Oh that poor ol' build system. With this patch it will have gone through three separate incarnations in terms of NUMA/Node support. Those 3 iterations consisted of: 1. A 'porridge too hot' where the top numa support was enabled if it was built in the presence of libnuma and the numa.h header. But if the numa library wasn't part of core packages, that would have broken poor old top. 2. A 'porridge too cold' where numa support was off by default and must have been explicitly enabled when the ./configure script was run. This could have meant that distros might not distribute a numa-aware procps, even though their numa library would have been distributed. 3. And this 'porridge' where the top numa support will become a 'plug-in' feature activated when the presence of libnuma.so can be verified at runtime. We'll do our own loading and symbol resolution (with some help from dlopen in libdl). Thus maintainers' responsibility for enabling numa support and then satisfying that library dependency is now an entirely optional --disable-numa. As Goldilocks might say about our current configure.ac "Ummm, I think this porridge tastes just about right". Reference(s): . 1) too-hot commit 87ac6383bb575d964ba9ef6a100b61cdcdc7f15d . 2) too-cold commit 53fd7dd1ed120f901cbb31e69453720b038a7ac6 . original idea from: Dr. Fink <werner@suse.de> http://www.freelists.org/post/procps/top-NUMA-node-CPU-utilization-support,18 Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
COMPATIBILITY This code is intended for use with Linux 2.6.xx, 3.x and hopefully all future kernels. INSTALLATION If you are using git version of the project you need extra step. ./autogen.sh After that, and everyone using .tar.xz version of procps-ng, can do normal build. Read './configure --help' to select options for your needs. ./configure make make install If you have DejaGNU installed you can run optional test suite. make check HOW TO CONTRIBUTE See Documentation/BUGS file. PACKAGING If you are a downstream maintainer (packager) for a Linux distribution, please avoid causing troubles. This section applies to you. Avoid maintaining distribution specific patches. Send your patches to upstream, where they are at least reviewed, if not included. Please forward bug reports. If your bug database is public and busy enough to bother with, please make this known. Follow Debian's lead in making the bug database easy to comment on via email without need for an account. For normal packages, ensure that you do not add debugging flags to the CFLAGS variable. UPSTREAM & BUG REPORTS procps-ng <procps@freelists.org>
Command line and full screen utilities for browsing procfs, a "pseudo" file system dynamically generated by Linux to provide information about the status of entries in its process table.