This commit is the culmination of efforts to modernize the library api. It should be treated as a first blush attempt, especially since I have absolutely no library design experience. But I did have a very strong desire to lessen the new library's impact on the top program. Under this new api, a 'stack' is the equivalent of the old proc_t. It can be seen as a variable length record whose contents & order is under complete user control. That initial stack/record configuration is established at procps_pids_new() time and will probably serve most program needs. But, a dynamic & demanding program like top will later change a stack via procps_pids_reset(). For programs like top & ps, procps_pids_reap() will be the function that will retrieve all tasks and threads. Any program that needs to filter / select only certain processes or users have available other functions that can be used: procps_pids_stacks_alloc, fill & dealloc. This implementation attempts to maximize that existing proven libprocps code base. As we gain more experience such actual code can be migrated into the pids.c file. Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
procps is a set of command line and full-screen utilities that provide information out of the pseudo-filesystem most commonly located at /proc. This filesystem provides a simple interface to the kernel data structures. The programs of procps generally concentrate on the structures that describe the processess running on the system.
The following programs are found in procps:
- free - Report the amount of free and used memory in the system
- kill - Send a signal to a process based on PID
- pgrep - List processes based on name or other attributes
- pkill - Send a signal to a process based on name or other attributes
- pmap - Report memory map of a process
- ps - Report information of processes
- pwdx - Report current directory of a process
- skill - Obsolete version of pgrep/pkill
- slabtop - Display kernel slab cache information in real time
- snice - Renice a process
- sysctl - Read or Write kernel parameters at run-time
- tload - Graphical representation of system load average
- top - Dynamic real-time view of running processes
- uptime - Display how long the system has been running
- vmstat - Report virtual memory statistics
- w - Report logged in users and what they are doing
- watch - Execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
Reporting Bugs
There are a few ways of reporting bugs or feature requests:
- Your distributions bug reporter. If you are using a distribution your first port of call is their bug tracker. This is because each distribution has their own patches and way of dealing with bugs. Also bug reporting often does not need any subscription to websites.
- GitLab Issues - To the left of this page is the issue tracker. You can report bugs here.
- Email list - We have an email list (see below) where you can report bugs. The problem with this method is bug reports often get lost and cannot be tracked. This is especially a big problem when its something that will take time to resolve.
If you need to report bugs, there is more details on the Bug Reporting page.
Email List
The email list for the developers and users of procps is found at This email list discusses the development of procps and is used by distributions to also forward or discuss bugs.
Command line and full screen utilities for browsing procfs, a "pseudo" file system dynamically generated by Linux to provide information about the status of entries in its process table.