about eliminating code, now that
a library is responsible for the cpu tics maintenance.

The top program will continue to provide numa support,
without involving the library in any of those details.
[ not to mention all the 'dl' and 'stderr' numa crap ]

With this transfer of the cpu tics duty to our library
the provision associated with the CPU_ZEROTICS #define
could not initially be migrated. The commit referenced
below suggests it may have lost its importance. In any
case such logic may yet be incorporated in the future.
But for now, that #define has been completely removed.

commit ee3ed4b45edd66c6e0455d3fab08a48e7ea83030

Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This commit is contained in:
Jim Warner 2015-06-28 00:00:00 -05:00 committed by Craig Small
parent 73d7a18d66
commit 8ded6c5739
4 changed files with 104 additions and 199 deletions


@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
#include "../proc/meminfo.h"
#include "../proc/procps.h"
#include "../proc/readproc.h"
#include "../proc/readstat.h"
#include "../proc/sig.h"
#include "../proc/sysinfo.h"
#include "../proc/version.h"
@ -265,6 +266,9 @@ enum mem_enums {
mem_AVAIL, swp_TOTAL, swp_FREE, swp_USED
#define MEM_VAL(e) mem_chain[e].result
static struct procps_statinfo *sys_info;
static struct procps_jiffs_hist *Cpu_jiffs;
/*###### Sort callbacks ################################################*/
@ -435,8 +439,9 @@ static void bye_bye (const char *str) {
"\n\t %s"
"\n\t Hertz = %u (%u bytes, %u-bit time)"
"\n\t page_bytes = %d, Cpu_faux_tot = %d, smp_num_cpus = %d"
"\n\t sizeof(CPU_t) = %u, sizeof(HST_t) = %u (%d HST_t's/Page), HHist_siz = %u"
"\n\t sizeof(HST_t) = %u (%d HST_t's/Page), HHist_siz = %u"
"\n\t sizeof(proc_t) = %u, sizeof(proc_t.cmd) = %u, sizeof(proc_t*) = %u"
"\n\t sizeof(procps_jiffs) = %u, sizeof(procps_jiffs_hist) = %u, sizeof(procps_sys_result) = %u"
"\n\t Frames_libflags = %08lX"
"\n\t PACKAGE = '%s', LOCALEDIR = '%s'"
@ -464,9 +469,10 @@ static void bye_bye (const char *str) {
, __func__
, (unsigned)Hertz, (unsigned)sizeof(Hertz), (unsigned)sizeof(Hertz) * 8
, (int)page_bytes, Cpu_faux_tot, (int)smp_num_cpus, (unsigned)sizeof(CPU_t)
, (int)page_bytes, Cpu_faux_tot, (int)smp_num_cpus
, (unsigned)sizeof(HST_t), ((int)page_bytes / (int)sizeof(HST_t)), HHist_siz
, (unsigned)sizeof(proc_t), (unsigned)sizeof(p->cmd), (unsigned)sizeof(proc_t*)
, (unsigned)sizeof(struct procps_jiffs), (unsigned)sizeof(struct procps_jiffs_hist), (unsigned)sizeof(struct procps_sys_result)
, (long)Frames_libflags
, (unsigned)SCREENMAX, (unsigned)ROWMINSIZ, (unsigned)ROWMAXSIZ
@ -570,6 +576,8 @@ static void bye_bye (const char *str) {
#endif // end: ATEOJ_RPTHSH
#endif // end: OFF_HST_HASH
if (Libnuma_handle) dlclose(Libnuma_handle);
@ -2362,143 +2370,84 @@ static void zap_fieldstab (void) {
/*###### Library Interface #############################################*/
* This guy's modeled on libproc's 'eight_cpu_numbers' function except
* we preserve all cpu data in our CPU_t array which is organized
* We'll track all cpu data in the jiffs array which is organized
* as follows:
* cpus[0] thru cpus[n] == tics for each separate cpu
* cpus[sumSLOT] == tics from the 1st /proc/stat line
* [ and beyond sumSLOT == tics for each cpu NUMA node ] */
static CPU_t *cpus_refresh (CPU_t *cpus) {
* Cpu_jiffs[0] - Cpu_jiffs[n] == tics for each separate cpu
* Cpu_jiffs[sumSLOT] == tics from /proc/stat line #1
* [ and beyond sumSLOT == tics for each cpu NUMA node ] */
static void cpus_refresh (void) {
#define sumSLOT ( smp_num_cpus )
#define totSLOT ( 1 + smp_num_cpus + Numa_node_tot)
static FILE *fp = NULL;
static int siz, sav_slot = -1;
static char *buf;
CPU_t *sum_ptr; // avoid gcc subscript bloat
int i, num, tot_read;
#define totSLOT ( 1 + smp_num_cpus + Numa_node_tot )
static int sav_slot = -1;
int i;
int node;
char *bp;
/*** hotplug_acclimated ***/
if (sav_slot != sumSLOT) {
sav_slot = sumSLOT;
if (fp) { fclose(fp); fp = NULL; }
if (cpus) { free(cpus); cpus = NULL; }
if (Cpu_jiffs) { free(Cpu_jiffs); Cpu_jiffs = NULL; }
/* by opening this file once, we'll avoid the hit on minor page faults
(sorry Linux, but you'll have to close it for us) */
if (!fp) {
if (!(fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r")))
error_exit(fmtmk(N_fmt(FAIL_statopn_fmt), strerror(errno)));
if (!Cpu_jiffs) {
/* note: we allocate one more CPU_t via totSLOT than 'cpus' so that a
slot can hold tics representing the /proc/stat cpu summary */
cpus = alloc_c(totSLOT * sizeof(CPU_t));
Cpu_jiffs = alloc_c(totSLOT * sizeof(struct procps_jiffs_hist));
#define buffGRW 1024
/* we slurp in the entire directory thus avoiding repeated calls to fgets,
especially in a massively parallel environment. additionally, each cpu
line is then frozen in time rather than changing until we get around to
accessing it. this helps to minimize (not eliminate) most distortions. */
tot_read = 0;
if (buf) buf[0] = '\0';
else buf = alloc_c((siz = buffGRW));
while (0 < (num = fread(buf + tot_read, 1, (siz - tot_read), fp))) {
tot_read += num;
if (tot_read < siz) break;
buf = alloc_r(buf, (siz += buffGRW));
buf[tot_read] = '\0';
bp = buf;
#undef buffGRW
// remember from last time around
sum_ptr = &cpus[sumSLOT];
memcpy(&sum_ptr->sav, &sum_ptr->cur, sizeof(CT_t));
// then value the last slot with the cpu summary line
if (4 > sscanf(bp, "cpu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu"
, &sum_ptr->cur.u, &sum_ptr->cur.n, &sum_ptr->cur.s
, &sum_ptr->cur.i, &sum_ptr->cur.w, &sum_ptr->cur.x
, &sum_ptr->cur.y, &sum_ptr->cur.z))
sum_ptr->cur.tot = sum_ptr->cur.u + sum_ptr->cur.s
+ sum_ptr->cur.n + sum_ptr->cur.i + sum_ptr->cur.w
+ sum_ptr->cur.x + sum_ptr->cur.y + sum_ptr->cur.z;
/* if a cpu has registered substantially fewer tics than those expected,
we'll force it to be treated as 'idle' so as not to present misleading
percentages. */
sum_ptr->edge =
((sum_ptr->cur.tot - sum_ptr->sav.tot) / smp_num_cpus) / (100 / TICS_EDGE);
// first. snapshot the proc/stat cpu jiffs
if (procps_stat_read_jiffs(sys_info) < 0)
// second, retrieve just the cpu summary jiffs
if (procps_stat_get_jiffs_hist(sys_info, &Cpu_jiffs[sumSLOT], -1) < 0)
// then retrieve all of the actual cpu jiffs
Cpu_faux_tot = procps_stat_get_jiffs_hist_all(sys_info, Cpu_jiffs, sumSLOT);
if (Cpu_faux_tot < 0)
// forget all of the prior node statistics (maybe)
if (CHKw(Curwin, View_CPUNOD))
memset(sum_ptr + 1, 0, Numa_node_tot * sizeof(CPU_t));
// now value each separate cpu's tics...
for (i = 0; i < sumSLOT; i++) {
CPU_t *cpu_ptr = &cpus[i]; // avoid gcc subscript bloat
bp = buf;
bp = 1 + strchr(bp, '\n');
// remember from last time around
memcpy(&cpu_ptr->sav, &cpu_ptr->cur, sizeof(CT_t));
if (4 > sscanf(bp, "cpu%d %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu", &cpu_ptr->id
, &cpu_ptr->cur.u, &cpu_ptr->cur.n, &cpu_ptr->cur.s
, &cpu_ptr->cur.i, &cpu_ptr->cur.w, &cpu_ptr->cur.x
, &cpu_ptr->cur.y, &cpu_ptr->cur.z)) {
memmove(cpu_ptr, sum_ptr, sizeof(CPU_t));
break; // tolerate cpus taken offline
cpu_ptr->edge = sum_ptr->edge;
cpu_ptr->id = i;
/* henceforth, with just a little more arithmetic we can avoid
maintaining *any* node stats unless they're actually needed */
if (CHKw(Curwin, View_CPUNOD)
&& Numa_node_tot
&& -1 < (node = Numa_node_of_cpu(cpu_ptr->id))) {
// use our own pointer to avoid gcc subscript bloat
CPU_t *nod_ptr = sum_ptr + 1 + node;
nod_ptr->cur.u += cpu_ptr->cur.u; nod_ptr->sav.u += cpu_ptr->sav.u;
nod_ptr->cur.n += cpu_ptr->cur.n; nod_ptr->sav.n += cpu_ptr->sav.n;
nod_ptr->cur.s += cpu_ptr->cur.s; nod_ptr->sav.s += cpu_ptr->sav.s;
nod_ptr->cur.i += cpu_ptr->cur.i; nod_ptr->sav.i += cpu_ptr->sav.i;
nod_ptr->cur.w += cpu_ptr->cur.w; nod_ptr->sav.w += cpu_ptr->sav.w;
nod_ptr->cur.x += cpu_ptr->cur.x; nod_ptr->sav.x += cpu_ptr->sav.x;
nod_ptr->cur.y += cpu_ptr->cur.y; nod_ptr->sav.y += cpu_ptr->sav.y;
nod_ptr->cur.z += cpu_ptr->cur.z; nod_ptr->sav.z += cpu_ptr->sav.z;
/* yep, we re-value this repeatedly for each cpu encountered, but we
can then avoid a prior loop to selectively initialize each node */
nod_ptr->edge = sum_ptr->edge;
cpu_ptr->node = node;
/* henceforth, with just a little more arithmetic we can avoid
maintaining *any* node stats unless they're actually needed */
if (CHKw(Curwin, View_CPUNOD)) {
struct procps_jiffs_hist *sum_ptr = &Cpu_jiffs[sumSLOT];
// forget all of the prior node statistics
memset(sum_ptr + 1, 0, Numa_node_tot * sizeof(struct procps_jiffs_hist));
// spin thru each cpu and value the jiffs for it's numa node
for (i = 0; i < sumSLOT; i++) {
struct procps_jiffs_hist *cpu_ptr = &Cpu_jiffs[i];
if (CHKw(Curwin, View_CPUNOD)
&& Numa_node_tot
&& -1 < (node = Numa_node_of_cpu(cpu_ptr->id))) {
struct procps_jiffs_hist *nod_ptr = sum_ptr + 1 + node;
nod_ptr->new.user += cpu_ptr->new.user; nod_ptr->old.user += cpu_ptr->old.user;
nod_ptr->new.nice += cpu_ptr->new.nice; nod_ptr->old.nice += cpu_ptr->old.nice;
nod_ptr->new.system += cpu_ptr->new.system; nod_ptr->old.system += cpu_ptr->old.system;
nod_ptr->new.idle += cpu_ptr->new.idle; nod_ptr->old.idle += cpu_ptr->old.idle;
nod_ptr->new.iowait += cpu_ptr->new.iowait; nod_ptr->old.iowait += cpu_ptr->old.iowait;
nod_ptr->new.irq += cpu_ptr->new.irq; nod_ptr->old.irq += cpu_ptr->old.irq;
nod_ptr->new.sirq += cpu_ptr->new.sirq; nod_ptr->old.sirq += cpu_ptr->old.sirq;
nod_ptr->new.stolen += cpu_ptr->new.stolen; nod_ptr->old.stolen += cpu_ptr->old.stolen;
nod_ptr->id = -1;
nod_ptr->id = -1;
/* note: the above call to Numa_node_of_cpu will produce a modest
* memory leak summarized as:
* ==1234== LEAK SUMMARY:
* ==1234== definitely lost: 512 bytes in 1 blocks
* ==1234== indirectly lost: 48 bytes in 2 blocks
* ==1234== ...
* it does *not* happen when PRETEND_NUMA has been defined
* [ thanks very much libnuma, for all the pain you've caused us ]
} // end: for each cpu
Cpu_faux_tot = i; // tolerate cpus taken offline
return cpus;
#undef sumSLOT
#undef totSLOT
} // end: cpus_refresh
@ -3319,6 +3268,8 @@ static void before (char *me) {
// prepare for new library API ...
if (procps_meminfo_new(&mem_info) < 0)
if (procps_stat_new(&sys_info) < 0)
#ifndef OFF_HST_HASH
// prep for HST_t's put/get hashing optimizations
@ -5079,7 +5030,7 @@ all_done:
* 2) modest smp boxes with room for each cpu's percentages
* 3) massive smp guys leaving little or no room for process
* display and thus requiring the cpu summary toggle */
static void summary_hlp (CPU_t *cpu, const char *pfx) {
static void summary_hlp (struct procps_jiffs_hist *cpu, const char *pfx) {
/* we'll trim to zero if we get negative time ticks,
which has happened with some SMP kernels (pre-2.4?)
and when cpus are dynamically added or removed */
@ -5087,22 +5038,16 @@ static void summary_hlp (CPU_t *cpu, const char *pfx) {
SIC_t u_frme, s_frme, n_frme, i_frme, w_frme, x_frme, y_frme, z_frme, tot_frme, tz;
float scale;
u_frme = TRIMz(cpu->cur.u - cpu->sav.u);
s_frme = TRIMz(cpu->cur.s - cpu->sav.s);
n_frme = TRIMz(cpu->cur.n - cpu->sav.n);
i_frme = TRIMz(cpu->cur.i - cpu->sav.i);
w_frme = TRIMz(cpu->cur.w - cpu->sav.w);
x_frme = TRIMz(cpu->cur.x - cpu->sav.x);
y_frme = TRIMz(cpu->cur.y - cpu->sav.y);
z_frme = TRIMz(cpu->cur.z - cpu->sav.z);
u_frme = TRIMz(cpu->new.user - cpu->old.user);
s_frme = TRIMz(cpu->new.system - cpu->old.system);
n_frme = TRIMz(cpu->new.nice - cpu->old.nice);
i_frme = TRIMz(cpu->new.idle - cpu->old.idle);
w_frme = TRIMz(cpu->new.iowait - cpu->old.iowait);
x_frme = TRIMz(cpu->new.irq - cpu->old.irq);
y_frme = TRIMz(cpu->new.sirq - cpu->old.sirq);
z_frme = TRIMz(cpu->new.stolen - cpu->old.stolen);
tot_frme = u_frme + s_frme + n_frme + i_frme + w_frme + x_frme + y_frme + z_frme;
if (1 > tot_frme) tot_frme = 1;
if (tot_frme < cpu->edge)
tot_frme = u_frme = s_frme = n_frme = i_frme = w_frme = x_frme = y_frme = z_frme = 0;
if (1 > tot_frme) i_frme = tot_frme = 1;
scale = 100.0 / (float)tot_frme;
/* display some kinda' cpu state percentages
@ -5150,7 +5095,6 @@ static void summary_hlp (CPU_t *cpu, const char *pfx) {
static void summary_show (void) {
#define isROOM(f,n) (CHKw(w, f) && Msg_row + (n) < Screen_rows - 1)
#define anyFLG 0xffffff
static CPU_t *smpcpu = NULL;
WIN_t *w = Curwin; // avoid gcc bloat with a local copy
char tmp[MEDBUFSIZ];
int i;
@ -5173,7 +5117,7 @@ static void summary_show (void) {
, Frame_stopped, Frame_zombied));
Msg_row += 1;
smpcpu = cpus_refresh(smpcpu);
if (!Numa_node_tot) goto numa_nope;
@ -5181,11 +5125,11 @@ static void summary_show (void) {
if (CHKw(w, View_CPUNOD)) {
if (Numa_node_sel < 0) {
// display the 1st /proc/stat line, then the nodes (if room)
summary_hlp(&smpcpu[smp_num_cpus], N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt));
summary_hlp(&Cpu_jiffs[smp_num_cpus], N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt));
Msg_row += 1;
// display each cpu node's states
for (i = 0; i < Numa_node_tot; i++) {
CPU_t *nod_ptr = &smpcpu[1 + smp_num_cpus + i];
struct procps_jiffs_hist *nod_ptr = &Cpu_jiffs[1 + smp_num_cpus + i];
if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
if (nod_ptr->id) {
@ -5200,13 +5144,13 @@ static void summary_show (void) {
} else {
// display the node summary, then the associated cpus (if room)
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(NUMA_nodenam_fmt), Numa_node_sel);
summary_hlp(&smpcpu[1 + smp_num_cpus + Numa_node_sel], tmp);
summary_hlp(&Cpu_jiffs[1 + smp_num_cpus + Numa_node_sel], tmp);
Msg_row += 1;
for (i = 0; i < Cpu_faux_tot; i++) {
if (Numa_node_sel == smpcpu[i].node) {
if (Numa_node_sel == Numa_node_of_cpu(Cpu_jiffs[i].id)) {
if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), smpcpu[i].id);
summary_hlp(&smpcpu[i], tmp);
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), Cpu_jiffs[i].id);
summary_hlp(&Cpu_jiffs[i], tmp);
Msg_row += 1;
@ -5216,14 +5160,14 @@ numa_nope:
if (CHKw(w, View_CPUSUM)) {
// display just the 1st /proc/stat line
summary_hlp(&smpcpu[Cpu_faux_tot], N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt));
summary_hlp(&Cpu_jiffs[Cpu_faux_tot], N_txt(WORD_allcpus_txt));
Msg_row += 1;
} else {
// display each cpu's states separately, screen height permitting...
for (i = 0; i < Cpu_faux_tot; i++) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), smpcpu[i].id);
summary_hlp(&smpcpu[i], tmp);
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), N_fmt(WORD_eachcpu_fmt), Cpu_jiffs[i].id);
summary_hlp(&Cpu_jiffs[i], tmp);
Msg_row += 1;
if (!isROOM(anyFLG, 1)) break;

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
//#define ATEOJ_RPTSTD /* report on misc stuff, at end-of-job */
//#define CASEUP_HEXES /* show any hex values in upper case */
//#define CASEUP_SUFIX /* show time/mem/cnts suffix in upper case */
//#define CPU_ZEROTICS /* tolerate few tics when cpu off vs. idle */
//#define EQUCOLHDRYES /* yes, do equalize column header lengths */
//#define INSP_JUSTNOT /* don't smooth unprintable right margins */
//#define INSP_OFFDEMO /* disable demo screens, issue msg instead */
@ -81,10 +80,6 @@
for nls support inclusion. They're identified with:
// nls_maybe */
/* For initiating the topic of potential % CPU distortions due to
to kernel and/or cpu anomalies (see CPU_ZEROTICS), thanks to:
Jaromir Capik, <> - February, 2012 */
/* For the impetus and NUMA/Node prototype design, thanks to:
Lance Shelton <> - April, 2013 */
@ -176,13 +171,6 @@ char *strcasestr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
-- used at startup and for task/thread mode transitions */
#define PROC_XTRA -1
/* This is the % used in establishing the tics threshold below
which a cpu is treated as 'idle' rather than displaying
misleading state percentages */
#define TICS_EDGE 20
/* ##### Enum's and Typedef's ############################################ */
@ -268,32 +256,6 @@ typedef struct HST_t {
} HST_t;
/* These 2 structures store a frame's cpu tics used in history
calculations. They exist primarily for SMP support but serve
all environments. */
typedef struct CT_t {
/* other kernels: u == user/us, n == nice/ni, s == system/sy, i == idle/id
2.5.41 kernel: w == IO-wait/wa (io wait time)
2.6.0 kernel: x == hi (hardware irq time), y == si (software irq time)
2.6.11 kernel: z == st (virtual steal time) */
TIC_t u, n, s, i, w, x, y, z; // as represented in /proc/stat
SIC_t tot; // total from /proc/stat line 1
} CT_t;
typedef struct CPU_t {
CT_t cur; // current frame's cpu tics
CT_t sav; // prior frame's cpu tics
SIC_t edge; // tics adjustment threshold boundary
int id; // cpu number (0 - nn), or numa active flag
int node; // the numa node it belongs to
} CPU_t;
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* Special Section: multiple windows/field groups --------------- */
/* ( kind of a header within a header: constants, types & macros ) */
@ -730,7 +692,7 @@ typedef struct WIN_t {
//atic inline void widths_resize (void);
//atic void zap_fieldstab (void);
/*------ Library Interface ---------------------------------------------*/
//atic CPU_t *cpus_refresh (CPU_t *cpus);
//atic void cpus_refresh (void);
//atic inline HST_t *hstbsrch (HST_t *hst, int max, int pid);

@ -308,7 +308,6 @@ static void build_norm_nlstab (void) {
Norm_nlstab[HELP_cmdline_fmt] = _(""
" %s\n"
"Usage:\n %s%s");
Norm_nlstab[FAIL_statopn_fmt] = _("failed /proc/stat open: %s");
Norm_nlstab[FAIL_openlib_fmt] = _("failed openproc: %s");
Norm_nlstab[BAD_delayint_fmt] = _("bad delay interval '%s'");
Norm_nlstab[BAD_niterate_fmt] = _("bad iterations argument '%s'");
@ -326,7 +325,6 @@ static void build_norm_nlstab (void) {
/* Translation Hint: Only the following words should be translated
. secs (seconds), max (maximum), user, field, cols (columns)*/
Norm_nlstab[USAGE_abbrev_txt] = _(" -hv | -bcHiOSs -d secs -n max -u|U user -p pid(s) -o field -w [cols]");
Norm_nlstab[FAIL_statget_txt] = _("failed /proc/stat read");
Norm_nlstab[FOREST_modes_fmt] = _("Forest mode %s");
Norm_nlstab[FAIL_tty_get_txt] = _("failed tty get");
Norm_nlstab[FAIL_tty_set_fmt] = _("failed tty set: %s");
@ -473,6 +471,7 @@ static void build_norm_nlstab (void) {
Norm_nlstab[WORD_abv_mem_txt] = _("Mem ");
Norm_nlstab[WORD_abv_swp_txt] = _("Swap");
Norm_nlstab[LIB_errormem_txt] = _("library failed memory stats");
Norm_nlstab[LIB_errorsys_txt] = _("library failed system stats");

@ -69,22 +69,22 @@ enum norm_nls {
COLORS_nomap_txt, DELAY_badarg_txt, DELAY_change_fmt, DELAY_secure_txt,
DISABLED_cmd_txt, DISABLED_win_fmt, EXIT_signals_fmt, FAIL_alloc_c_txt,
FAIL_alloc_r_txt, FAIL_openlib_fmt, FAIL_rc_open_fmt, FAIL_re_nice_fmt,
FAIL_signals_fmt, FAIL_statget_txt, FAIL_statopn_fmt, FAIL_tty_get_txt,
FAIL_tty_set_fmt, FAIL_widecpu_txt, FAIL_widepid_txt, FIND_no_find_fmt,
FIND_no_next_txt, FOREST_modes_fmt, FOREST_views_txt, GET_find_str_txt,
GET_max_task_fmt, GET_nice_num_fmt, GET_pid2kill_fmt, GET_pid2nice_fmt,
GET_sigs_num_fmt, GET_user_ids_txt, HELP_cmdline_fmt, IRIX_curmode_fmt,
LIB_errormem_txt, LIMIT_exceed_fmt, MISSING_args_fmt, NAME_windows_fmt,
NOT_onsecure_txt, NOT_smp_cpus_txt, NUMA_nodebad_txt, NUMA_nodeget_fmt,
NUMA_nodenam_fmt, NUMA_nodenot_txt, OFF_one_word_txt, ON_word_only_txt,
OSEL_casenot_txt, OSEL_caseyes_txt, OSEL_errdelm_fmt, OSEL_errdups_txt,
OSEL_errvalu_fmt, OSEL_prompts_fmt, OSEL_statlin_fmt, RC_bad_entry_fmt,
RC_bad_files_fmt, SCROLL_coord_fmt, SELECT_clash_txt, THREADS_show_fmt,
TIME_accumed_fmt, UNKNOWN_cmds_txt, UNKNOWN_opts_fmt, USAGE_abbrev_txt,
WORD_abv_mem_txt, WORD_abv_swp_txt, WORD_allcpus_txt, WORD_another_txt,
WORD_eachcpu_fmt, WORD_exclude_txt, WORD_include_txt, WORD_noneone_txt,
WORD_process_txt, WORD_threads_txt, WRITE_rcfile_fmt, WRONG_switch_fmt,
XTRA_badflds_fmt, XTRA_fixwide_fmt, XTRA_warncfg_txt, XTRA_winsize_txt,
FAIL_signals_fmt, FAIL_tty_get_txt, FAIL_tty_set_fmt, FAIL_widecpu_txt,
FAIL_widepid_txt, FIND_no_find_fmt, FIND_no_next_txt, FOREST_modes_fmt,
FOREST_views_txt, GET_find_str_txt, GET_max_task_fmt, GET_nice_num_fmt,
GET_pid2kill_fmt, GET_pid2nice_fmt, GET_sigs_num_fmt, GET_user_ids_txt,
HELP_cmdline_fmt, IRIX_curmode_fmt, LIB_errormem_txt, LIB_errorsys_txt,
LIMIT_exceed_fmt, MISSING_args_fmt, NAME_windows_fmt, NOT_onsecure_txt,
NOT_smp_cpus_txt, NUMA_nodebad_txt, NUMA_nodeget_fmt, NUMA_nodenam_fmt,
NUMA_nodenot_txt, OFF_one_word_txt, ON_word_only_txt, OSEL_casenot_txt,
OSEL_caseyes_txt, OSEL_errdelm_fmt, OSEL_errdups_txt, OSEL_errvalu_fmt,
OSEL_prompts_fmt, OSEL_statlin_fmt, RC_bad_entry_fmt, RC_bad_files_fmt,
SCROLL_coord_fmt, SELECT_clash_txt, THREADS_show_fmt, TIME_accumed_fmt,
UNKNOWN_cmds_txt, UNKNOWN_opts_fmt, USAGE_abbrev_txt, WORD_abv_mem_txt,
WORD_abv_swp_txt, WORD_allcpus_txt, WORD_another_txt, WORD_eachcpu_fmt,
WORD_exclude_txt, WORD_include_txt, WORD_noneone_txt, WORD_process_txt,
WORD_threads_txt, WRITE_rcfile_fmt, WRONG_switch_fmt, XTRA_badflds_fmt,
XTRA_fixwide_fmt, XTRA_warncfg_txt, XTRA_winsize_txt,
YINSP_demo01_txt, YINSP_demo02_txt, YINSP_demo03_txt, YINSP_deqfmt_txt,
YINSP_deqtyp_txt, YINSP_dstory_txt,