Import of bare source for 1.3
This commit is contained in:
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On behalf of Martin Schulze, the beta-testers and other members of the
Linux INTERNET community who have helped shape and debug this package
I am pleased to announce version 1.3 of the sysklogd package.
This package implements two system log daemons. The syslogd daemon is
an enhanced version of the standard Berkeley utility program. This
daemon is responsible for providing logging of messages received from
programs and facilities on the local host as well as from remote
hosts. The klogd daemon listens to kernel message sources and is
responsible for prioritizing and processing operating system
messages. The klogd daemon can run as a client of syslogd or
optionally as a standalone program.
This package is the culmination of about two years of experience and
bug reports on the 1.2 version from both the INTERNET and our
corporate Linux networks. The utilities in this package should provide
VERY reliable system logging. Klogd and syslogd have both been stress
tested in kernel development environments where literally hundreds of
megabytes of kernel messages have been blasted through them. If either
utility should fail I would appreciate a report and debug information
so that the bug can be reproduced and squashed.
This package includes some major improvements. Some of them are listed
* klogd supports on-the-fly kernel address to symbol
translations. This requires that a valid kernel symbol map be
found at execution.
* syslogd has better handling of remote logging capabilities.
* both klogd and syslogd can be controlled through commandline
options and signals.
* both daemons are now FSSTND conform.
* a syslog.conf(5) manpage is now available.
* Spaces are now accepted in the syslog configuration
file. This should be a real crowd pleaser.
* Syslogd now uses dynamic allocation of logging output
descriptors. There is no longer a static limit on the number
of log destinations that can be defined.
* Numerous bug fixes and code cleanups.
The new release can be obtained from either or
Thanks again to everyone who has contributed ideas, patches and bug
reports. Linux has a superior set of logging utilities thanks to
contributions from the entire community.
Dr. Greg Wettstein
Oncology Research Division Computing Facility
Roger Maris Cancer Center
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Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.
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1.) READ the README.linux file and the accompanying man pages. It will
save you some frustration.
2.) Edit the Makefile for your installation. NOTE that if you have not
carried out step 1 you may make choices which could render your
system and/or these utilities unusable. Compile the utilities.
Compilation has been tested with versions 2.5.8, 2.6.3 and 2.7.0 of
the gcc compiler and libc versions 4.5.26 and 4.6.27.
3.) The FSSTND makes suggestions as to appropriate locations for
system binaries. Since not everyone agrees with standards it is
up to the system administrator installing the utilities to choose
the most appropriate locations for the binaries and their
configuration files. By default the package will compile and
install following the FSSTND recommendations. If a decision is
made to change this behavior consult the makefile and the sources.
The FSSTND define controls selection of values which may be
influenced by the choice of conformance with the FSSTND or site
4.) For proper functioning both of these utilities are best run as root.
This is probably not much of a problem since they will probably be
started either by init or as part of the rc.* startup process. There
may be security concerns with running syslogd as root. Please repeat
step 1 if you are unsure of why this may be the case.
5.) If kernel address to symbol translation is desired there is the
possibility that a new kernel will need to be compiled. The patches
to delimit kernel addresses requiring translation were added to
kernel 1.3.43. If this kernel or a newer kernel is used there is
no need to modify the kernel sources.
If a kernel earlier than this is used the kernel sources will have to
be patched. The patch to delimit addresses for translation is included
with the sysklogd sources. The necessary modifications are quite
generic and should require little modification over a wide range of
kernel sources.
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A virgin copy of these sources should include 12 files:
MANIFEST: This file.
INSTALL: Brief installation instructions.
NEWS: Important changes.
Makefile: A makefile to generate the binaries.
README.linux: Documentation which may prove useful.
klogd.c: Source code for the kernel log daemon.
klogd.h: Global definitions required for the kernel log daemon.
ksym.c: Source module for the kernel log daemon which implements
kernel numeric address to symbol translations.
syslogd.c: Source code for the system log daemon.
syslog.c: A slightly modified version of the syslog.c file found in
the standard libraries. This special version is needed
so that klogd will pass messages with kernel priority to
the syslogd facility.
pidfile.c: Source implementing utility functions which are useful
for managing pid files. Used by both syslogd and klogd.
pidfile.h: Include file containing global definitions for the
pid file utility functions.
version.h: An include file for setting the version and patchlevel
for the package.
syslog.conf: A sample configuration file. Note that this file uses
extensions to the BSD syntax. See the syslog.conf(5)
manpage for more details.
syslog_tst.c: A simple program to test the system log utility.
sysklogd.8: Man page documenting the general characteristics of this
klogd.8: Man page documenting the kernel log daemon.
kernel.patch: A source code patch which modifies the linux kernel to
delimit addresses for symbolic translation by klogd.
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# Makefile for syslogd and klogd daemons.
CC= gcc
#CFLAGS= -g -DSYSV -Wall
CFLAGS= -O6 -DSYSV -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall
# Look where your install program is
INSTALL = /usr/bin/install
BINDIR = /usr/sbin
MANDIR = /usr/man
# There is one report that under an all ELF system there may be a need to
# explicilty link with libresolv.a. If linking syslogd fails you may wish
# to try uncommenting the following define.
# LIBS = /usr/lib/libresolv.a
# Define the following to impart start-up delay in klogd. This is
# useful if klogd is started simultaneously or in close-proximity to syslogd.
# The following define determines whether the package adheres to the
# file system standard.
# The following define establishes ownership for the man pages.
# Avery tells me that there is a difference between Debian and
# Slackware. Rather than choose sides I am leaving it up to the user.
MAN_OWNER = root
# MAN_OWNER = man
# The following define establishes the name of the pid file for the
# syslogd daemon. The library include file (paths.h) defines the
# name for the syslogd pid to be A number of people have
# suggested that this should be You may cast your
# ballot below.
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $*.c
all: syslogd klogd syslog_tst
install: install_man install_exec
syslogd: syslogd.o pidfile.o
${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o syslogd syslogd.o pidfile.o ${LIBS}
klogd: klogd.o syslog.o pidfile.o ksym.o
${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o klogd klogd.o syslog.o pidfile.o ksym.o
syslog_tst: syslog_tst.o
${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o syslog_tst syslog_tst.o
syslogd.o: syslogd.c version.h
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${SYSLOGD_FLAGS} -c syslogd.c
syslog.o: syslog.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${SYSLOG_FLAGS} -c syslog.c
klogd.o: klogd.c klogd.h version.h
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${KLOGD_FLAGS} -c klogd.c
ksym.o: ksym.c klogd.h
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${KLOGD_FLAGS} -c ksym.c
syslog_tst.o: syslog_tst.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c syslog_tst.c
rm -f *.o *.log *~ *.orig;
clobber: clean
rm -f syslogd klogd syslog_tst TAGS;
install_exec: syslogd klogd
${INSTALL} -m 500 -s syslogd ${BINDIR}/syslogd;
${INSTALL} -m 500 -s klogd ${BINDIR}/klogd;
${INSTALL} -o ${MAN_OWNER} -g ${MAN_OWNER} -m 644 sysklogd.8 ${MANDIR}/man8/sysklogd.8
${INSTALL} -o ${MAN_OWNER} -g ${MAN_OWNER} -m 644 syslogd.8 ${MANDIR}/man8/syslogd.8
${INSTALL} -o ${MAN_OWNER} -g ${MAN_OWNER} -m 644 syslog.conf.5 ${MANDIR}/man5/syslog.conf.5
${INSTALL} -o ${MAN_OWNER} -g ${MAN_OWNER} -m 644 klogd.8 ${MANDIR}/MAN8/klogd.8
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Version 1.3
Numerous changes, performance enhancements, code cleanups and bug fixes.
Too many to individually summarize. Have a look at the top of each
source file for more information.
** Default behavior of sysklogd is not to accept any message that
is sent via syslog/udp. To allow remote reception add -r to the
command-line arguments.
** Spaces are now accepted in the syslog configuration file. This
should be a real crowd pleaser.
syslogd now uses dynamic allocation of logging output descriptors.
There is no longer a static limit on the number of log destinations
that can be defined.
klogd supports on-the-fly kernel address to symbol translations.
This requires that a valid kernel symbol map be found at execution.
** The default level for console log messages was changed to 6. This
means that kernel messages with a priority less than or equal to 5
(KERN_NOTICE) will be logged to the console.
This item has been flagged because it results in a behavior
change which will be different if version 1.3 replaces an
existing 1.2 binary. Linus strongly suggested that this
behavior be changed and in the 1.3.3x kernels Linus in fact
made it impossible to set the console log level lower than
about 5.
There were good reasons from his perspective for doing so.
The most troublesome being that user's of packaged
distributions were not able to generate register dumps with
the kernel debugging keys, most notably altgr-SCRLCK.
If a kernels prior to 1.3.3x are being used the klogd daemon
invocation must be changed to something like: klogd -c 1
This will turn off logging of kernel messages to the console.
If you understand the ramifications of this the 1.3.3x kernels
can be patched to allow the suppression of console log
messages. It is important to be cognizant of the effects of
these changes. None the least of which is that Linus and Alan
will yell at you if you complain about not being able to
generate kernel debugging information.. :-)
Version 1.2
Fixes to both klogd and syslogd so that the package will compile without
errors due to the vararg procedures.
Modified pid files produced so that the names of the files are
| and respectively.
Fixed bug in klogd which prevented output from being directed to a file
when the program was compiled to auto-background itself. In the
auto-backgrounding configuration the forked process was closing all its
file descriptors which was causing the errant behavior.
Modified signal handling in klogd so that all signal are set to ignored
before establishing specific signal handlers.
Fixed bug in syslogd which was causing a delay in opening of the /dev/log
UNIX domain socket. This should correct the race condition which was
preventing klogd from properly logging kernel messages when the two
daemons were started in rapid succession.
Modified the closing/opening of file descriptors when syslogd was
compiled with auto-backgrounding support. Closes the potential for
a somewhat obscure bug caused by the /dev/log socket being opened on
fd 0.
Changed the names of the man pages from an extension of 1 to 8.
Version 1.1
Extensive changes and additional functionality added to klogd. Please
see sources and man-pages for documentation.
Fixed bugs in both syslogd and klogd with respect to fragmented
message re-assembly. Bootup messages should now be display properly.
Fixed bug in syslogd which prevented proper logging of messages with
priority classes of none and emerg.
Fixed bug which caused core dump when messages were logged to users.
Also fixed bug with messages to login type of LOGIN.
Fixed problem with zombies being left when messages were logged to
multiple users.
Enhanced functionality of syslog_tst program.
Added man-pages.
Version 1.0
Initial release.
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Very important information before using version 1.3
The included version of syslogd behaves in a slightly different manner
to the one in former releases. Please review the following important
* By default the syslog daemon doesn't accept any message from the
syslog/udp port. To enable this add "-r" to the command-line
arguments. You _have to_ add this on every host that should run as a
centralized network log server.
You also should take a look at other new command-line arguments:
"-l" and "-s".
The syslog daemon by default does not forward to a remote host any
log messages which it received from a remote host. This is an
attempt to prevent syslog loops. If you desire this behavior the
-h command-line switch can be used to enable this behavior.
* Syslogd was designed to strip off the local domain from every
message that comes from any host in the same domain. Unfortunately
this feature didn't work in every cases. This is now corrected. So
you might not get the fqdn anymore.
If you use any scripts that analyze logfiles, please bare this in
* Syslogd doesn't touch the filemode of any logfile. If it has to
create one, it will be world-readable. If you do not want this
(i.e. if auth.* is logged) you have to create the file by hand and
change permissions.
* If you notice that some of your programs make heavy use of the
syslog facility and your disks get loud you might want to turn
fsync()ing after each line off. But note that in doing so you
increase the likelihood of lost information in the event of a
system crash.
* If you're going to start klogd or syslogd by init(8), you don't have
to hack the code anymore. Instead add "-n" to the command-line
* Klogd can now be used to decode EIP addresses if it can determine a
| file (command-line argument "-k"). This is a very useful
feature if your system crashes, but its usability depends on an
actual and correct file.
* Both system utilities now check for and respect the existence of .pid
files. If the utilities are started by configuration scripts on
stable systems there is the potential that the process ID numbers of
the utilities will be identical from one system boot to another.
This will cause both klogd and syslogd to terminate.
Both klogd and syslogd will attempt to remove their .pid files when
they receive termination signals. The difficulty noted above
typically occurs when a system crash occurs or an uncatchable signal
(kill -9) is used to stop the daemons.
The cleanest solution to this problem is to insure that the system
configuration scripts (rc.*) provide a clean working environment for
a freshly booted system. As part of the initialization process
these scripts should remove all old .pid files found in /var/run.
This will insure that klogd and syslogd start properly even if prior
executions have been terminated harshly.
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
Welcome to the sysklogd package for Linux. All the utility
documentation has now been moved into the man pages. Please review
these carefully before proceeding.
Version 1.3 of the package is the culmination of about two years of
experience and bug reports on the 1.2 version from both the INTERNET
and our corporate Linux networks. The utilities in this package should
provide VERY reliable system logging. Klogd and syslogd have both
been stress tested in kernel development environments where literally
hundreds of megabytes of kernel messages have been blasted through
them. If either utility should fail the development team would
appreciate debug information so that the bug can be reproduced and
Both utilities (syslogd, klogd) can be either run from init or started
as part of the rc.* sequence. Caution should be used when starting
these utilities from init since the default configuration is for both of
these utilities to auto-background themselves. Depending on the
version of init being used this could either result in the process
table being filled or at least 10 copies of the daemon being started.
If auto-backgrounding is NOT desired the command line option -n should
be used to disable the auto-fork feature.
I have found work on the sysklogd package to be an interesting example
of the powers of the INTERNET. Stephen, Juha, Shane, Martin and
myself have successfully collaborated on the development of this
package without ever having met each other, in fact we could pass on
the street without realizing it. What I have developed is a profound
respect for the personal capabilities of each one of these
individuals. Perhaps the greatest `Linux Legacy' will be that its
development/enhancement is truly an example of the powers of
international cooperation through the worldwide INTERNET.
We would be interested in keeping track of any and all bug
fixes/changes that are made. At the time that work was started on the
sysklogd package the syslog(d) sources seemed to have fallen into
neglect. This work started with and continues the believe that it is
important to maintain consistent standardized system utilities
sources. Hopefully the Linux community will find these sources to be
a useful addition to the software gene pool.
Best regards,
Dr. Wettstein
Oncology Research Division Computing Facility
Roger Maris Cancer Center
Fargo, ND
Stephen Tweedie
Department of Computer Science
Edinburgh University, Scotland
Juha Virtanen
Shane Alderton
Martin Schulze
Infodrom Oldenburg
And a host of bug reporters whose contributions cannot be underestimated.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Title: sysklogd
Version: 1.3
Entered-date: 960227
Description: The sysklogd package implements two system log daemons. The
syslogd daemon is the general system logging daemon which
is responsible for handling requests for syslog services.
This version of syslogd is similar to the standard Berkeley
product but with a number of compatible extensions. The
klogd daemon runs either standalone or as a client of syslogd.
Klogd 'listens' to kernel log messages, prioritizes them and
routes them to either output files or to syslogd. This
version of klogd will optionally translate kernel addresses
to their symbolic equivalents if provided with a system map.
Keywords: logging, remote, kernel, syslogd, proc, daemon, klogd
Author: (Dr. G.W. Wettstein)
Maintained-by: (Dr. G.W. Wettstein)
Primary-site: /pub/sources/sbin
62kB sysklogd-1.3.tar.gz
1kB sysklogd-1.3.lsm
Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/system/Daemons
Copying-policy: syslogd is under Berkeley copyright, klogd is under GPL.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.42/linux/arch/alpha/kernel/process.c linux/arch/alpha/kernel/process.c
--- v1.3.42/linux/arch/alpha/kernel/process.c Tue Oct 10 18:46:30 1995
+++ linux/arch/alpha/kernel/process.c Sat Nov 18 12:23:19 1995
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
void show_regs(struct pt_regs * regs)
- printk("\nps: %04lx pc: %016lx\n", regs->ps, regs->pc);
- printk("rp: %016lx sp: %p\n", regs->r26, regs+1);
+ printk("\nps: %04lx pc: [<%016lx>]\n", regs->ps, regs->pc);
+ printk("rp: [<%016lx>] sp: %p\n", regs->r26, regs+1);
printk(" r0: %016lx r1: %016lx r2: %016lx r3: %016lx\n",
regs->r0, regs->r1, regs->r2, regs->r3);
printk(" r4: %016lx r5: %016lx r6: %016lx r7: %016lx\n",
diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.42/linux/arch/alpha/kernel/traps.c linux/arch/alpha/kernel/traps.c
--- v1.3.42/linux/arch/alpha/kernel/traps.c Wed Sep 27 15:59:56 1995
+++ linux/arch/alpha/kernel/traps.c Sat Nov 18 12:22:52 1995
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
printk("%s(%d): %s %ld\n", current->comm, current->pid, str, err);
sp = (unsigned long) (regs+1);
- printk("pc = %lx ps = %04lx\n", regs->pc, regs->ps);
- printk("rp = %lx sp = %lx\n", regs->r26, sp);
+ printk("pc = [<%lx>] ps = %04lx\n", regs->pc, regs->ps);
+ printk("rp = [<%lx>] sp = %lx\n", regs->r26, sp);
printk("r0=%lx r1=%lx r2=%lx r3=%lx\n",
regs->r0, regs->r1, regs->r2, regs->r3);
printk("r8=%lx\n", regs->r8);
diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.42/linux/arch/i386/kernel/process.c linux/arch/i386/kernel/process.c
--- v1.3.42/linux/arch/i386/kernel/process.c Wed Nov 8 07:11:29 1995
+++ linux/arch/i386/kernel/process.c Sat Nov 18 12:08:28 1995
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
void show_regs(struct pt_regs * regs)
- printk("EIP: %04x:%08lx",0xffff & regs->cs,regs->eip);
+ printk("EIP: %04x:[<%08lx>]",0xffff & regs->cs,regs->eip);
if (regs->cs & 3)
printk(" ESP: %04x:%08lx",0xffff & regs->ss,regs->esp);
printk(" EFLAGS: %08lx\n",regs->eflags);
diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.42/linux/arch/i386/kernel/traps.c linux/arch/i386/kernel/traps.c
--- v1.3.42/linux/arch/i386/kernel/traps.c Wed Nov 8 07:11:30 1995
+++ linux/arch/i386/kernel/traps.c Tue Nov 21 08:34:54 1995
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
asmlinkage int system_call(void);
asmlinkage void lcall7(void);
-struct desc_struct default_ldt;
+struct desc_struct default_ldt;
static inline void console_verbose(void)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
printk("%s: %04lx\n", str, err & 0xffff);
printk("CPU: %d\n", smp_processor_id());
- printk("EIP: %04x:%08lx\nEFLAGS: %08lx\n", 0xffff & regs->cs,regs->eip,regs->eflags);
+ printk("EIP: %04x:[<%08lx>]\nEFLAGS: %08lx\n", 0xffff & regs->cs,regs->eip,regs->eflags);
printk("eax: %08lx ebx: %08lx ecx: %08lx edx: %08lx\n",
regs->eax, regs->ebx, regs->ecx, regs->edx);
printk("esi: %08lx edi: %08lx ebp: %08lx esp: %08lx\n",
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
((addr >= module_start) && (addr <= module_end))) {
if (i && ((i % 8) == 0))
printk("\n ");
- printk("%08lx ", addr);
+ printk("[<%08lx>] ", addr);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
.\" Copyright 1994 Dr. Greg Wettstein, Enjellic Systems Development.
.\" May be distributed under the GNU General Public License
.\" Sun Jul 30 01:35:55 MET: Martin Schulze: Updates
.\" Sun Nov 19 23:22:21 MET: Martin Schulze: Updates
.TH KLOGD 8 "24 November 1995" "Version 1.3" "Linux System Administration"
klogd \- kernel log daemon.
.B klogd
.RB [ " \-c "
.I n
.RB [ " \-d " ]
.RB [ " \-f "
.I fname
.RB [ " \-n " ]
.RB [ " \-o " ]
.RB [ " \-s " ]
.RB [ " \-k "
.I fname
.RB [ " \-v " ]
.B klogd
is a system daemon which intercepts and logs Linux kernel
.BI "\-c " n
Sets the default log level of console messages to \fIn\fR.
.B "\-d"
Enable debugging mode. This will generate \fBLOTS\fR of output to
.BI "\-f " file
Log messages to the specified filename rather than to the syslog facility.
.B "\-n"
Avoid auto-backgrounding. This is needed especially if the
.B klogd
is started and controlled by
.BR init (8).
.B "-o"
Execute in 'one\-shot' mode. This causes \fBklogd\fP to read and log
all the messages that are found in the kernel message buffers. After
a single read and log cycle the daemon exits.
.B "-s"
Force \fBklogd\fP to use the system call interface to the kernel message
.BI "\-k " file
Use the specified file as the source of kernel symbol information.
.B "\-v"
Print version and exit.
The functionality of klogd has been typically incorporated into other
versions of syslogd but this seems to be a poor place for it. In the
modern Linux kernel a number of kernel messaging issues such as
sourcing, prioritization and resolution of kernel addresses must be
addressed. Incorporating kernel logging into a separate process
offers a cleaner separation of services.
In Linux there are two potential sources of kernel log information: the
.I /proc
filesystem and the syscall (sys_syslog) interface, although
ultimately they are one and the same. Klogd is designed to choose
whichever source of information is the most appropriate. It does this
by first checking for the presence of a mounted
.I /proc
filesystem. If this is found the
.I /proc/kmsg
file is used as the source of kernel log
information. If the proc filesystem is not mounted
.B klogd
uses a
system call to obtain kernel messages. The command line switch
.RB ( "\-s" )
can be used to force klogd to use the system call interface as its
messaging source.
If kernel messages are directed through the
.BR syslogd " daemon the " klogd
daemon, as of version 1.1, has the ability to properly prioritize
kernel messages. Prioritization of the kernel messages was added to it
at approximately version 0.99pl13 of the kernel. The raw kernel messages
are of the form:
\<[0\-7]\>Something said by the kernel.
The priority of the kernel message is encoded as a single numeric
digit enclosed inside the <> pair. The definitions of these values is
given in the kernel include file kernel.h. When a message is received
from the kernel the klogd daemon reads this priority level and assigns
the appropriate priority level to the syslog message. If file output
(\fB-f\fR) is used the prioritization sequence is left pre\-pended to the
kernel message.
.B klogd
daemon also allows the ability to alter the presentation of
kernel messages to the system console. Consequent with the
prioritization of kernel messages was the inclusion of default
messaging levels for the kernel. In a stock kernel the the default
console log level is set to 7. Any messages with a priority level
numerically lower than 7 (higher priority) appear on the console.
Messages of priority level 7 are considered to be 'debug' messages and
will thus not appear on the console. Many administrators,
particularly in a multi\-user environment, prefer that all kernel
messages be handled by klogd and either directed to a file or to
the syslogd daemon. This prevents 'nuisance' messages such as line
printer out of paper or disk change detected from cluttering the
By default the
.B klogd
daemon executes a system call to inhibit all
kernel messages (except for panics) from being displayed on the
console. The \fB\-c\fR switch can be used to alter this behavior. The
argument given to the \fB\-c\fR switch specifies the priority level of
messages which will be directed to the console. Note that messages of
a priority value LOWER than the indicated number will be directed to
the console.
For example, to have the kernel display all messages with a
priority level of 3
.BR "" ( KERN_ERR )
or more severe the following
command would be executed:
klogd \-c 4
The definitions of the numeric values for kernel messages are given in
the file
.IR kernel.h " which can be found in the " /usr/include/linux
directory if the kernel sources are installed. These values parallel
the syslog priority values which are defined in the file
.IR syslog.h " found in the " /usr/include/sys " sub\-directory."
The klogd daemon can also be used in a 'one\-shot' mode for reading the
kernel message buffers. One shot mode is selected by specifying the
\fB\-o\fR switch on the command line. Output will be directed to either the
syslogd daemon or to an alternate file specified by the \fB-f\fR switch.
For example, to read all the kernel messages after a system
boot and record them in a file called krnl.msg the following
command would be given.
klogd -o -f ./krnl.msg
.B klogd
will attempt to resolve kernel numeric addresses to their symbolic
forms if a kernel symbol table is available at execution time.
A symbol table may be specified by using the \fB\-k\fR switch on the
command line. If a symbol file is not explicitly specified the
following filenames will be tried:
.I /boot/
.I /
.I /usr/src/linux/
Version information is supplied in the system maps as of kernel
1.3.43. This version information is used to direct an intelligent
search of the list of symbol tables. This feature is useful since it
provides support for both production and experimental kernels.
For example a production kernel may have its map file stored in
/boot/ If an experimental or test kernel is compiled with
the sources in the 'standard' location of /usr/src/linux the system
map will be found in /usr/src/linux/ When klogd starts
under the experimental kernel the map in /boot/ will be
bypassed in favor of the map in /usr/src/linux/
Modern kernels as of 1.3.43 properly format important kernel addresses
so that they will be recognized and translated by klogd. Earlier
kernels require a source code patch be applied to the kernel sources.
This patch is supplied with the sysklogd sources.
.B klogd
will respond to six signals:
signals will cause the daemon to close its kernel log sources and
terminate gracefully.
singals are used to start and stop kernel logging. Upon receipt of a
signal the daemon will close its
log sources and spin in an idle loop. Subsequent receipt of a
signal will cause the daemon to go through its initialization sequence
and re-choose an input source. Using
in combination the kernel log input can be re-chosen without stopping and
restarting the daemon. For example if the \fI/proc\fR file system is to be
un-mounted the following command sequence should be used:
.PD 0
# kill -TSTP pid
# umount /proc
# kill -CONT pid
Notations will be made in the system logs with
documenting the start/stop of logging.
.PD 0
.I /proc/kmsg
One Source for kernel messages
.B klogd
.I /var/run/
The file containing the process id of
.B klogd
.I /, /usr/src/linux/
Default locations for kernel system maps.
Probably numerous. Well formed context diffs appreciated.
.B klogd
was originally written by Steve Lord (, Greg Wettstein
made major improvements.
.PD 0
Dr. Greg Wettstein (
Enjellic Systems Development
.PD 0
Oncology Research Divsion Computing Facility
Roger Maris Cancer Center
Fargo, ND 58122
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
klogd.c - main program for Linux kernel log daemon.
Copyright (c) 1995 Dr. G.W. Wettstein <>
This file is part of the sysklogd package, a kernel and system log daemon.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* Steve Lord ( 7th Nov 92
* Modified to check for kernel info by Dr. G.W. Wettstein 02/17/93.
* Fri Mar 12 16:53:56 CST 1993: Dr. Wettstein
* Modified LogLine to use a newline as the line separator in
* the kernel message buffer.
* Added debugging code to dump the contents of the kernel message
* buffer at the start of the LogLine function.
* Thu Jul 29 11:40:32 CDT 1993: Dr. Wettstein
* Added syscalls to turn off logging of kernel messages to the
* console when klogd becomes responsible for kernel messages.
* klogd now catches SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals. Receipt of these
* signals cases the clean_up function to be called which shuts down
* kernel logging and re-enables logging of messages to the console.
* Sat Dec 11 11:54:22 CST 1993: Dr. Wettstein
* Added fixes to allow compilation with no complaints with -Wall.
* When the daemon catches a fatal signal (SIGTERM, SIGKILL) a
* message is output to the logfile advising that the daemon is
* going to terminate.
* Thu Jan 6 11:54:10 CST 1994: Dr. Wettstein
* Major re-write/re-organization of the code.
* Klogd now assigns kernel messages to priority levels when output
* to the syslog facility is requested. The priority level is
* determined by decoding the prioritization sequence which is
* tagged onto the start of the kernel messages.
* Added the following program options: -f arg -c arg -s -o -d
* The -f switch can be used to specify that output should
* be written to the named file.
* The -c switch is used to specify the level of kernel
* messages which are to be directed to the console.
* The -s switch causes the program to use the syscall
* interface to the kernel message facility. This can be
* used to override the presence of the /proc filesystem.
* The -o switch causes the program to operate in 'one-shot'
* mode. A single call will be made to read the complete
* kernel buffer. The contents of the buffer will be
* output and the program will terminate.
* The -d switch causes 'debug' mode to be activated. This
* will cause the daemon to generate LOTS of output to stderr.
* The buffer decomposition function (LogLine) was re-written to
* squash a bug which was causing only partial kernel messages to
* be written to the syslog facility.
* The signal handling code was modified to properly differentiate
* between the STOP and TSTP signals.
* Added pid saving when the daemon detaches into the background. Thank
* you to Juha Virtanen ( for providing this patch.
* Mon Feb 6 07:31:29 CST 1995: Dr. Wettstein
* Significant re-organization of the signal handling code. The
* signal handlers now only set variables. Not earth shaking by any
* means but aesthetically pleasing to the code purists in the group.
* Patch to make things more compliant with the file system standards.
* Thanks to Chris Metcalf for prompting this helpful change.
* The routines responsible for reading the kernel log sources now
* initialize the buffers before reading. I think that this will
* solve problems with non-terminated kernel messages producing
* output of the form: new old old old
* This may also help influence the occassional reports of klogd
* failing under significant load. I think that the jury may still
* be out on this one though. My thanks to Joerg Ahrens for initially
* tipping me off to the source of this problem. Also thanks to
* Michael O'Reilly for tipping me off to the best fix for this problem.
* And last but not least Mark Lord for prompting me to try this as
* a means of attacking the stability problem.
* Specifying a - as the arguement to the -f switch will cause output
* to be directed to stdout rather than a filename of -. Thanks to
* Randy Appleton for a patch which prompted me to do this.
* Wed Feb 22 15:37:37 CST 1995: Dr. Wettstein
* Added version information to logging startup messages.
* Wed Jul 26 18:57:23 MET DST 1995: Martin Schulze
* Added an commandline argument "-n" to avoid forking. This obsoletes
* the compiler define NO_FORK. It's more useful to have this as an
* argument as there are many binary versions and one doesn't need to
* recompile the daemon.
* Thu Aug 10 19:01:08 MET DST 1995: Martin Schulze
* Added my pidfile.[ch] to it to perform a better handling with pidfiles.
* Now both, syslogd and klogd, can only be started once. They check the
* pidfile.
* Fri Nov 17 15:05:43 CST 1995: Dr. Wettstein
* Added support for kernel address translation. This required moving
* some definitions and includes to the new klogd.h file. Some small
* code cleanups and modifications.
* Mon Nov 20 10:03:39 MET 1995
* Added -v option to print the version and exit.
* Thu Jan 18 11:19:46 CST 1996: Dr. Wettstein
* Added suggested patches from beta-testers. These address two
* two problems. The first is segmentation faults which occur with
* the ELF libraries. This was caused by passing a null pointer to
* the strcmp function.
* Added a second patch to remove the pidfile as part of the
* termination cleanup sequence. This minimizes the potential for
* conflicting pidfiles causing immediate termination at boot time.
/* Includes. */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <linux/time.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <paths.h>
#include "klogd.h"
#include "pidfile.h"
#include "version.h"
#define __LIBRARY__
#include <linux/unistd.h>
#define __NR_sys_syslog __NR_syslog
_syscall3(int,sys_syslog,int, type, char *, buf, int, len);
#define LOG_BUFFER_SIZE 4096
#define LOG_LINE_LENGTH 1024
#if defined(FSSTND)
static char *PidFile = _PATH_VARRUN "";
static char *PidFile = "/etc/";
static int kmsg,
change_state = 0,
terminate = 0,
caught_TSTP = 0,
console_log_level = 6;
static int use_syscall = 0,
one_shot = 0,
NoFork = 0; /* don't fork - don't run in daemon mode */
static char log_buffer[LOG_BUFFER_SIZE];
static FILE *output_file = (FILE *) 0;
static enum LOGSRC {none, proc, kernel} logsrc;
int debugging = 0;
/* Function prototypes. */
extern int sys_syslog(int type, char *buf, int len);
static void CloseLogSrc(void);
extern void restart(int sig);
extern void stop_logging(int sig);
extern void stop_daemon(int sig);
static void Terminate(void);
static void ChangeLogging(void);
static enum LOGSRC GetKernelLogSrc(void);
static void LogLine(char *ptr, int len);
static void LogKernelLine(void);
static void LogProcLine(void);
extern int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
static void CloseLogSrc()
/* Turn on logging of messages to console. */
sys_syslog(7, NULL, 0);
/* Shutdown the log sources. */
switch ( logsrc )
case kernel:
sys_syslog(0, 0, 0);
Syslog(LOG_INFO, "Kernel logging (sys_syslog) stopped.");
case proc:
Syslog(LOG_INFO, "Kernel logging (proc) stopped.");
case none:
if ( output_file != (FILE *) 0 )
void restart(sig)
int sig;
signal(SIGCONT, restart);
change_state = 1;
caught_TSTP = 0;
void stop_logging(sig)
int sig;
signal(SIGTSTP, stop_logging);
change_state = 1;
caught_TSTP = 1;
void stop_daemon(sig)
int sig;
change_state = 1;
terminate = 1;
static void Terminate()
Syslog(LOG_INFO, "Kernel log daemon terminating.");
if ( output_file != (FILE *) 0 )
(void) remove_pid(PidFile);
static void ChangeLogging(void)
/* Terminate kernel logging. */
if ( terminate == 1 )
/* Stop kernel logging. */
if ( caught_TSTP == 1 )
logsrc = none;
change_state = 0;
* The rest of this function is responsible for restarting
* kernel logging after it was stopped.
* In the following section we make a decision based on the
* kernel log state as to what is causing us to restart. Somewhat
* groady but it keeps us from creating another static variable.
if ( logsrc != none )
Syslog(LOG_INFO, "Kernel logging re-started after SIGSTOP.");
change_state = 0;
/* Restart logging. */
logsrc = GetKernelLogSrc();
change_state = 0;
static enum LOGSRC GetKernelLogSrc(void)
auto struct stat sb;
/* Set level of kernel console messaging.. */
if ( (sys_syslog(8, NULL, console_log_level) < 0) && \
(errno == EINVAL) )
* An invalid arguement error probably indicates that
* a pre-0.14 kernel is being run. At this point we
* issue an error message and simply shut-off console
* logging completely.
Syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot set console log level - disabling "
"console output.");
sys_syslog(6, NULL, 0);
* First do a stat to determine whether or not the proc based
* file system is available to get kernel messages from.
if ( use_syscall ||
((stat(_PATH_KLOG, &sb) < 0) && (errno == ENOENT)) )
/* Initialize kernel logging. */
sys_syslog(1, NULL, 0);
Syslog(LOG_INFO, "klogd %s-%s, log source = sys_syslog "
if ( (kmsg = open(_PATH_KLOG, O_RDONLY)) < 0 )
fputs("klogd: Cannot open proc file system.", stderr);
sys_syslog(7, NULL, 0);
Syslog(LOG_INFO, "klogd %s-%s, log source = %s started.", \
extern void Syslog(int priority, char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
if ( debugging )
fputs("Logging line:\n", stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "\tLine: %s\n", fmt);
fprintf(stderr, "\tPriority: %c\n", *(fmt+1));
/* Handle output to a file. */
if ( output_file != (FILE *) 0 )
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(output_file, fmt, ap);
fputc('\n', output_file);
/* Output using syslog. */
if ( *fmt == '<' )
switch ( *(fmt+1) )
case '0':
priority = LOG_EMERG;
case '1':
priority = LOG_ALERT;
case '2':
priority = LOG_CRIT;
case '3':
priority = LOG_ERR;
case '4':
priority = LOG_WARNING;
case '5':
priority = LOG_NOTICE;
case '6':
priority = LOG_INFO;
case '7':
priority = LOG_DEBUG;
fmt += 3;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsyslog(priority, fmt, ap);
static void LogLine(char *ptr, int len)
auto int idx = 0;
static int index = 0;
auto char *nl;
static char line[LOG_LINE_LENGTH],
if ( debugging && (len != 0) )
fprintf(stderr, "Log buffer contains: %d characters.\n", len);
fprintf(stderr, "Line buffer contains: %d characters.\n", \
while ( idx <= len )
fprintf(stderr, "Character #%d - %d:%c\n", idx, \
ptr[idx], ptr[idx]);
if ( index != 0 )
fputs("Line buffer contains an unterminated line:\n", \
fprintf(stderr, "\tCount: %d\n", index);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", line);
if ( index == 0 )
memset(line, '\0', sizeof(line));
while (len) {
nl = strpbrk(ptr, "\r\n"); /* Find first line terminator */
if (nl) {
len -= nl - ptr + 1;
strncat(line, ptr, nl - ptr);
ptr = nl + 1;
/* Check for empty log line (may be produced if
kernel messages have multiple terminators, eg.
\n\r) */
if ( (*line != '\n') && (*line != '\r') )
memset(eline, '\0', sizeof(eline));
ExpandKadds(line, eline);
Syslog(LOG_INFO, eline);
index = 0;
memset(line, '\0', sizeof(line));
if ( debugging )
fputs("No terminator - leftover:\n", stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "\tCharacters: %d\n", len);
fprintf(stderr, "\tIndex: %d\n", index);
fputs("\tLine: ", stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", line);
strncat(line, ptr, len);
index += len;
len = 0;
static void LogKernelLine(void)
auto int rdcnt;
* Zero-fill the log buffer. This should cure a multitude of
* problems with klogd logging the tail end of the message buffer
* which will contain old messages. Then read the kernel log
* messages into this fresh buffer.
memset(log_buffer, '\0', sizeof(log_buffer));
if ( (rdcnt = sys_syslog(2, log_buffer, sizeof(log_buffer))) < 0 )
if ( errno == EINTR )
fprintf(stderr, "Error return from sys_sycall: %d - %s\n", \
errno, strerror(errno));
LogLine(log_buffer, rdcnt);
static void LogProcLine(void)
auto int rdcnt;
* Zero-fill the log buffer. This should cure a multitude of
* problems with klogd logging the tail end of the message buffer
* which will contain old messages. Then read the kernel messages
* from the message pseudo-file into this fresh buffer.
memset(log_buffer, '\0', sizeof(log_buffer));
if ( (rdcnt = read(kmsg, log_buffer, sizeof(log_buffer))) < 0 )
if ( errno == EINTR )
Syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cannot read proc file system.");
LogLine(log_buffer, rdcnt);
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
auto int ch, use_output = 0;
auto char *symfile = (char *) 0,
*log_level = (char *) 0,
*output = (char *) 0;
/* Parse the command-line. */
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:df:k:nosv")) != EOF)
case 'c': /* Set console message level. */
log_level = optarg;
case 'd': /* Activity debug mode. */
debugging = 1;
case 'f': /* Define an output file. */
output = optarg;
case 'k': /* Kernel symbol file. */
symfile = optarg;
case 'n': /* don't fork */
case 'o': /* One-shot mode. */
one_shot = 1;
case 's': /* Use syscall interface. */
use_syscall = 1;
case 'v':
printf("klogd %s-%s\n", VERSION, PATCHLEVEL);
exit (1);
/* Set console logging level. */
if ( log_level != (char *) 0 )
if ( (strlen(log_level) > 1) || \
(strchr("1234567", *log_level) == (char *) 0) )
fprintf(stderr, "klogd: Invalid console logging "
"level <%s> specified.\n", log_level);
console_log_level = *log_level - '0';
* The following code allows klogd to auto-background itself.
* What happens is that the program forks and the parent quits.
* The child closes all its open file descriptors, and issues a
* call to setsid to establish itself as an independent session
* immune from control signals.
* fork() is only called if it should run in daemon mode, fork is
* not disabled with the command line argument and there's no
* such process running.
if ( (!one_shot) && (!NoFork) )
if (!check_pid(PidFile))
if ( fork() == 0 )
auto int fl;
int num_fds = getdtablesize();
/* This is the child closing its file descriptors. */
for (fl= 0; fl <= num_fds; ++fl)
if ( fileno(stdout) == fl && use_output )
if ( strcmp(output, "-") == 0 )
fputs("klogd: Already running.\n", stderr);
/* tuck my process id away */
if (!check_pid(PidFile))
if (!write_pid(PidFile))
fputs("klogd: Already running.\n", stderr);
/* Signal setups. */
for (ch= 1; ch < NSIG; ++ch)
signal(ch, SIG_IGN);
signal(SIGINT, stop_daemon);
signal(SIGKILL, stop_daemon);
signal(SIGTERM, stop_daemon);
signal(SIGHUP, stop_daemon);
signal(SIGTSTP, stop_logging);
signal(SIGCONT, restart);
/* Open outputs. */
if ( use_output )
if ( strcmp(output, "-") == 0 )
output_file = stdout;
else if ( (output_file = fopen(output, "w")) == (FILE *) 0 )
fprintf(stderr, "klogd: Cannot open output file %s - "\
"%s\n", output, strerror(errno));
openlog("kernel", 0, LOG_KERN);
/* Handle one-shot logging. */
if ( one_shot )
if ( (logsrc = GetKernelLogSrc()) == kernel )
/* Determine where kernel logging information is to come from. */
#if defined(KLOGD_DELAY)
logsrc = GetKernelLogSrc();
/* The main loop. */
while (1)
if ( change_state )
switch ( logsrc )
case kernel:
case proc:
case none:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* Symbols and definitions needed by klogd.
* Thu Nov 16 12:45:06 CST 1995: Dr. Wettstein
* Initial version.
/* Useful include files. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Function prototypes. */
extern int InitKsyms(char *);
extern char * ExpandKadds(char *, char *);
extern void Syslog(int priority, char *fmt, ...);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
ksym.c - functions for kernel address->symbol translation
Copyright (c) 1995 Dr. G.W. Wettstein <>
This file is part of the sysklogd package, a kernel and system log daemon.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* This file contains functions which handle the translation of kernel
* numeric addresses into symbols for the klogd utility.
* Sat Oct 28 09:00:14 CDT 1995: Dr. Wettstein
* Initial Version.
* Fri Nov 24 12:50:52 CST 1995: Dr. Wettstein
* Added VERBOSE_DEBUGGING define to make debugging output more
* manageable.
* Added support for verification of the loaded kernel symbols. If
* no version information can be be found in the mapfile a warning
* message is issued but translation will still take place. This
* will be the default case if kernel versions < 1.3.43 are used.
* If the symbols in the mapfile are of the same version as the kernel
* that is running an informative message is issued. If the symbols
* in the mapfile do not match the current kernel version a warning
* message is issued and translation is disabled.
* Wed Dec 6 16:14:11 CST 1995: Dr. Wettstein
* Added /boot/ to the list of symbol maps to search for.
* Also made this map the first item in the search list. I am open
* to CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions for any additions or corrections to
* the list of symbol maps to search for. Be forewarned that the
* list in use is the consensus agreement between myself, Linus and
* some package distributers. It is a given that no list will suit
* everyone's taste. If you have rabid concerns about the list
* please feel free to edit the system_maps array and compile your
* own binaries.
* Added support for searching of the list of symbol maps. This
* allows support for access to multiple symbol maps. The theory
* behind this is that a production kernel may have a system map in
* /boot/ If a test kernel is booted this system map
* would be skipped in favor of one found in /usr/src/linux.
* Thu Jan 18 11:18:31 CST 1996: Dr. Wettstein
* Added patch from beta-testers to allow for reading of both
* ELF and a.out map files.
/* Includes. */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include "klogd.h"
/* Variables, structures and type definitions static to this module. */
struct sym_table
unsigned long value;
char *name;
struct symbol
char *name;
int size;
int offset;
static struct sym_table *sym_array = (struct sym_table *) 0;
static int num_syms = 0;
static char *system_maps[] =
#if defined(TEST)
(char *) 0
#if defined(TEST)
static int debugging = 1;
extern int debugging;
/* Function prototypes. */
static char * FindSymbolFile(void);
static int AddSymbol(unsigned long, char*);
static char * LookupSymbol(unsigned long, struct symbol *);
static int CheckVersion(char *);
* Function: InitKsyms
* Purpose: This function is responsible for initializing and loading
* the data tables used by the kernel address translations.
* Arguements: (char *) mapfile
* mapfile:-> A pointer to a complete path
* specification of the file containing
* the kernel map to use.
* Return: int
* A boolean style context is returned. The return value will
* be true if initialization was successful. False if not.
extern int InitKsyms(mapfile)
char *mapfile;
auto char type,
auto int version = 0;
auto unsigned long int address;
auto FILE *sym_file;
* Search for and open the file containing the kernel symbols.
if ( mapfile != (char *) 0 )
if ( (sym_file = fopen(mapfile, "r")) == (FILE *) 0 )
Syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot open map file: %s.", \
if ( (mapfile = FindSymbolFile()) == (char *) 0 )
Syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot find map file.");
if ( debugging )
fputs("Cannot find map file.\n", stderr);
if ( (sym_file = fopen(mapfile, "r")) == (FILE *) 0 )
Syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot open map file.");
if ( debugging )
fputs("Cannot open map file.\n", stderr);
* Read the kernel symbol table file and add entries for each
* line. I suspect that the use of fscanf is not really in vogue
* but it was quick and dirty and IMHO suitable for fixed format
* data such as this. If anybody doesn't agree with this please
* e-mail me a diff containing a parser with suitable political
* correctness -- GW.
while ( !feof(sym_file) )
if ( fscanf(sym_file, "%8lx %c %s\n", &address, &type, sym)
!= 3 )
Syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error in symbol table input.");
if ( VERBOSE_DEBUGGING && debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "Address: %lx, Type: %c, Symbol: %s\n",
address, type, sym);
if ( AddSymbol(address, sym) == 0 )
Syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error adding symbol - %s.", sym);
if ( version == 0 )
version = CheckVersion(sym);
Syslog(LOG_INFO, "Loaded %d symbols from %s.", num_syms, mapfile);
switch ( version )
case -1:
Syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Symbols do not match kernel version.");
num_syms = 0;
case 0:
Syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot verify that symbols match " \
"kernel version.");
case 1:
Syslog(LOG_INFO, "Symbols match kernel version.");
* Function: FindSymbolFile
* Purpose: This function is responsible for encapsulating the search
* for a valid symbol file. Encapsulating the search for
* the map file in this function allows an intelligent search
* process to be implemented.
* The list of symbol files will be searched until either a
* symbol file is found whose version matches the currently
* executing kernel or the end of the list is encountered. If
* the end of the list is encountered the first available
* symbol file is returned to the caller.
* This strategy allows klogd to locate valid symbol files
* for both a production and an experimental kernel. For
* example a map for a production kernel could be installed
* in /boot. If an experimental kernel is loaded the map
* in /boot will be skipped and the map in /usr/src/linux would
* be used if its version number matches the executing kernel.
* Arguements: None specified.
* Return: char *
* If a valid system map cannot be located a null pointer
* is returned to the caller.
* If the search is succesful a pointer is returned to the
* caller which points to the name of the file containing
* the symbol table to be used.
static char * FindSymbolFile()
auto char type,
*file = (char *) 0,
**mf = system_maps,
auto int version;
auto unsigned long int address;
auto FILE *sym_file = (FILE *) 0;
if ( debugging )
fputs("Searching for symbol map.\n", stderr);
for (mf = system_maps; *mf != (char *) 0; ++mf)
if ( debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "Trying %s.\n", *mf);
if ( (sym_file = fopen(*mf, "r")) == (FILE *) 0 )
* At this point a map file was successfully opened. We
* now need to search this file and look for a version
* version information.
version = 0;
while ( !feof(sym_file) && (version == 0) )
if ( fscanf(sym_file, "%8lx %c %s\n", &address, \
&type, sym) != 3 )
Syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error in symbol table input.");
return((char *) 0);
if ( VERBOSE_DEBUGGING && debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "Address: %lx, Type: %c, " \
"Symbol: %s\n", address, type, sym);
version = CheckVersion(sym);
switch ( version )
case -1:
if ( debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "Symbol table has incorrect " \
"version number.\n");
case 0:
if ( debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "No version information " \
if ( file == (char *) 0 )
if ( debugging )
fputs("Saving filename.\n", stderr);
file = *mf;
case 1:
if ( debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "Found table with " \
"matching version number.\n");
* At this stage of the game we are at the end of the symbol
* tables. We have evidently not found a symbol map whose version
* information matches the currently executing kernel. If possible
* we return a pointer to the first valid symbol map that was
* encountered.
if ( debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "End of search list encountered.\n");
* Function: CheckVersion
* Purpose: This function is responsible for determining whether or
* the system map being loaded matches the version of the
* currently running kernrel.
* The kernel version is checked by examing a variable which
* is of the form: _Version_66347 (a.out) or Version_66437 (ELF).
* The suffix of this variable is the current kernel version
* of the kernel encoded in base 256. For example the
* above variable would be decoded as:
* (66347 = 1*65536 + 3*256 + 43 = 1.3.43)
* (Insert appropriate deities here) help us if Linus ever
* needs more than 255 patch levels to get a kernel out the
* door... :-)
* Arguements: (char *) version
* version:-> A pointer to the string which
* is to be decoded as a kernel
* version variable.
* Return: int
* -1:-> The currently running kernel version does
* not match this version string.
* 0:-> The string is not a kernel version variable.
* 1:-> The executing kernel is of the same version
* as the version string.
static int CheckVersion(version)
char *version;
auto char vstring[6];
auto int vnum,
auto struct utsname utsname;
static char *prefix = { "Version_" };
/* Early return if there is no hope. */
if ( strncmp(version, prefix, strlen(prefix)) == 0 /* ELF */ ||
(*version == '_' &&
strncmp(++version, prefix, strlen(prefix)) == 0 ) /* a.out */ )
* Since the symbol looks like a kernel version we can start
* things out by decoding the version string into its component
* parts.
memset(vstring, '\0', sizeof(vstring));
strncpy(vstring, version + strlen(prefix), sizeof(vstring)-1);
vnum = atoi(vstring);
major = vnum / 65536;
vnum -= (major * 65536);
minor = vnum / 256;
patch = vnum - (minor * 256);
if ( debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "Version string = %s, Major = %d, " \
"Minor = %d, Patch = %d.\n", vstring, major, minor, \
sprintf(vstring, "%d.%d.%d", major, minor, patch);
* We should now have the version string in the vstring variable in
* the same format that it is stored in by the kernel. We now
* ask the kernel for its version information and compare the two
* values to determine if our system map matches the kernel
* version level.
if ( uname(&utsname) < 0 )
Syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cannot get kernel version information.");
if ( debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "Comparing kernel %s with symbol table %s.\n",\
utsname.release, vstring);
/* Failure. */
if ( strcmp(vstring, utsname.release) != 0 )
/* Success. */
* Function: AddSymbol
* Purpose: This function is responsible for adding a symbol name
* and its address to the symbol table.
* Arguements: (unsigned long) address, (char *) symbol
* Return: int
* A boolean value is assumed. True if the addition is
* successful. False if not.
static int AddSymbol(address, symbol)
unsigned long address;
char *symbol;
/* Allocate the the symbol table entry. */
sym_array = (struct sym_table *) realloc(sym_array, (num_syms+1) * \
sizeof(struct sym_table));
if ( sym_array == (struct sym_table *) 0 )
/* Then the space for the symbol. */
sym_array[num_syms].name = (char *) malloc(strlen(symbol)*sizeof(char)\
+ 1);
if ( sym_array[num_syms].name == (char *) 0 )
sym_array[num_syms].value = address;
strcpy(sym_array[num_syms].name, symbol);
* Function: LookupSymbol
* Purpose: Find the symbol which is related to the given kernel
* address.
* Arguements: (long int) value, (struct symbol *) sym
* value:-> The address to be located.
* sym:-> A pointer to a structure which will be
* loaded with the symbol's parameters.
* Return: (char *)
* If a match cannot be found a diagnostic string is printed.
* If a match is found the pointer to the symbolic name most
* closely matching the address is returned.
extern char * LookupSymbol(value, sym)
unsigned long value;
struct symbol *sym;
auto int lp;
auto char *last = sym_array[0].name;
sym->offset = 0;
sym->size = 0;
if ( value < sym_array[0].value )
return((char *) 0);
for(lp= 0; lp <= num_syms; ++lp)
if ( sym_array[lp].value > value )
sym->offset = value - sym_array[lp-1].value;
sym->size = sym_array[lp].value - \
last = sym_array[lp].name;
return((char *) 0);
* Function: LogExpanded
* Purpose: This function is responsible for logging a kernel message
* line after all potential numeric kernel addresses have
* been resolved symolically.
* Arguements: (char *) line, (char *) el
* line:-> A pointer to the buffer containing the kernel
* message to be expanded and logged.
* el:-> A pointer to the buffer into which the expanded
* kernel line will be written.
* Return: void
extern char * ExpandKadds(line, el)
char *line;
char *el;
auto char dlm,
*sl = line,
*elp = el,
auto int value;
auto struct symbol sym;
* Early return if there do not appear to be any kernel
* messages in this line.
if ( (num_syms == 0) ||
(kp = strstr(line, "[<")) == (char *) 0 )
strcpy(el, line);
/* Loop through and expand all kernel messages. */
while ( sl < kp+1 )
*elp++ = *sl++;
/* Now poised at a kernel delimiter. */
if ( (kp = strstr(sl, ">]")) == (char *) 0 )
strcpy(el, sl);
dlm = *kp;
*kp = '\0';
value = strtol(sl+1, (char **) 0, 16);
if ( (symbol = LookupSymbol(value, &sym)) == (char *) 0 )
symbol = sl;
strcat(elp, symbol);
elp += strlen(symbol);
if ( debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "Symbol: %s = %x = %s, %d/%d\n", \
sl+1, value, \
(sym.size==0) ? symbol+1 : symbol, \
sym.offset, sym.size);
*kp = dlm;
value = 2;
if ( sym.size != 0 )
elp += sprintf(elp, "+%d/%d", sym.offset, sym.size);
strncat(elp, kp, value);
elp += value;
sl = kp + value;
if ( (kp = strstr(sl, "[<")) == (char *) 0 )
strcat(elp, sl);
while ( kp != (char *) 0);
if ( debugging )
fprintf(stderr, "Expanded line: %s\n", el);
* Setting the -DTEST define enables the following code fragment to
* be compiled. This produces a small standalone program which will
* echo the standard input of the process to stdout while translating
* all numeric kernel addresses into their symbolic equivalent.
#if defined(TEST)
#include <stdarg.h>
extern int main(int, char **);
extern int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto long int value;
auto char line[1024], eline[2048];
#if 0
value = atol(argv[1]);
fprintf(stdout, "Value of %ld: %s\n", value, LookupSymbol(value));
if ( !InitKsyms((char *) 0) )
fputs("ksym: Error loading system map.\n", stderr);
while ( !feof(stdin) )
memset(eline, '\0', sizeof(eline));
ExpandKadds(line, eline);
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", eline);
extern void Syslog(int priority, char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
fprintf(stdout, "Pr: %d, ", priority);
vfprintf(stdout, fmt, ap);
fputc('\n', stdout);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
pidfile.c - interact with pidfiles
Copyright (c) 1995 Martin Schulze <Martin.Schulze@Linux.DE>
This file is part of the sysklogd package, a kernel and system log daemon.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* Sat Aug 19 13:24:33 MET DST 1995: Martin Schulze
* First version (v0.2) released
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
/* read_pid
* Reads the specified pidfile and returns the read pid.
* 0 is returned if either there's no pidfile, it's empty
* or no pid can be read.
int read_pid (char *pidfile)
FILE *f;
int pid;
if (!(f=fopen(pidfile,"r")))
return 0;
fscanf(f,"%d", &pid);
return pid;
/* check_pid
* Reads the pid using read_pid and looks up the pid in the process
* table (using /proc) to determine if the process already exists. If
* so 1 is returned, otherwise 0.
int check_pid (char *pidfile)
int pid = read_pid(pidfile);
/* Amazing ! _I_ am already holding the pid file... */
if ((!pid) || (pid == getpid ()))
return 0;
* The 'standard' method of doing this is to try and do a 'fake' kill
* of the process. If an ESRCH error is returned the process cannot
* be found -- GW
/* But... errno is usually changed only on error.. */
if (kill(pid, 0) && errno == ESRCH)
return pid;
/* write_pid
* Writes the pid to the specified file. If that fails 0 is
* returned, otherwise the pid.
int write_pid (char *pidfile)
FILE *f;
int fd;
int pid;
if ( ((fd = open(pidfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644)) == -1)
|| ((f = fdopen(fd, "r+")) == NULL) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open or create %s.\n", pidfile);
return 0;
if (flock(fd, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) == -1) {
fscanf(f, "%d", &pid);
printf("Can't lock, lock is held by pid %d.\n", pid);
return 0;
pid = getpid();
if (!fprintf(f,"%d\n", pid)) {
printf("Can't write pid , %s.\n", strerror(errno));
return 0;
if (flock(fd, LOCK_UN) == -1) {
printf("Can't unlock pidfile %s, %s.\n", pidfile, strerror(errno));
return 0;
return pid;
/* remove_pid
* Remove the the specified file. The result from unlink(2)
* is returned
int remove_pid (char *pidfile)
return unlink (pidfile);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
pidfile.h - interact with pidfiles
Copyright (c) 1995 Martin Schulze <Martin.Schulze@Linux.DE>
This file is part of the sysklogd package, a kernel and system log daemon.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
/* read_pid
* Reads the specified pidfile and returns the read pid.
* 0 is returned if either there's no pidfile, it's empty
* or no pid can be read.
int read_pid (char *pidfile);
/* check_pid
* Reads the pid using read_pid and looks up the pid in the process
* table (using /proc) to determine if the process already exists. If
* so 1 is returned, otherwise 0.
int check_pid (char *pidfile);
/* write_pid
* Writes the pid to the specified file. If that fails 0 is
* returned, otherwise the pid.
int write_pid (char *pidfile);
/* remove_pid
* Remove the the specified file. The result from unlink(2)
* is returned
int remove_pid (char *pidfile);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
.\" Copyright 1994 Dr. Greg Wettstein, Enjellic Systems Development.
.\" May be distributed under the GNU General Public License
.\" Sun Aug 30 11:35:55 MET: Martin Schulze: Updates
.TH SYSKLOGD 8 "13 December 1995" "Version 1.3" "Linux System Administration"
sysklogd \- Linux system logging utilities.
.B syslogd
.RB [ " \-d " ]
.RB [ " \-f "
.I config file
.RB [ " \-h " ]
.RB [ " \-l "
.I hostlist
.RB [ " \-m "
.I interval
.RB [ " \-n " ]
.RB [ " \-p"
.IB socket
.RB [ " \-r " ]
.RB [ " \-s "
.I domainlist
.RB [ " \-v " ]
.B Sysklogd
provides two system utilities which provide support for
system logging and kernel message trapping. Support of both internet and
unix domain sockets enables this utility package to support both local
and remote logging.
System logging is provided by a version of
.BR syslogd (8)
derived from the
stock BSD sources. Support for kernel logging is provided by the
.BR syslogd (8)
utility which allows kernel logging to be conducted in either a
standalone fashion or as a client of syslogd.
.B Syslogd
provides a kind of logging that many modern programs use. Every logged
message contains at least a time and a hostname field, normally a
program name field, too, but that depends on how trusty the logging
program is.
While the
.B syslogd
sources have been heavily modified a couple of notes
are in order. First of all there has been a systematic attempt to
insure that syslogd follows its default, standard BSD behavior.
The second important concept to note is that this version of syslogd
interacts transparently with the version of syslog found in the
standard libraries. If a binary linked to the standard shared
libraries fails to function correctly we would like an example of the
anomalous behavior.
The main configuration file
.I /etc/syslog.conf
or an alternative file, given with the
.B "\-f"
option, is read at startup. Any lines that begin with the hash mark
(``#'') and empty lines are ignored. If an error occurs during parsing
the whole line is ignored.
.B "\-d"
Turns on debug mode. Using this the daemon will not proceed a
.BR fork (2)
to set itself in the background, but opposite to that stay in the
foreground and write much debug information on the current tty. See the
DEBUGGING section for more information.
.BI "\-f " "config file"
Specify an alternative configuration file instead of
.IR /etc/syslog.conf ","
which is the default.
.BI "\-h "
By default syslogd will not forward messages it receives from remote hosts.
Specifying this switch on the command line will cause the log daemon to
forward any remote messages it receives to forwarding hosts which have been
.BI "\-l " "hostlist"
Specify a hostname that should be logged only with its simple hostname
and not the the fqdn. Multiple hosts may be specified using the colon
(``:'') separator.
.BI "\-m " "interval"
.B syslogd
logs a mark timestamp regularly. The default
\fIinterval\fR between two \fI-- MARK --\fR lines is 20 minutes. This
can be changed with this option.
.B "\-n"
Avoid auto-backgrounding. This is needed especially if the
.B syslogd
is started and controlled by
.BR init (8).
.BI "\-p " "socket"
You can specify an alternative unix domain socket instead of
.IR /dev/log "."
.B "\-r"
This option will enable the facility to receive message from the
network using an internet domain socket with the syslog service (see
.BR services (5)).
The default is to not receive any messages from the network.
This option is introduced in version 1.3 of the sysklogd
package. Please note that the default behavior is the opposite of
how older versions behave, so you might have to turn this on.
.BI "\-s " "domainlist"
Specify a domainname that should be stripped off before
logging. Multiple domains may be specified using the colon (``:'')
separator. Remember that the first match is used, not the best.
.B "\-v"
Print version and exit.
.B Syslogd
reacts to a set of signals. You may easily send a signal to
.B syslogd
using the following:
kill -SIGNAL `cat /var/run/`
This lets
.B syslogd
perform a re-initialization. All open files are closed, the
configuration file (default is
.IR /etc/syslog.conf ")"
will be reread and the
.BR syslog (3)
facility is started again.
.B syslogd
will die.
If debugging is enabled these are ignored, otherwise
.B syslogd
will die.
Switch debugging on/off. This option can only be used if
.B syslogd
is started with the
.B "\-d"
debug option.
Wait for childs if some were born, because of wall'ing messages.
Every time
.B syslogd
receives this signal it will log the mark line. Normally this is done
.BR alarm (2).
.B Syslogd
uses a slightly different syntax for its configuration file than
the original BSD sources. Originally all messages of a specific priority
and above were forwarded to the log file.
For example the following line caused ALL output from daemons using
the daemon facilities (debug is the lowest priority, so every higher
will also match) to go into
.IR /usr/adm/daemons :
# Sample syslog.conf
daemon.debug /usr/adm/daemons
Under the new scheme this behavior remains the same. The difference
is the addition of four new specifiers, the asterisk (\fB*\fR)
wildcard the equation sign (\fB=\fR), the exclamation mark
(\fB!\fR) and the minus sign (\fB-\fR).
The \fB*\fR specifies that all messages for the
specified facility are to be directed to the destination. Note that
this behavior is degenerate with specifying a priority level of debug.
Users have indicated that the asterisk notation is more intuitive.
The \fB=\fR wildcard is used to restrict logging to the specified priority
class. This allows, for example, routing only debug messages to a
particular logging source.
For example the following line in
.I syslog.conf
would direct debug messages from all sources to the
.I /usr/adm/debug
# Sample syslog.conf
daemon.=debug /usr/adm/debug
.\" The \fB!\fR as the first character of a priority inverts the above
.\" mentioned interpretation.
The \fB!\fR is used to exclude logging of the specified
priorities. This affects all (!) possibilities of specifying priorities.
For example the following lines would log all messages of the facility
mail except those with the priority info to the
.I /usr/adm/mail
file. And all messages from (including) to news.crit
(excluding) would be logged to the
.I /usr/adm/news
# Sample syslog.conf
mail.*;mail.!=info /usr/adm/mail
|;news.!crit /usr/adm/news
You may use it intuitively as an exception specifier. The above
mentioned interpretation is simply inverted. Doing that you may use
to skip every message that comes with a mail facility. There is much
room to play with it. :-)
The \fB-\fR may only be used to prefix a filename if you want to omit
sync'ing the file after every write to it.
This may take some acclimatization for those individuals used to the
pure BSD behavior but testers have indicated that this syntax is
somewhat more flexible than the BSD behavior. Note that these changes
should not affect standard
.BR syslog.conf (5)
files. You must specifically
modify the configuration files to obtain the enhanced behavior.
These modifications provide network support to the syslogd facility.
Network support means that messages can be forwarded from one node
running syslogd to another node running syslogd where they will be
actually logged to a disk file.
To enable this you have to specify the
.B "\-r"
option on the command line. The default behavior is that
.B syslogd
won't listen to the network.
The strategy is to have syslogd listen on a unix domain socket for
locally generated log messages. This behavior will allow syslogd to
inter-operate with the syslog found in the standard C library. At the
same time syslogd listens on the standard syslog port for messages
forwarded from other hosts. To have this work correctly the
.BR services (5)
files (typically found in
.IR /etc )
must have the following
syslog 514/udp
If this entry is missing
.B syslogd
neither can receive remote messages nor send them, because the UDP
port cant be opened. Instead
.B syslogd
will die immediately, blowing out an error message.
To cause messages to be forwarded to another host replace
the normal file line in the
.I syslog.conf
file with the name of the host to which the messages is to be sent
prepended with an @.
For example, to forward
messages to a remote host use the
.I syslog.conf
# Sample syslogd configuration file to
# messages to a remote host forward all.
*.* @hostname
To forward all \fBkernel\fP messages to a remote host the
configuration file would be as follows:
# Sample configuration file to forward all kernel
# messages to a remote host.
kern.* @hostname
If the remote hostname cannot be resolved at startup, because the
name-server might not be accessible (it may be started after syslogd)
you don't have to worry.
.B Syslogd
will retry to resolve the name ten times and then complain. Another
possibility to avoid this is to place the hostname in
.IR /etc/hosts .
With normal
.BR syslogd s
you would get syslog-loops if you send out messages that were received
from a remote host to the same host (or more complicated to a third
host that sends it back to the first one, and so on). In my domain
(Infodrom Oldenburg) we accidently got one and our disks filled up
with the same single message. :-(
To avoid this in further times no messages that were received from a
remote host are sent out to another (or the same) remote host
anymore. If there are scenarios where this doesn't make sense, please
drop me (Joey) a line.
If the remote host is located in the same domain as the host,
.B syslogd
is running on, only the simple hostname will be logged instead of
the whole fqdn.
In a local network you may provide a central log server to have all
the important information kept on one machine. If the network consists
of different domains you don't have to complain about logging fully
qualified names instead of simple hostnames. You may want to use the
strip-domain feature
.B \-s
of this server. You can tell the
.B syslogd
to strip off several domains other than the one the server is located
in and only log simple hostnames.
Using the
.B \-l
option there's also a possibility to define single hosts as local
machines. This, too, results in logging only their simple hostnames
and not the fqdns.
This version of syslogd has support for logging output to named pipes
(fifos). A fifo or named pipe can be used as a destination for log
messages by prepending a pipy symbol (``|'') to the name of the
file. This is handy for debugging. Note that the fifo must be created
with the mkfifo command before syslogd is started.
The following configuration file routes debug messages from the
kernel to a fifo:
# Sample configuration to route kernel debugging
# messages ONLY to /usr/adm/debug which is a
# named pipe.
kern.=debug |/usr/adm/debug
There is probably one important consideration when installing this
version of syslogd. This version of syslogd is dependent on proper
formatting of messages by the syslog function. The functioning of the
syslog function in the shared libraries changed somewhere in the
region of[2-4].n. The specific change was to
null-terminate the message before transmitting it to the
.I /dev/log
socket. Proper functioning of this version of syslogd is dependent on
null-termination of the message.
This problem will typically manifest itself if old statically linked
binaries are being used on the system. Binaries using old versions of
the syslog function will cause empty lines to be logged followed by
the message with the first character in the message removed.
Relinking these binaries to newer versions of the shared libraries
will correct this problem.
Both the
.BR syslogd "(8) and the " klogd (8)
can either be run from
.BR init (8)
or started as part of the rc.*
sequence. If it is started from init the option \fI\-n\fR must be set,
otherwise you'll get tons of syslog daemons started. This is because
.BR init (8)
depends on the process ID.
There is the potential for the syslogd daemon to be
used as a conduit for a denial of service attack. Thanks go to John
Morrison ( for alerting me to this potential.
A rogue program(mer) could very easily flood the syslogd daemon with
syslog messages resulting in the log files consuming all the remaining
space on the filesystem. Activating logging over the inet domain
sockets will of course expose a system to risks outside of programs or
individuals on the local machine.
There are a number of methods of protecting a machine:
.IP 1.
Implement kernel firewalling to limit which hosts or networks have
access to the 514/UDP socket.
.IP 2.
Logging can be directed to an isolated or non-root filesystem which,
if filled, will not impair the machine.
.IP 3.
The ext2 filesystem can be used which can be configured to limit a
certain percentage of a filesystem to usage by root only. \fBNOTE\fP
that this will require syslogd to be run as a non-root process.
\fBALSO NOTE\fP that this will prevent usage of remote logging since
syslogd will be unable to bind to the 514/UDP socket.
.IP 4.
Disabling inet domain sockets will limit risk to the local machine.
.IP 5.
Use step 4 and if the problem persists and is not secondary to a rogue
program/daemon get a 3.5 ft (approx. 1 meter) length of sucker rod*
and have a chat with the user in question.
Sucker rod def. \(em 3/4, 7/8 or 1in. hardened steel rod, male
threaded on each end. Primary use in the oil industry in Western
North Dakota and other locations to pump 'suck' oil from oil wells.
Secondary uses are for the construction of cattle feed lots and for
dealing with the occasional recalcitrant or belligerent individual.
When debugging is turned on using
.B "\-d"
option the
.B syslogd
will very verbose by writing much of what it does on stdout. Whenever
the configuration file is reread and re-parsed you'll see a tabular,
corresponding on the internal data structure. This tabular consists of
four fields:
.I number
This field contains a serial number starting by zero. This number
represents the position in the internal data structure (i.e. the
array). If one number is left out then there might be an error in the
corresponding line in
.IR /etc/syslog.conf .
.I pattern
This field is tricky and represents the internal structure
exactly. Every column stands for a facility (refer to
.BR syslog (3)).
As you can see, there are still some facilities left free for former
use, only the left most are used. Every field in a column represents
the priorities (refer to
.BR syslog (3)).
.I action
This field describes the particular action that takes place whenever a
message is received that matches the pattern. Refer to the
.BR syslog.conf (5)
manpage for all possible actions.
.I arguments
This field shows additional arguments to the actions in the last
field. For file-logging this is the filename for the logfile; for
user-logging this is a list of users; for remote logging this is the
the hostname of the machine to log to; for console-logging this is the
used console; for tty-logging this is the specified tty; wall has no
additional arguments.
.PD 0
.I /etc/syslog.conf
Configuration file for
.BR syslogd .
.BR syslog.conf (5)
for exact information.
.I /dev/log
The Unix domain socket to from where local syslog messages are read.
.I /var/run/
The file containing the process id of
.BR syslogd .
If an error occurs in one line the whole rule is ignored.
.B Syslogd
doesn't change the filemode of opened logfiles at any stage of
process. If a file is created it is world readable. If you want to
avoid this, you have to create it and change permissions on your own.
This could be done in combination with rotating logfiles using the
.BR savelog (8)
program that is shipped in the
.B smail
3.x distribution. Remember that it might be a security hole if
everybody is able to read auth.* messages as these might contain
.BR syslog.conf (5),
.BR klogd (8),
.BR logger (1),
.BR syslog (2),
.BR syslog (3),
.BR services (5),
.BR savelog (8)
.B Syslogd
is taken from BSD sources, Greg Wettstein (
performed the port to Linux, Martin Schulze (
fixed some bugs and added several new features.
.B Klogd
was originally written by Steve Lord (, Greg Wettstein
made major improvements.
.PD 0
Dr. Greg Wettstein
Enjellic Systems Development
Oncology Research Division Computing Facility
Roger Maris Cancer Center
Fargo, ND
Stephen Tweedie
Department of Computer Science
Edinburgh University, Scotland
Juha Virtanen
Shane Alderton
Martin Schulze
Infodrom Oldenburg
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
* Copyright (c) 1983, 1988 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided
* that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and
* comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display the following
* acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the
* University of California, Berkeley and its contributors'' in the
* documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in
* all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software.
* Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may
* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)syslog.c 5.28 (Berkeley) 6/27/90";
#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
* SYSLOG -- print message on log file
* This routine looks a lot like printf, except that it outputs to the
* log file instead of the standard output. Also:
* adds a timestamp,
* prints the module name in front of the message,
* has some other formatting types (or will sometime),
* adds a newline on the end of the message.
* The output of this routine is intended to be read by syslogd(8).
* Author: Eric Allman
* Modified to use UNIX domain IPC by Ralph Campbell
* Sat Dec 11 11:58:31 CST 1993: Dr. Wettstein
* Changes to allow compilation with no complains under -Wall.
* Thu Jan 18 11:16:11 CST 1996: Dr. Wettstein
* Added patch to close potential security hole. This is the same
* patch which was announced in the linux-security mailing lists
* and incorporated into the libc version of syslog.c.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <sys/syslog.h>
#if 0
#include "syslog.h"
#include "pathnames.h"
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <paths.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define _PATH_LOGNAME "/dev/log"
static int LogFile = -1; /* fd for log */
static int connected; /* have done connect */
static int LogStat = 0; /* status bits, set by openlog() */
static const char *LogTag = "syslog"; /* string to tag the entry with */
static int LogFacility = LOG_USER; /* default facility code */
syslog(int pri, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsyslog(pri, fmt, ap);
vsyslog(pri, fmt, ap)
int pri;
const char *fmt;
va_list ap;
register int cnt;
register char *p;
time_t now;
int fd, saved_errno;
char tbuf[2048], fmt_cpy[1024], *stdp = (char *) 0;
saved_errno = errno;
/* see if we should just throw out this message */
if (!LOG_MASK(LOG_PRI(pri)) || (pri &~ (LOG_PRIMASK|LOG_FACMASK)))
if (LogFile < 0 || !connected)
openlog(LogTag, LogStat | LOG_NDELAY, 0);
/* set default facility if none specified */
if ((pri & LOG_FACMASK) == 0)
pri |= LogFacility;
/* build the message */
(void)sprintf(tbuf, "<%d>%.15s ", pri, ctime(&now) + 4);
for (p = tbuf; *p; ++p);
if (LogStat & LOG_PERROR)
stdp = p;
if (LogTag) {
(void)strcpy(p, LogTag);
for (; *p; ++p);
if (LogStat & LOG_PID) {
(void)sprintf(p, "[%d]", getpid());
for (; *p; ++p);
if (LogTag) {
*p++ = ':';
*p++ = ' ';
/* substitute error message for %m */
register char ch, *t1, *t2;
char *strerror();
for (t1 = fmt_cpy;
(ch = *fmt) != '\0' && t1<fmt_cpy+sizeof(fmt_cpy);
if (ch == '%' && fmt[1] == 'm') {
for (t2 = strerror(saved_errno);
(*t1 = *t2++); ++t1);
*t1++ = ch;
*t1 = '\0';
(void)vsprintf(p, fmt_cpy, ap);
cnt = strlen(tbuf);
/* output to stderr if requested */
if (LogStat & LOG_PERROR) {
struct iovec iov[2];
register struct iovec *v = iov;
v->iov_base = stdp;
v->iov_len = cnt - (stdp - tbuf);
v->iov_base = "\n";
v->iov_len = 1;
(void)writev(2, iov, 2);
/* output the message to the local logger */
if (write(LogFile, tbuf, cnt + 1) >= 0 || !(LogStat&LOG_CONS))
* output the message to the console; don't worry about
* blocking, if console blocks everything will.
if ((fd = open(_PATH_CONSOLE, O_WRONLY|O_NOCTTY, 0)) < 0)
(void)strcat(tbuf, "\r\n");
cnt += 2;
p = index(tbuf, '>') + 1;
(void)write(fd, p, cnt - (p - tbuf));
static struct sockaddr SyslogAddr; /* AF_UNIX address of local logger */
* OPENLOG -- open system log
openlog(ident, logstat, logfac)
const char *ident;
int logstat, logfac;
if (ident != NULL)
LogTag = ident;
LogStat = logstat;
if ((logfac &~ LOG_FACMASK) == 0)
if (logfac != 0 && (logfac &~ LOG_FACMASK) == 0)
LogFacility = logfac;
if (LogFile == -1) {
SyslogAddr.sa_family = AF_UNIX;
strncpy(SyslogAddr.sa_data, _PATH_LOGNAME,
if (LogStat & LOG_NDELAY) {
LogFile = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
/* fcntl(LogFile, F_SETFD, 1); */
if (LogFile != -1 && !connected &&
connect(LogFile, &SyslogAddr, sizeof(SyslogAddr.sa_family)+
strlen(SyslogAddr.sa_data)) != -1)
connected = 1;
* CLOSELOG -- close the system log
(void) close(LogFile);
LogFile = -1;
connected = 0;
static int LogMask = 0xff; /* mask of priorities to be logged */
* SETLOGMASK -- set the log mask level
int pmask;
int omask;
omask = LogMask;
if (pmask != 0)
LogMask = pmask;
return (omask);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# /etc/syslog.conf - Configuration file for sysklogd(8)
# For info about the format of this file, see "man syslog.conf".
*.=debug -/usr/adm/debug
*.warning /usr/adm/syslog
# Store critical stuff in critical
*.=crit;kern.none /var/adm/critical
# Kernel messages are first, stored in the kernel file,
# critical messages and higher ones also go to another
# host and to the console
kern.* /var/adm/kernel
kern.crit @finlandia
kern.crit /dev/console
|;kern.!err /var/adm/kernel-info
# The tcp wrapper loggs with, we display all
# the connections on tty12
mail.=info /dev/tty12
# Store all mail concearning stuff in a file
mail.*;mail.!=info -/var/adm/mail
# Log all and messages to info
mail,news.=info -/var/adm/info
# Log info and notice mesages to messages file
*.=info;*.=notice;mail.none -/usr/adm/messages
#*.=info;mail,news.none -/usr/adm/messages
# Emergency messages will be displayed using wall
*.=emerg *
# Messages of the priority alert will be directed
# to the operator
*.alert root,joey
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
.\" syslog.conf - sysklogd(8) configuration file
.\" Copyright (c) 1995 Martin Schulze <Martin.Schulze@Linux.DE>
.\" This file is part of the sysklogd package, a kernel and system log daemon.
.\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
.\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
.\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
.\" (at your option) any later version.
.\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
.\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
.\" Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.TH SYSLOG.CONF 5 "24 November 1995" "Version 1.3" "Linux System Administration"
syslog.conf \- sysklogd(8) configuration file
.I syslog.conf
file is the main configuration file for the
.BR syslogd (8)
which logs system messages on *nix systems. This file specifies rules
for logging. For special features see the
.BR sysklogd (8)
Every rule consists of two fields, a
.I selector
field and an
.I action
field. These two fields are separated by one or more spaces or
tabs. The selector field specifies a pattern of facilities and
priorities belonging to the specified action.
Lines starting with a hash mark (``#'') and empty lines are ignored.
The selector field itself again consists of two parts, a
.I facility
and a
.IR priority ,
separated by a period (``.'').
Both parts are case insensitive and can also be specified as decimal
numbers, but don't do that, you have been warned. Both facilities and
priorities are described in
.BR syslog (3).
The names mentioned below correspond to the similar
.BR LOG_ -values
.IR /usr/include/syslog.h .
.I facility
is one of the following keywords:
.BR auth ", " authpriv ", " cron ", " daemon ", " kern ", " lpr ", "
.BR mail ", " mark ", " news ", " security " (same as " auth "), "
.BR syslog ", " user ", " uucp " and " local0 " through " local7 .
The keyword
.B security
should not be used anymore and
.B mark
is only for internal use and therefore should not be used in
applications. Anyway, you may want to specify and redirect these
messages here. The
.I facility
specifies the subsystem that produced the message, i.e. all mail
programs log with the mail facility
.BR "" ( LOG_MAIL )
if they log using syslog.
.I priority
is one of the following keywords, in ascending order:
.BR debug ", " info ", " notice ", " warning ", " warn " (same as "
.BR warning "), " err ", " error " (same as " err "), " crit ", "
.BR alert ", " emerg ", " panic " (same as " emerg ).
The keywords
.BR error ", " warn " and " panic
are deprecated and should not be used anymore. The
.I priority
defines the severity of the message
The behavior of the original BSD syslogd is that all messages of the
specified priority and higher are logged according to the given
action. This
.BR syslogd (8)
behaves the same, but has some extensions.
In addition to the above mentioned names the
.BR syslogd (8)
understands the following extensions: An asterisk (``*'') stands for
all facilities or all priorities, depending on where it is used
(before or after the period). The keyword
.B none
stands for no priority of the given facility.
You can specify multiple facilities with the same priority pattern in
one statement using the comma (``,'') operator. You may specify as
much facilities as you want. Remember that only the facility part from
such a statement is taken, a priority part would be skipped.
Multiple selectors may be specified for a single
.I action
using the semicolon (``;'') separator. Remember that each selector in
.I selector
field is capable to overwrite the preceding ones. Using this
behavior you can exclude some priorities from the pattern.
.BR syslogd (8)
has a syntax extension to the original BSD source, that makes its use
more intuitively. You may precede every priority with an equation sign
(``='') to specify only this single priority and not any of the
above. You may also (both is valid, too) precede the priority with an
exclamation mark (``!'') to ignore all that priorities, either exact
this one or this and any higher priority. If you use both extensions
than the exclamation mark must occur before the equation sign, just
use it intuitively.
The action field of a rule describes the abstract term
``logfile''. A ``logfile'' need not to be a real file, btw. The
.BR syslogd (8)
provides the following actions.
.SS Regular File
Typically messages are logged to real files. The file has to be
specified with full pathname, beginning with a slash ``/''.
You may prefix each entry with the minus ``-'' sign to omit syncing
the file after every logging. Note that you might lose information if
the system crashes right behind a write attempt. Nevertheless this
might give you back some performance, especially if you run programs
that use logging in a very verbose manner.
.SS Named Pipes
This version of
.BR syslogd (8)
has support for logging output to
named pipes (fifos). A fifo or named pipe can be used as
a destination for log messages by prepending a pipe symbol (``|'') to
the name of the file. This is handy for debugging. Note that the fifo
must be created with the
.BR mkfifo (1)
command before
.BR syslogd (8)
is started.
.SS Terminal and Console
If the file you specified is a tty, special tty-handling is done, same
.IR /dev/console .
.SS Remote Machine
.BR syslogd (8)
provides full remote logging, i.e. is able to send messages to a
remote host running
.BR syslogd (8)
and to receive messages from remote hosts. The remote
host won't forward the message again, it will just log them
locally. To forward messages to another host, prepend the hostname
with the at sign (``@'').
Using this feature you're able to control all syslog messages on one
host, if all other machines will log remotely to that. This tears down
administration needs.
.SS List of Users
Usually critical messages are also directed to ``root'' on that
machine. You can specify a list of users that shall get the message by
simply writing the login. You may specify more than one user by
separating them with commas (``,''). If they're logged in they
get the message. Don't think a mail would be sent, that might be too
.SS Everyone logged on
Emergency messages often go to all users currently online to notify
them that something strange is happening with the system. To specify
.IR wall (1)-feature
use an asterisk (``*'').
Here are some example, partially taken from a real existing site and
configuration. Hopefully they rub out all questions to the
configuration, if not, drop me (Joey) a line.
# Store critical stuff in critical
*.=crit;kern.none /var/adm/critical
This will store all messages with the priority
.B crit
or higher in the file
.IR /var/adm/critical ,
except for any kernel message.
# Kernel messages are first, stored in the kernel
# file, critical messages and higher ones also go
# to another host and to the console
kern.* /var/adm/kernel
kern.crit @finlandia
kern.crit /dev/console
|;kern.!err /var/adm/kernel-info
The first rule direct any message that has the kernel facility to the
.IR /var/adm/kernel .
The second statement directs all kernel messages of the priority
.B crit
and higher to the remote host finlandia. This is useful, because if
the host crashes and the disks get irreparable errors you might not be
able to read the stored messages. If they're on a remote host, too,
you still can try to find out the reason for the crash.
The third rule directs these messages to the actual console, so the
person who works on the machine will get them, too.
The fourth line tells the syslogd to save all kernel messages that
come with priorities from
.BR info " up to " warning
in the file
.IR /var/adm/kernel-info .
Everything from
.I err
and higher is excluded.
# The tcp wrapper loggs with, we display
# all the connections on tty12
mail.=info /dev/tty12
This directs all messages that uses
.BR " (in source " LOG_MAIL " | " LOG_INFO )
.IR /dev/tty12 ,
the 12th console. For example the tcpwrapper
.BR tcpd (8)
uses this as it's default.
# Store all mail concerning stuff in a file
mail.*;mail.!=info /var/adm/mail
This pattern matches all messages that come with the
.B mail
facility, except for the
.B info
priority. These will be stored in the file
.IR /var/adm/mail .
# Log all and messages to info
mail,news.=info /var/adm/info
This will extract all messages that come either with
.BR " or with "
and store them in the file
.IR /var/adm/info .
# Log info and notice messages to messages file
*.=info;*.=notice;mail.none /var/log/messages
This lets the
.B syslogd
log all messages that come with either the
.BR info " or the " notice
facility into the file
.IR /var/log/messages ,
except for all messages that use the
.B mail
# Log info messages to messages file
*.=info;mail,news.none /var/log/messages
This statement causes the
.B syslogd
to log all messages that come with the
.B info
priority to the file
.IR /var/log/messages .
But any message coming either with the
.BR mail " or the " news
facility will not be stored.
# Emergency messages will be displayed using wall
*.=emerg *
This rule tells the
.B syslogd
to write all emergency messages to all currently logged in users. This
is the wall action.
# Messages of the priority alert will be directed
# to the operator
*.alert root,joey
This rule directs all messages with a priority of
.B alert
or higher to the terminals of the operator, i.e. of the users ``root''
and ``joey'' if they're logged in.
*.* @finlandia
This rule would redirect all messages to a remote host called
finlandia. This is useful especially in a cluster of machines where
all syslog messages will be stored on only one machine.
.B Syslogd
uses a slightly different syntax for its configuration file than
the original BSD sources. Originally all messages of a specific priority
and above were forwarded to the log file. The modifiers ``='', ``!''
and ``-'' were added to make the
.B syslogd
more flexible and to use it in a more intuitive manner.
The original BSD syslogd doesn't understand spaces as separators between
the selector and the action field.
.PD 0
.I /etc/syslog.conf
Configuration file for
.B syslogd
The effects of multiple selectors are sometimes not intuitive. For
example ``mail.crit,*.err'' will select ``mail'' facility messages at
the level of ``err'' or higher, not at the level of ``crit'' or
.BR sysklogd (8),
.BR klogd (8),
.BR logger (1),
.BR syslog (2),
.BR syslog (3)
.B syslogd
is taken from BSD sources, Greg Wettstein (
performed the port to Linux, Martin Schulze (
made some bugfixes and added some new features.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
/* Program to test daemon logging. */
* Sat Dec 11 12:07:50 CST 1993: Dr. Wettstein
* Compiles clean with -Wall. Renamed for first public distribution.
* Use this freely but if you make a ton of money with it I
* expect a cut... :-)
* Thu Jan 6 11:52:10 CST 1994: Dr. Wettstein
* Added support for reading getting log input from the standard
* input. To activate this use a - as the single arguement to the
* the program. Note that there is a hack in the code to pause
* after each 1K has been written. This eliminates what appears
* to be a problem with overrunning a UNIX domain socket with
* excessive amounts of input.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
extern int main(int, char **);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto char *nl,
auto int logged = 0;
if (argc > 1)
if ( (*argv[1] == '-') && (*(argv[1]+1) == '\0') )
while (!feof(stdin))
if ( fgets(bufr, sizeof(bufr), stdin) != \
(char *) 0 )
if ( (nl = strrchr(bufr, '\n')) != \
(char *) 0)
*nl = '\0';
syslog(LOG_INFO, bufr);
logged += strlen(bufr);
if ( logged > 1024 )
logged = 0;
while (argc-- > 1)
syslog(LOG_INFO, argv++[1]);
syslog(LOG_EMERG, "EMERG log.");
syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Alert log.");
syslog(LOG_CRIT, "Critical log.");
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error log.");
syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Warning log.");
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Notice log.");
syslog(LOG_INFO, "Info log.");
syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Debug log.");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user