2020-07-29 15:33:25 +08:00

151 lines
2.8 KiB

#ifndef BASE_RUN_SET_H
#define BASE_RUN_SET_H
#include "base/run.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
namespace base {
template <typename T>
class run_set {
void clear() {
void add(T const &b) {
add(run<T>(b, b + 1));
void add(T const &b, T const &e) {
add(run<T>(b, e));
void add(run<T> const &r_) {
run<T> r(r_);
if (runs_.size()) {
// Skip all blocks that end before r
const_iterator it = runs_.lower_bound(r);
if (it != runs_.begin())
while (it != runs_.end() && it->end_ < r.begin_)
// work out which runs overlap
if (it != runs_.end()) {
r.begin_ = min_maybe(it->begin_, r.begin_);
const_iterator first = it;
while (it != runs_.end() && it->begin_ <= r.end_) {
r.end_ = max_maybe(it->end_, r.end_);
// remove overlapping runs
runs_.erase(first, it);
void merge(run_set<T> const &rhs) {
for (const_iterator it = rhs.begin(); it != rhs.end(); ++it)
bool member(T const &v) const {
if (!runs_.size())
return false;
typename rset::const_iterator it = runs_.lower_bound(run<T>(v));
if (it != runs_.end() && it->begin_ == v)
return true;
if (it != runs_.begin()) {
return it->contains(v);
return false;
struct compare_begin {
bool operator ()(run<T> const &r1, run<T> const &r2) const {
return r1.begin_ < r2.begin_;
typedef std::set<run<T>, compare_begin> rset;
typedef typename rset::const_iterator const_iterator;
const_iterator begin() const {
return runs_.begin();
const_iterator end() const {
return runs_.end();
void negate() {
rset replacement;
if (runs_.begin() == runs_.end())
else {
typename rset::const_iterator b = runs_.begin();
// Some versions of gcc give a spurious
// warning here. So we initialize it to
// get round it.
maybe last(0);
last = b->end_;
if (b->begin_)
replacement.insert(run<T>(maybe(), *(b->begin_)));
while (b != runs_.end()) {
replacement.insert(run<T>(last, b->begin_));
last = b->end_;
if (last)
replacement.insert(run<T>(last, maybe()));
runs_ = replacement;
typedef typename run<T>::maybe maybe;
static maybe min_maybe(maybe const &m1, maybe const &m2) {
if (!m1 || !m2)
return maybe();
return maybe(std::min<T>(*m1, *m2));
static maybe max_maybe(maybe const &m1, maybe const &m2) {
if (!m1 || !m2)
return maybe();
return maybe(std::max<T>(*m1, *m2));
rset runs_;