Stand-alone Example syslogp() Application

This is a very simple stand-alone example application. The purpose is to show how to use the sysklogd 2.x API, e.g. syslogp(), to use "new" RFC5424 features like MsgID.

Included in this directory are two files:

  • example.c: actual C code example
  • plain Makefile for building example

Provided the two files are in the same (writable) directory, you can build the application like this:

make -f

GNU Autotools

If you want to use GNU autoconf & automake instead. The following is recommended in and to build your application.

# (snippet)

# Check for pkg-config tool, required for next step

# Check for required libraries
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([syslog], [libsyslog >= 2.0])


# (snippet)

bin_PROGRAMS    = example

example_SOURCES = example.c
example_CFLAGS  = $(syslog_CFLAGS)
example_LDADD   = $(syslog_LIBS)

NOTE: Most free/open source software that uses configure default to install to /usr/local. However, some Linux distributions do no longer search that path for installed software, e.g. Fedora and Alpine Linux. To help your configure script find its dependencies you have to give the pkg-config a prefix path:

PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ./configure